His sister makes him jealous part-2

This Story is part of Jealousy Series

“It wouldn’t bother me if you two did. How’s that? I mean…yes, it would bother me, in a good way. Like wanting to see that, watch that.”

Nova laughed. “She said you’d probably say that too. Though I agreed with her knowing you. So you’re saying you’d be ok with the two of us licking one another out? You know…sucking one another’s cunts? Rubbing our pussies together? Stuff like that?”

“Oh fuck! Rose! Stop it!” I said using her more formal name, which I’d always done whenever she was badgering me at one time or another. Though this wasn’t exactly like that, I was trying to get my point across. “You keep talking like that…”

“What? It’ll make you come?”

“Yes!” I said simply, and then paused thinking. “Would…well, would you two let me watch that then?”

“Maybe the second time.”

I looked at her, bewildered.

“It’s been a while Tom. A long while. We talked about it, even before yesterday. If the time ever came again, we’d sort of like that moment, that first time to be between us. Keep it a little special since it has been. You wouldn’t be too terribly upset by that now would you? Jealous that we’d want that?”

I thought about it. Though my sister’s nipple was already telling me that I wouldn’t be.

“No. I can understand that. But then after that? The next time you two would?” I asked, feeling a bit more weak in the knees.

“Guaranteed,” Nova grinned now winking. “It would be hot…having you there, watching us, working this fucking hard cock of yours while the two of us suck one another’s cunts!”

“Oh fuck…Nova!” I groaned loudly.

She grinned…looking down at my dick. “So…you gonna?”

I could only nod my head, looking down, already my balls tightening in anticipation of release. The clenching, spasmodic throb of that first powerful jettison of my spunk already making its presence known.

“Now?” She asked again. I just looked at her, the answer obvious. And then she reached out, grabbing my cock. I think I screamed her name. I’m not actually sure about that. But I stood there looking down, looking down at my own sister’s hand as she clasped, now pumping my prick as geyser after geyser of white sticky cum-cream spewed from my dick, lurching, splashing all over her as she stood there giggling excitedly, pumping me off against her.

When she had finally squeezed out every drop of my essence that she could, she then let me go. She began smearing my semen all over her body as though using it as body wash as I stood there with disbelief in my eyes, watching her. Realizing, my sister had just jerked her own brother off.

“There, that wasn’t so bad now was it? So now…how about you finish doing it for me?”

My hand was inside her pussy even before I had a chance to think about it. I knew I’d be having a long conversation with my hand later. But right now…all I could think about was bringing my sister the same kind of pleasure she had just given me.


After we had dried off and collected ourselves, we went down stairs to fix breakfast. Both are starving at this point.

“So, what’s on your agenda for today? I asked. For myself, I had an early shift at the bookstore, from one to five, putting me home again sometime around six. I knew that Xavier was planning on coming over again this evening, but I wasn’t sure when.

“Mostly laundry, some house cleaning,” she replied. “Which reminds me…strip the sheets off your bed if you would for me please. I can only imagine all the cooties you’ve left there…you and Xavier,” she laughed.

Though Nova didn’t work, it was by agreement between her and my folks. Wanting her to get the first year of college under her belt and work on her studies, mom and dad helped support her, the same way they had done for me my first year in school. In exchange for that, Nova took care of the laundry and some light cleaning, along with helping out with dinners and the like.

“Speaking of Xavier. What time is she coming over today?” I asked inquisitively, ignoring her comment, and not trying or attempting to suggest anything, though Nova of course immediately took it that way.

“She gets off around two. And with luck, I’ll be getting off around three,” she grinned wickedly.

“So you’re going to talk to her then…about what I said?”

“That…and about what you and I did in the shower this morning,” she grinned even more broadly.

I raised my eyebrows at her. “Rose…”

“Quit being a worry wart Tom. She’ll be cool with that, trust me. Not like we haven’t discussed you before. Or the fact that she knows I’ve always been curious about what you looked like, and especially what you would look like when you squirted for me. I’ve always been fascinated by that. So I’m sure as hell going to tell her I finally got to watch you do it.”

“You did a lot more than just watch,” I reminded her.

“I wouldn’t call that a lot Tom,” she smiled. “I barely touched it when you started squirting all over me.”

It was getting hard again.

“Well, I need to get dressed, and then get ready to head off to work,” I said, standing up, though my boxers did little if anything to hide the fact I was once more aroused. Nova didn’t miss seeing that either.

“Try and save some of that for later. I know Xavier will be wanting…and needing that by the time you get home. I think…no, in fact…I know, she’ll be damn fucking horny by the time you arrive, so don’t be too surprised if she’s already naked and waiting for you,” she added.

My dick was even harder now, but it seemed pointless trying to hide it. She was still looking down at it too as it suddenly popped through the opening of my shorts.

“Well…hello,” she giggled. “Somebody wants to come out to play!” She took a step towards me, but I turned away from her.

“You’re insatiable, you know that?”

“Tell it to my pussy,” she grinned. “Though I’m sure Xavier will once she hears about all this, and that you basically gave us permission to suck cunts.”

“God, Rose!” I exclaimed in exasperation, and then turned before I simply walked over and shoved my dick in my sister’s mouth. Tempted as I was.

I listened to her laughter all the way up the stairs as I headed towards my bedroom. Visions of the two of them together now filling my head, which I was pretty sure they would be doing after Xavier arrived.

I smiled at the thought of that. Maybe they really would be naked when I came home today.


My head and thoughts weren’t at work. All I could think about, all I could imagine was the two of them together. Two peas in a pod. Or in this case, a pussy pod. Twice I had had to remove things I’d stocked as I had stocked things incorrectly. Luckily I still had the presence of mind to realize that, and went back to check what I’d done, correcting my mistakes. My shift couldn’t end fast enough.

Images of the two of them locked in a naughty, arousing…wicked embrace, lapping away at one another’s cunts, had left me with another almost painful erection. One I was again cognoscente of, making sure I stood behind the counter while helping to check out customers without being seen.

Even during the drive home I was half tempted to take my dick out, just so it would have room to stand without being so miserably confined. Twice I had to tell my hand no. We really did need to talk at some point. But now was not the time. My hand would win the argument.

I was pleased as I turned the corner on our street to see Xavier’s car, this time parked out in front as I pulled into the drive. And having done so, I of course entered in through the back way, letting my presence be known as the back door slammed shut behind me upon entering. Even then…I heard nothing, no voices, no laughter, no TV. Just total and complete silence.

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