Maybe in a million years – 3

“Are you going to stay and watch Aunt Sophia suck my cock?” Mom blushed at that, though I think some of it was her arousal too. She obviously still was, her nipples like my cock had begun to harden again.

“You’re actually going to let her?” She asked, though her tone of voice immediately told me she wasn’t asking it in hopes that I wouldn’t…but that I was going to.

“Of course I am! What man in his right mind doesn’t enjoy having his dick sucked?”

“Well your father for one,” mom said not quite under her breath, though sheepishly laughing at herself shortly after that. “Though maybe…it’s because I didn’t do it very well or something. Maybe…maybe I should at least watch how Sophia does it. Then maybe one day, when I meet a man…”

“Ah huh…whatever,” I grinned. “Watch…or do…up to you.”

“I…I just couldn’t Xavier. This was bad enough. But actually doing anything with you, or two of you…it’s just wrong, really wrong.”

“Oh. But you and Sophia are perfectly ok.”

“That’s different.”

“Oh? And how’s that? It’s still considered incest if that’s your reasoning, no difference.”

“Well maybe it is…or maybe it isn’t. Doesn’t matter either way. It’s a BIG difference to me. You are my son, a part of me…I see it slightly differently, right or wrong. So I just can’t. I just can’t.”

“Suit yourself mom. But here comes your sister now. And right now, I really do want to have my cock sucked by someone who really wants to.”

My Aunt had walked over now looking down at the two of us. “So…you staying for this or what?”

“She wants to watch…see how you do it,” I joked. “Thinks maybe she’ll learn a thing or two at the very least.”

“Ah huh…” Sophia giggled. “Hell Xavier, she’s the one who showed me how to do it.”

I openly laughed once again. “Figured as much. But regardless, I’m really looking forward to this,” I told my Aunt as she scooted up between my legs as I sat there on the chair. In seconds, she was licking and tonguing me, pleasuring the hard swollen head of my prick, and then sucked me deeply inside her mouth, pleasuring me even more as mom sat next to us looking on. I wasn’t at all surprised of course as only a few minutes later, mom was openly masturbating herself looking on while her sister pleasured her nephews cock.

“What?” she asked me though I hadn’t said anything. “I never said seeing you…looking at you didn’t turn me on. I already admitted to that, I just can’t…do what my sister’s doing. That’s all.”

“Well in that case mom, enjoy yourself then. I know I certainly am. And to be even more honest about it, I quite like watching you sitting there touching yourself. So what’s to say we just relax and enjoy this. Though I will say this too mom. If you are in fact the one who actually taught your sister how to give a decent blowjob, then you truly must be one hell of a fine cock-sucker yourself. Dad was an idiot if he didn’t like feeling this!”

Mom blushed profusely, but said nothing more. But the shyness had gone out of her fingers as she brazenly sat there twiddling her clit.

But I had to give my Aunt a great deal of credit too, she knew how to pleasure a man’s cock. Even though I had climaxed a short time ago, it wasn’t long until I felt the beginnings of yet again, another glorious orgasm. I began spewing into my Aunt’s mouth as she sucked, swallowed, and sucked some more, finally sucking out what had to be the last remnants of my spunk. Only then holding the last portion of it, grinning at me obscenely, showing to both me along with my mother, the spermy-white toothpaste she was holding inside there.

“Hmm, nice,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear, and then lowered her voice, whispering. “Better than drinking it out of a glass,” she winked.

Mom had watched rather enthusiastically the entire time of course, unabashedly playing with herself, and even timing her own orgasm to coincide with my own. This time, it was her turn to pee, so she excused herself, though not before putting on her entire bikini again, which effectively told my Aunt and I, that the party for today at least…was over.

“You’re a naughty…naughty man, you know that?”

“Yeah, I know. And from now on Aunt Sue…I plan on being a whole lot naughtier too. Watching the two of you was amazing. But I have no intention of leaving it there either. Mom might be a bit shy and apprehensive at the moment, so here’s what we’re going to do.”

My Aunt Sophia sat listening to my ideas, shaking her head from time to time as though wondering just how the hell I was going to actually pull some of this off, without causing mom to go running into the night because of it.

“Don’t worry. I know she’s acting hesitant, and is…she’s obviously struggling with the notion and idea, but given enough time, and suggestive arousal, she’ll come around eventually. Just wait and see.”

“Maybe, maybe not Xavier. I do know your mother fairly well, you know. And though this obviously did arouse and excite her quite a bit, she can be pretty stubborn and set in her ways too, as you well know. So don’t push things too far, or too hard. Or she really will shut down if she’s too emotionally distraught with her conscience and emotions.”

“Yeah, but I know her too, Aunt Sophia. And I think she just needs a bit more coaxing and stimulation, and that she really will eventually come around. You say that what seems to get her really aroused is the silly things sometimes, half-way kinky things that get her juices flowing? Well…let’s start with that then, see how things go from there. Now…why don’t you go inside, check on mom, maybe talk to her some about what happened here.

In the meantime, I’ll run to the store, pick up a few things for a nice BBQ dinner tonight, along with a nice bottle of wine, and we’ll see how the evening goes. How’s that sound?”

