Life long Friends to lovers

This Story is part of Life long Friends to lovers Series

“Doing what?” he asked, his voice soft again. His cock eased inside me and went in and out for a minute and I was loving the way he felt.

“Pulling out of me! Fuck me if you’re going to!”

“You want me to fuck you?” he asked, pulling back till he was nearly out again.


“Say it.”

“You bastard!” I hissed.

“Yeah, ok, I’m a bastard and you’re a twat. But tell me you want me to fuck you and I will.”

He was rubbing his cock up and down my pussy.

“Say it, Sam. Tell me what you want. Say it.”

“Goddamn it, Gregory, fuck me! I want you to fuck me!”

“Ah yes….that’s it…” he said and he buried his cock inside me again, “yes, yes, that’s it. Now say please and I will fuck the shit out of you.”

I was mad but I was more turned on than I had ever been in my life. It would take Gregory to bring that kind of emotion out of me, the bastard.

“Please,” I said, holding him tight, “please, please fuck me. I want you to fuck me, Gregory. Please.”

“Yes my darling,” he said, “I will. Your pussy is so fucking tight!”

And then he got down. I mean he got busy. That man fucked me better than I had ever had it in my life. He wore my ass out. How was I supposed to know that he could fuck like that? And did he stop? No.

He turned me over on my stomach, pushed two pillows under me, propping up my ass and then he went down on me again from the back and got me so wet I couldn’t believe it myself and then he slyly eased that cock in me again and did it some more. I swear I saw stars. I was calling Jesus and every saint in Heaven I could think of. My legs were trembling and he just held me fast and kept pumping, in and out, hard, deep and strong.

“You’re gonna make me cum,” he whispered, “and I’m gonna cum inside you. My hot cum up in your pussy is gonna be so fucking good. And then when I rest, I’m going to fuck you again. I want some more of this pussy. I knew it was good. I knew it…oh fuck, fuck yes…oh, God yes…”

I was out of my mind by then. Just hearing him talk was enough to get me there but then he touched my clit again and I came too.

We lay in bed together, panting and breathing hard and wanting more. He had that smug smile on his face that used to piss me off. And he also had that perfect body. Not an ounce of fat on him. And I looked at my own body, a bit too much stomach and thighs and wondered why he was looking at me the way he was.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he said softly, touching my neck. He leaned over and kissed me right at my collarbone. Something moved inside my heart.

“What am I thinking?” I asked.

“You women make me sick worrying about a little fat here or there. You’re supposed to have some fat on you. It’s what gives you these curves that are so sweet.”

He moved down and kissed my stomach.

“Like this. This is just sweet. I love it,”

Okay. Maybe Gregory wasn’t as big an asshole as I thought he was. Then he licked my thighs again in that spot. Things got a little hazy for me.

“Your thighs are delicious just as they are. Just like this sweet pussy. I used to wank all the time thinking about your pussy. It’s even better than I thought it would be. We shouldn’t have been fighting, Sam. We should have been fucking.”

And then he was inside me again. I couldn’t believe it was Gregory, bratty, mouthy snotty Gregory making me feel so damn good.

When I woke up, he was gone. No note, nothing. Just like him, I thought. Well, I had to go to my first day of physical therapy and I wasn’t looking forward to it. I knew it was going to hurt. I felt good from the sex Gregory and I had shared, but I had hoped he would have stayed and talked to me.

I slept late and then lay in bed watching television. My appointment wasn’t until later in the afternoon so I had some time. I wore a tank top and put a sweater on top and pulled on a skirt and stepped into my Doc Martens and figured I looked funky enough and went downstairs. Gretchen was there and so was Bill. We talked small talk and I didn’t tell her what had happened. She was giving me sly smiles all the time but she didn’t mention it either.

When it was time for me to leave, Bill dropped me off at the clinic and left without saying a word about how I was going to get home. That irritated me but I kind of knew my way around and figured I’d take the Tube and maybe go do a bit of shopping.

It was a nice clinic, kind of posh, as Gretch and Susan would say. Very nice on the inside with pictures of football stars and such that had been there. The receptionist was very sweet too and the nurse came and led me to a smaller but extremely nice room and said my therapist would be there soon. I sat there and looked around. There was a desk and a couch and a big exercise ball and other things like that. She had asked me to sit on one of the machines that was sort of a big recliner. I laid back and she turned something on and the chair was massaging me. It felt wonderful.

Pink Floyd was playing and the room was softly lit and the recliner thingy was really comfy and so I leaned back and closed my eyes and then I heard the door shut and I looked up right into Gregory’s eyes. He was wearing a white stretch tee shirt and white pants. And he was smiling.

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