Putting together storm – 4

“Ok…now lick me, eat my pussy Tom, suck my clit for me,” she asked though I saw her wince a little with a slightly louder roll of thunder. I knew that the appearance of lightning once again wasn’t that far away. And with that…her need and desire would become even greater for me in helping her keep her mind off that. The problem was…I was running out of options here, and as much as I enjoyed going down on a woman, I couldn’t see myself being able to continue doing that over the next several hours here.

She did indeed come. And came hard too, screaming out her pleasure, her head rolling back and forth from side to side. She’d even humped herself fiercely against my face, which felt like I’d been punched as hard as she’d done that to me. Though I held on, licking and sucking her until she finally collapsed in a heap beneath me, still breathing heavily.

“Time for a break,” she mused, finally picking herself up as I likewise moved back to sit on the couch again. “And besides, I need to put another load in the washer,” she added, moving off. She made it to the doorway before disappearing when she turned around to face me.

“I wonder if fucking my ass counts,” she said more to herself than to me, then disappeared down the stairs, leaving me to sit there and wonder about that one myself.


I moved off into the kitchen, poured myself a nice tall glass of orange juice, and then wandered over to the sliding glass doors looking outside and down onto the deck. I was slightly surprised to now find myself almost more comfortable and relaxed walking around naked than I actually did having clothes on. But I also knew, that made me vulnerable as well, and much more easily aroused.

It had quit raining. Though the skies remained dark, and the seas still choppy though not nearly to the extent they had been. Even the rumble of thunder in the distance seemed to be diminishing rather than escalating, so that was something anyway. But as I very well knew…this was simply the calm before the storm. According to the weather reports, we’d know within the next few hours or so, just how bad it was really going to get.

I sincerely hoped at that very moment that Sophia would indeed wrap things up early, and head home soon after that. She was already late in calling to let us know she’d gotten there safely, which now began to weigh heavily on my mind as I stood there glancing outside. So absorbed in my thoughts, I hadn’t even heard Joy as she stepped up behind me. Not until I felt the exquisite press of her bare breasts against my back, her hands coming around, taking up my now flaccid prick, waggling it a bit as she stood there behind me.

It was at that moment the phone rang, causing both of us to jump nervously. Joy dashed for it, picking up her cell seconds later, smiling as she saw who was calling, nodding her head towards me.

“Hi mom, so you made it ok I take it?” She listened for a moment, still smiling, once again nodding her head. “Well of course we did,” she laughed looking at me, running her tongue over and around her lips. “No…not yet, but I’m working on it,” she freely stated as well. “So far…he’s been a good boy. But I’ll let you know the moment he isn’t,” she then added. They talked further, for a moment more, before saying good-bye.

“Well, she got there safely, but the weather affected a couple of the other people in getting there, so they’re running late. She said she’d call us as soon as she has a better feel for things…but thought it might be prudent to warn us, she may be taking a room for the night nearby. Something about one of the main roads getting back here being flooded at the moment, and an hour’s detour being the only other way back. Said she’d call if anything changes…but now wanted us to know, best not to expect her.”

“Great!” I said to myself trying to smile…especially the way she now stood there looking at me. I was beginning to think there really was no hope for any of this, and was just about ready to throw in the towel there and then, and get it over with.

And then we heard the thunder again, louder this time. The expression on her face changed from one of lusty playfulness, seduction, to one of true outright fear. She was nervous again and walked over towards me.

“Hold me…just hold me,” she said, shivering.

“Even better,” I said, picking her up. And then carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.


I had peeled back the cool, crisp sheets on her bed, helping her to slide in between them, joining her after she had. Laying on my back, Joy settled herself into the crook of my arm, taking my hand in hers, and then placing it against the fullness of her wonderfully soft breast. Within minutes I could hear her gentle snoring as she fell asleep. It wasn’t long before I actually joined her.

I’m not sure how long it was that we lay there sleeping together, a couple of hours at the least. But it was unfortunately a loud crack of very nearby lightning, and then thunder that woke the two of us simultaneously. The wind was once again picking up, the sound of rain beating against the windows alerting us to the fact that the storm was indeed getting worse again. Joy shivered, not from being cold, but from honestly being afraid, hugging me even more closely as yet again we saw and then heard another almost too close lightning strike.

“Fuck!” She exclaimed, burying her face against my side. “Do something Tom! Distract me!” Only then did I realize she was holding onto my dick like some sort of handrail, trying to steady herself. The way she was gripping it, and then squeezed it with the next peel of lightning and thunder, I knew if I didn’t do something soon, she was apt to rip it off. Literally prying her hand away, which wasn’t easy…I rolled her onto her back.

“Close your eyes, try not to think about it, and concentrate on this,” I told her. I slid down between her legs, parting them, though she seemed eager for me to do so. Placing my fingers on either side of her labia,

I then pulled those apart, her open sweet pussy staring back at me when I did that. In seconds she was already leaking with anticipation, fluids beginning to seep inside her pussy as I slid my finger inside her, playing in them. The one thing about Joy that was an absolute certainty, she loved having her pussy fingered, almost as much, if not more than my licking or sucking her clit. And for the moment at least, it was just what the Dr. ordered.

When her own hands came up to cup her breasts and begin fingering her nipples, I knew she’d at least managed to put the sounds of the growing storm outside out of her mind. Moaning softly now, she continued to roll and pull on her nipples as I tenderly traced the tip of my finger over and around that hard extended little clit of hers.

“God that feels good,” she moaned once again. “But…”


“Yeah…I’d like you to do something else for me…if you wouldn’t mind doing it that is.”

“Like what?”

“Rub my clit…with your cock, tease me like that,” she pleaded.

“I don’t know Joy…that’s bordering on…”

“No it’s not!” She said firmly. “I’m not asking you to fuck me. And besides, you have to ask me, remember? I won’t let you…until you do.”

“Ah huh.”

“No, come on Tom, just rub me there that way. I want to feel your prick slapping against my clit, rubbing it…teasing it. Please Tom, please!”

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