When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 04

When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 04 continues… To understand this following story you will have to read the first two. These three work it out, and more. We stood up and headed towards the car park. I slipped my arm round Baileys waist and said. “Rosalie […] Read More… from When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 04

When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 05

When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 05 continues… “No nothing, but I have developed feelings for Rosalie. She has looked after me, she’s helped me get my heart’s desire, she’s supported me all through this and I think I’m starting to fall in love with her as […] Read More… from When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 05