Gestures that made Lexi go wild and hard – part 4

She squeezed again, and I gasped as much from the feeling as where the hell had all this come from? Damn she was wild.

I pulled my cock from inside of her and sat back on my knees. Lana whimpered softly and stretched her legs out next to me, resting her head on her arms on the pillow. I shook my head as I took in her body as she lay there panting in exhaustion. I allowed myself a satisfied smile that I had made her happy. Giving into my own exhaustion, I started to stretch out next to her.

“Pull the covers up honey,” she said. “I can’t move.”

My smile widened at that, and reaching down I grabbed the comforter and pulled it over us as I lay on my side next to her. Lana was on her stomach, but her face was towards me. Her eyes were closed and her face was covered in a sheen of sweat, her brown hair plastered to her cheek. Her lips were parted and unable to resist, I leaned forward and kissed her.

“Hmm,” she opened her eyes. “What was that for?”

“You’re absolutely beautiful Lana.” I told her.

“And you, my Valentine, are a sweetheart.”

“I didn’t feel so sweet just now.” I said with a laugh.

“Oh Jesus.” Lana said, putting her hand over her face.

“Hey,” I exclaimed. “You’re blushing!”

I laughed as Lana covered her face with both of her hands. I could see her brown eyes peeking through her fingers at me.

“Now who’s adorable?” I asked.

“I…” Lana sighed and shook her head. “Lexi, I don’t know where all that came from, I’m sorry I was like that, you must think I’m…”

“A damn hot cougar,” I laughed again. “Don’t worry, I didn’t mind.”

Lana grinned and rolled over on her side to face me.

“Well my Valentine,” she said, reaching out and touching my cheek. “I have another gift for you.”

“Another…” I shook my head. “I know I’m young, but I’m pretty damn worn out.”

“Not that kind of gift!” Lana laughed. “Trust me I’ve had enough,” she winked “for now anyway.”


“Anyway, I have two things for you Lexi. One is a gift, because you’ve earned it and another is an offer that I hope you’ll say yes to.”

“What is it?” I asked, surprised at how serious she had become.

“First the gift. Two weeks ago one of the order pickers in our warehouse put his notice in. His last day was today. I told them not to hire anyone because I had someone.” She smiled at me. “The job is yours Lexi, you can start Monday.”

“Are you…” I sat up looking down at her. “Are you kidding? A fulltime job?”

“Full time.” She nodded. “It doesn’t pay a lot, but it’s a job and they have benefits. I would normally never put my name on the line, but as tonight proves I know you won’t let me down.”

“No!” I said excitedly. “Hell no, God Lana thank you! I can maybe get a better place in a few weeks and…”

I stopped as she reached out and touched my arm.

“Lexi, come lie down with me.”

I slid back under the covers so we were both propped up on our elbows facing each other. Lana didn’t speak right away and I found myself looking at her tits and wondering if we would again in the morning.

“Now for the offer.” She grinned. “See I’ve gotten to know you Lexi and I know what you hate most is a handout, even though you’ve had to live in them. So I knew if I made the offer I am about to, your first argument would be that you couldn’t pay anything and all that bullshit.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Lexi, I want you to come stay with me. I don’t want you going back to that place, I want you here. You have a job now, so if it will make you feel good to buy some groceries or something you can, but I could care less about that. But I know you do.”

“Live here?” I asked.

“Yes Lexi, live here with me.”


How did she mean that? Live like a border or…

“Well,” I started. “I mean like you said you have extra bedrooms right?”

“Honey,” Lana began as she reached out and took my hand. “If you come and stay with me, I’ll still have extra bedrooms, because you, my good looking valentine, will be sleeping right here with me.”

I felt a thrill go through me, but quickly fade. She was just talking like this because of the sex I couldn’t make her happy. Looking at her, I asked.

“You mean tonight wasn’t just a…” I trailed off.

“A what? A one night stand?” She asked. “Hell no, Lexi, if I wanted just sex I could have gotten that anytime. No honey, I…” she paused and I saw her eyes begin to mist over. “I want you to be with me. You make me happy Lexi.”

“I…” I shook my head. “Lana you… I mean, you make me very happy, but I can see why. Why would you want me?”

“Because you want me.” She said,

“Yeah, but other guys would want you Lana, look at you! Great job, nice house, looks…”

“And that is what they would want.”

“What do you…”

“Lexi, listen to me.” Lana began. “The reason I’ve been alone is because after I looked back and saw what I put up with I swore I never would again. I wasn’t a lover to my ex. I was a wife, a mother, someone who looked good on his arm when he wanted to play house. I was an object, he wanted me for what I was not who I was. Understand?”

“I think so.” I nodded.

“Well all the guys that were interested in me since, were my husband. Same age and same Bull shit. They thought of me as a good prospect. Like you said, some money, a great career, pretty much all the physical things, but that is what they wanted. I want someone who wants what I have to offer inside.

“Lexi, when you look at me your eyes light up. I love that reaction! It’s what I have always wanted, and yes I know that you have been looking at me in other ways too, but that came later, in the beginning you were happy to see me as me.”

She stopped and took a deep breath before continuing.

“Honey, that card was incredible today. Before today I… I had thought about you, and like you, it was you before I started thinking about sex. But I figured, this might not be right and I held back. But Lexi what you wrote in that card, “Beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside”. That sealed it. You think I’m beautiful here.” She tapped her chest. “You saw my heart and that’s what you wanted first.”

“It is.” I said softly, feeling myself getting a little misty.

“And same for you Lexi, you’re a great looking guy, but what got me was your heart. You’re a guy who’s done all the right things and just not gotten the breaks. And the way you cared for your Aunt, and how you still do, and how it hurts you to see her that way, and you tell her things are great. Lexi, that’s what I fell for; your heart. Like I said, what we have is not what we are.”

Putting her hand on my face she continued softly. “It’s not about where you live either. Home is where the heart is Lexi, and that means you belong right here with me, in my heart.”

“I…” I swallowed hard to prevent choking up. “You really want me to be with you? Do you feel that way? I…”

“Lexi, I love you.” Lana said softly. “I know it’s soon, but I know where it counts. Unless you’re not sure.”

“No I…” I put my head down and whispered, “I love you too.”

Lana smiled and leaned forward and put her arms around me. I hugged her back, feeling tears on my cheek, but for the first time in months these weren’t tears of frustration. I could feel her crying as well and squeezed her tighter. We stayed there in silence, until an idea came to me.

Gestures that made Lexi go wild and hard – part 4 will continue in the page.

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