Though my Aunt agreed with me to some extent, she really was worried that I might press the issue with mom a bit harder than what she could mentally and emotionally handle. But I had no intention of doing that either. Once again, when and if mom did come around to my way of thinking, the moment when she did…would be all the sweeter indeed.


The rest of the evening went pretty much as planned. We had a nice relaxing dinner together along with a nice bottle of wine to mellow everyone out. And never once was anything brought up or discussed about the afternoon’s events. Though Aunt Sophia had promised me that she would find a way to get mom to somehow talk about it, or at least share her thoughts with her regarding it after they had retired to bed.

I wasn’t about to sit back and let my Aunt tell me however…I wanted to hear first hand for myself what was said, and from that…I felt I’d have a better idea of where to go next in this subtle seduction of my mother.

I soon after said goodnight, heading upstairs to my own room, made some noise about settling in for the night, then quietly crept back out into the hallway a short time after that. The two of them just then turned off the lights and prepared to head down the stairs to their room. I waited until they had done so…and once more, tip-toed quietly down their stairs, until I was again just outside the door of their bedroom.

“Well…it certainly was an interesting day today, wasn’t it?”

“You can say that again!” Mom breathed emphasizing her earlier excitement. “I sure as hell never expected that! Knowing he was watching us was one thing, but then having him actually come walking out when he did, the way he did, certainly wasn’t! I mean good god Sophia! Did you see the size of that thing? How hard was it?”

My Aunt laughed.

“Yeah I know…of course you did. You were sucking it for Pete’s sake!”

“Jealous? Just a little?” Sophia asked.

“Hell yes. Of course I was! And doing it in front of me no less! Of course I was jealous…what mother wouldn’t be? And especially as it was my very own sister who was sucking on it while I sat there watching her do it! Damn right I was!” And then mom paused, lowering her voice a little as though fearful I might actually be standing outside their door or something. “And how was it anyway? How’d…you know, how’d it taste?”

“Heavenly,” Aunt Sophia answered. “But seriously Maxine…if you really want to know, you should just go ahead and do it. You know damn good and well he’d let you. He loves you.”

“Of course he loves me. I’m his mother. But mothers do NOT run around sucking their son’s cocks!”

“Oh…but it’s ok if an Aunt does?”

Mom was silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing. “Well in this case, yes. At least I got to see you doing it, even if I couldn’t. That was fucking hot. But you never did answer my question. How did my son’s cum taste anyway?”

“Tell you what,” Sophia spoke once more whispering as though she too was worried I might actually be listening in. If you want to find out what your son’s cum tastes like…I think I know a way to do that, without him ever knowing that you did.”

“And pray tell…just how would you go about doing that?” Mom asked…curiously.

“Well, I think I have an idea, and it’s just naughty/kinky enough that I think even you would be willing to take it that far at least.”

“Quit teasing me Sophia! How?”

“How’d you like licking your son’s cum out of my pussy!?”

There was a long…long pause. I was even surprised by that one myself.

“Wow…really? You think you can get him to fuck you? And then…wow, and then squirt inside you? How the hell would you get to me then though Sophia? I mean…I’d want it fresh, not like hours old you know…geesh! I know I have this kinky side to me and all, but even that’s a bit too kinky for my taste!”

“Actually, I think it would be a lot easier than you think. What we’d do is this. You have your volunteer time at the clinic tomorrow, yes?”

“Well no…day after tomorrow.”

“No…tomorrow,” Sophia waited.

“Oh…tomorrow, yes. Tomorrow! What then?”

“Well…I’ll make sure my phone is on, so you can actually listen in and hear everything too. That should certainly get your motor running. What we’ll then do is this. I’ll concoct some story about making some sort of promise to you or something, about actually letting him fuck me. Tell him that even though you were ok with me sucking him off, you draw the line at actually fucking him.”

“I was actually considering doing just that!”

“Fat chance sweetie! The moment I can get that boy’s thick hard cock into this pussy…I’m taking it! Anyway…I’ll make sure you know it, hear it the moment he cums in me. After he does, you suddenly come walking in unexpectedly. I’ll make sure to race downstairs in order to get dressed, something along those lines.

Then you come down stairs to change clothes yourself, and of course…that’s where you’ll find me. Laying on the bed with a pussy full of your son’s hot creamy spunk. How’s that sound? Then you can taste as much of it as you like, nice and fresh…not to mention, giving my pussy a nice tongue lashing in the meantime.”

“Fuck Sophia, I wish it was full of his cum right now I want to taste it so bad. Think it’ll really work?”

“I know it will be a baby. I know it will. Now come here. Just talking about you licking me has me all fired up again. And I know damn good and well, by the way you’re standing there with those nipples of yours sticking a mile out, that you’re even hornier than I am just thinking about it.”

“Yeah…thinking about licking my son’s cum out of my own sister’s cunt. God…I’m so bad Sophia, so very, very bad. I can’t believe how the thought of that actually excites me so much!”

“Well you do know Max…I’m sure that your son would be more than happy to let you taste his cum straight from the source, anytime…anywhere. “

“Yes…I know. But just because I want to. And just because he’d even let me, doesn’t mean that I can ever really entertain the thought of actually doing that. Licking my son’s sperm out of your pussy is bad enough.”

“Yes it is…isn’t it?” Aunt Sophia giggled. Followed shortly after that by the sound of the two of them pretending to be eating my cum out of both of their cunts.

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