Love for my mom – 2

This Story is part of Lust for my mother Series

The moment she held them between her fingers, rolling them about, it was as though I suddenly had three clits.

“Oh fuck! Mom! Mom!” There was no way I could hold out, the tidal wave of pleasure suddenly rolling over me, consuming me, was simply too good to fight against. I came harder than I ever remember doing, mom’s mouth licking, sucking and devouring the cream that now flowed from me in a torrent of orgasmic bliss. I saw stars, heard my own voice as though from a distance as I cried out at the top of my lungs.


For the better part of an hour, we lay there together in mom’s bed, orally pleasuring one another. Taking turns, though then later towards the end, laying on our sides doing one another simultaneously. I was a novice at it of course, but natural instincts took over, doing to mom what I enjoyed feeling myself. And I took her lead very often as well, sensing what she did, doing it back, following. The two of us mewling like contented cats licking up milk, which in a sense, we were both doing. Even mom’s pussy seemed to secrete more fluid now than it had done earlier.

Mine as well, the “milk” which is just what it looked like, pouring out of me in tiny little streams that mom lapped away at, purring contentedly as she did. I lost track of the number of orgasms we gave one another.

“Oh my god Rose! Look at the time! Your Aunt Stella will be here in less than half an hour!”

Reluctantly, we made ourselves presentable again, and headed downstairs into the kitchen where I helped mom start putting together things for the meal. Fixing up a nice tossed-green salad as she began fixing the pasta sauce, getting it on the stove to simmer for a while, we’d just managed to finish doing all that when we heard my Aunt sticking her head through the open door in the living room.

“You who! I’m here!” She announced.

I followed mom in carrying two glasses of wine, mom carrying one for herself as she greeted my Aunt with a kiss and a hug before sitting down. I walked over demurely, handing my Aunt her glass as she eyed me speculatively. She had dark circles under her eyes, which I hadn’t really seen before. She’d been going without much sleep, or so it seemed anyway.

“And how’s my favorite niece anyway?” she asked, accepting her wine, sipping from it, trying to keep things light even though there was a little tension in the air.

“You’re only niece,” I responded back, though smiling as I did so.

“Which makes you my favorite,” she quipped, looking a bit more relaxed now, though her eyes remained cautious. She then glanced over towards mom, mom giving her a simple nod of the head, telling her in a sense that we’d indeed talked, though of course Aunt Stella had no idea we’d done far more than just that.

“So Rose. I take it then your mothers told you everything,” she began. I looked at mom, trying to keep a straight face here, still looking a bit serious myself.

“She did, yes. She told me about the two of you growing up, and how you were always there for her whenever she needed you. All about dad, and now Jerry…so that I at least have a better understanding of what it was I saw when I came into the room when the two of you were sitting here.”

Ironically, they were again. Sitting in the exact same places they had been, me now sitting across from the two of them in one of two large comfortable armchairs. Aunt Stella took another sip of her wine, setting it down on the coaster on the table. “I see. And, well…did you have anything you wanted to ask me?”

“I do. I am still curious about something,” I told her, now placing my own wine glass down on the table, leaning forward a bit looking her directly in the eye.

“Go ahead honey, feel free to ask me anything you’d like. Whatever it is, I’ll be perfectly honest with you about it.”

I took another quick glance back at mom, and then at my Aunt again, sitting back in my seat now. “Ok, so my question to you is…” I paused. “Have you ever watched yourself masturbate in a mirror before?”


It was actually pretty funny. My aunt looked at mom, her eyes as big around as saucers, and then back towards me. Her mouth opened though no words came out as she glanced back at mom again. Finally mom spoke.

“Actually sis, I’m rather curious about that myself, so…have you?”

It finally dawned on her that there was a hell of a lot going on here than we’d let her in on as she finally composed herself, though still looking quite confused. At least she was smiling now, and the worry lines around her eyes seemed to almost magically disappear.

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