Stella made her desires true-1.0

This Story is part of Stella made her desires true Series

“I agree whole-heartedly,” she said, rubbing his arm. She was grateful he was so protective as it made her feel special, and it let her see how deeply he cared for her. “I think I’m going to cool it with the dating scene for a while. I don’t seem to be having any luck, so I’ll quit while I’m ahead.”

Shifting in her chair, she gave Jack a stern look. “Now that you know how my night went, let’s get back to you,” she said, poking his breastbone with a finger. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain last night?”

Shrugging, he winced again. “It wasn’t too bad. I figured get some sleep and it would be better getting up.”

“But it’s not better, is it? I didn’t think so. You’ve had this before, and you know I can help. I wish you would stop trying to pretend nothing’s wrong when there is. So many times you’ve bent over backwards for me, and I won’t accept doing less for you. Understand?”

Standing, Stella brought their empty mugs to the sink and returned to take Jack’s hand, pulling him from the chair. “Let’s see if we can at least ease some of your pain. No buts, Jack. You know it worked before.”

Surrendering, he followed her to the second floor. While he went to the bathroom, Stella went to her room to get the oil and peel off her jersey. Then going to the master bedroom, she grabbed the old sheet from beneath the king-sized bed and had it laid out by the time he returned.

She turned to face him. “Drop ’em,” she smiled, pointing to his boxers and jerking her finger down.

Doing as she asked, he climbed onto the middle of the bed, grimacing from the movements. When he was stretched out on his belly, she joined him to kneel at his side. Seeing the scars brought back the painful memories of their creation, but she pushed it aside, concentrating on Jack’s needs.

Stella had bought the vanilla-scented massage oil not only because it was non-toxic, but edible too. Over the years helping ease Jack’s occasional back pains, she’d become skilled massaging him, and took any opportunity to practice on him. Not to mention the added bonus of seeing and feeling him naked. She also knew he eagerly enjoyed the sight of her being naked above him.

“This is going to hurt for a while,” she warned, rubbing her hands together to warm the oil. “Try to relax and let my fingers do their work, okay?”

When he nodded in understanding, she started on the back of his neck, kneading firmly. His muscles felt like granite beneath her strong fingers, a sign he was long overdue for this. Though he tried to remain quiet, gasps and groans of pain still escaped. She hated the thought of hurting her best friend, but it was only temporary pain, and was beneficial.

Moving to his shoulders, the texture of the puckered scars felt neat under her fingers. The largest scar began on the right side of his rib cage and cut up over his shoulder blade to the front of his collar bone. The torn metal which created it was one of two four-foot-long swords of wreckage that would have impaled her clean through, killing her if he hadn’t deflected them with his back. As her hand ran over a circular scar on the ribs, Jack gave a short, harsh cough, his entire body spasming in pain.

“Oh God,” Stella cried in horror, whipping her hands from him. “I’m sorry, Jack. I forgot it would do that.”

“No prob,” he managed through clenched teeth, his body sagging as the momentary agony passed. “It’s just my body remembering, reminding me I’m still alive,” he chuckled, the pain in his voice robbing some of the humor from his words.

Stella remembered too. The scar was from the second long lance of metal he prevented from reaching her. But where the first had sliced upwards across his shoulder, the other stabbed between his ribs, piercing a lung to emerge out the front of his ribs. Even now she recalled the bloody six-inch spike sticking from his chest as he hung over her in the wreck, the echo of his scream as the wreckage impaled him sending a shiver through her. She didn’t know if there was a higher power in the universe, but if there was, she was grateful it kept Jack with her.

“I’ll be more careful,” she promised, hesitantly continuing the massage. Working slowly lower, his grunts lessened, strong muscles finally relaxing with the release of tension. When the back was done, she leaned forward to do his arms, the oil allowing her fingers to slide effortlessly despite the pressure she applied. The air was filled with the aroma of vanilla, their favorite scent besides freshly-brewed coffee in the morning.

Shifting position slightly, she applied more oil to knead his buttocks, enjoying how the firm flesh and muscles clenched and relaxed beneath her fingers, and the tiny gasps of pleasure Jack made. She loved his butt, both nude and in tight jeans. Working his legs, she secretly smiled watching his bum wiggling from massaging the sensitive backs of his thighs.

Finishing with his toes, she sat back on her heels. “Okay, time to roll over, rover,” she giggled.

Jack complied, his short grunt a far cry from his earlier pain-filled moans.

“You don’t have to do my whole body,” he said. “I’m feeling a lot better now.”

“Oh no. You’re not getting away that easy, Jack Hunter Wolf.” On impulse, she suddenly swung her leg over his narrow hips, easing her firm buttocks onto his thighs. Her hairless pussy rested on his scrotum, its hairs tickling it slightly. In response to the touch of her warm flesh, his cock throbbed several times, thickening to become semi-erect. She pretended not to notice as she started with his arms.

“There,” she said in amusement, “you’re trapped. Let’s see you get away now.”

“I don’t think I can,” he admitted, his grin matching hers. “Or that I’d want to.”

“That’s right,” she laughed, leaning over to give him a kiss on the lips. “I got you, and I’m keeping you.”

His former groans of pain were becoming moans of pleasure as she worked his muscles. The feel of his slippery skin under her fingertips was luxurious, and she concentrated on prolonging the massage.

“Jack, can I ask you something,” she asked out of the blue.

“Sure,” he replied. “You know you can anytime.”

“Well,” she began hesitantly, “last night, as I was going to bed, I got to wondering. I’ve been trying to find a guy for a while now, granted without luck. But, except for the girl you took out to start college, I can’t remember you dating anyone else. I can’t get why out of my head.”

“Oh, that. It might take a bit to explain.”

Stella grinned coyly. “That’s okay. I’m not letting you go for a while.”

“Well, in that case,” he chuckled. “How do I explain? I think in part it’s the girls I meet. At first all of them seem nice, but the moment they find out about the house and truck, suddenly I’m the catch of the day, and they want to move right in. And of course, that means getting rid of you.” He shook his head. “No way that’s going to happen. I don’t care how nice they seem. Remember the obsessive girl two years ago?”

Stella frowned at the memory. “The one calling at all hours of the day and night, hanging up whenever I answered? Wasn’t she also the one who practically staked out the house looking for you?”

“That’s the one,” he answered with a grimace. “It’s that type that turned me off dating. Since then, I guess I got discouraged and a little scared to try again, if that makes any sense.”

She nodded. “I understand perfectly. That’s why I’ve decided to cool it myself. But I heard you say that was part of the reason. It’s more than that, isn’t it?”

“Damn, Stella, you know me too well,” he laughed.

“You better believe it. Come on, Jack, it’s okay to tell me.” Done with his arms, she sat up straight, resting her hands on either side of his waist, waiting. In that position, her arms were pressing her small breasts closer together, creating a bit of cleavage he couldn’t help but notice.

“It’s going to sound pretty weird, I think,” he warned.

“Maybe,” she replied, gently rubbing her fingers on his breastbone, “but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to understand. No matter what it is, you won’t offend me. You know that.”

“That’s true,” he said. “Well, here goes,” he said, taking a deep breath before explaining.

“We’ve known each other, and been best friends for, what now, fifteen years? You’ve always been there for me, looked out for and after me, and know me better than anybody can. More than a few times I’ve wondered if you can read my mind.”

Stella laughed. “I’ve wondered the same thing about you sometimes.”

“Exactly. This’ll sound corny, but I feel you’re my soul-mate. I can’t imagine life without you around.”

“It’s not corny because I feel the same way,” she admitted, tenderly stroking his cheek. Unconsciously he nuzzled her hand. “I never doubted we were meant to be best friends. Even mom has said many times we’re two peas in a pod.”

“So true. Looking for a girlfriend, I guess I’ve based the ideal one on, well, you. You’re smart, wise, caring, patient, funny, and playful. Everything and more someone could look for in another.”

“Flatterer,” she whispered affectionately.

“If flattery is being honest, then guilty as charged. I know basing a possible girlfriend on you will leave me a lonely man. You’re too special to compare other girls with because no one can come close to you. Ever since you moved in, I feel I don’t need a girlfriend. Seeing you every day is more than I could ever ask for.”

Leaning over, she gave him a long, heartfelt kiss, letting it speak for her. As they parted, both were flushed and breathless, Stella feeling the stirrings of arousal and noticed Jack’s cock was now fully hard. It took a lot of willpower not to caress it.

Stella made her desires true-1.0 will continue in the next page.

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