Gestures that made Lexi go wild and hard – part 3

Dinner was fantastic, it was the best meal I’d had in longer than I could remember and we had everything from appetizers down to dessert and coffee afterwards. The food however was nowhere near the best part of the night. That of course was Lana. We took our time over the meal and talked about everything.

Little things at first, the food, the weather, and then we got into more about our lives. Lana asked why I didn’t have a girlfriend and I laughed and said that was pretty obvious. She asked when I last had one and I told her about Emely, including how it ended.

She gave me that pitying look that I hated, and said it was for the best, I deserved better than that. She also caused my heartbeat to pick up when she added that the problem was Emely was a girl. I was mature beyond my years and needed a woman who would appreciate me, not a little kid.

She had been looking me in the eye when she said it and I found myself hearing Kate in the back of my mind. I also kept replaying all the little teasing remarks she had made. In fact I’d a hard time getting her using the word bareback out of my head since she said it. I was at least doing a good job of not blushing at these remarks, but my mind was racing as I kept trying to figure out if it were a game or not.

The conversation switched to her marriage. She again commented on how he pretty much ignored her, working late, and always making excuses that he was tired. Lana did succeed in getting me to almost spit my soda out when she added that when he did sleep with her she would have been better off doing it herself. From there she became serious and talked about how she knew something was wrong and stayed anyway. She told herself it was for the boys, but in reality she felt she couldn’t do better.

Finally things reached the last straw when he called her on Valentine’s Day three years ago and said he had to cancel their plans, a client needed a last minute change and he had to stay. Lana had been pissed off and decided to go keep the reservations and pick up a girlfriend, and went to the restaurant.

That was when she saw her husband at their table with his secretary of the last ten years. I shook my head and figured I probably had that look of pity on my face now. How could someone do that to a woman like her? When she finished Lana had taken my hand again, and told me that was why my card had been so perfect today. Valentines had been the day her marriage officially ended.

I tried to steer the conversation forward asking her why she wasn’t dating now, and with a shrug she said that the guys her age all reminded her of her husband and in general seemed like they were looking for mother’s and babysitters more than they were a partner.

I dropped the subject after she made the ‘men her age’ comment and brought up the food again. During the entire conversation it was everything I could do not to continue to stare at her, especially her chest. The dress was damn low cut and she kept leaning forward over the table. Several times I caught a good look at her red lace bra and the soft curves of her more than ample chest.

Every time she would look away my eyes would drift there, and then quickly look away as she would face me again. I kept wondering if she had caught me or not. In the back of my mind a voice that was growing louder and louder told me that she had and didn’t care.

She had dressed this way for a reason, the only question was whether or not she was just enjoying me looking or if there was more to it. I kept trying not to think about it. If anything, if I had been embarrassing myself before, I would make a total fool of myself if it came to anything serious. I’d been with two girls in my life and they were girls, not a woman like this.

The check came signaling the end of dinner and after the waiter took her credit card, Lana snapped her fingers.

“Oh, Lexi, I keep forgetting I need to ask you something.”

“What’s that?”I asked, feeling myself getting excited, was she going to invite me back to her place?

“I think my gutters are clogged, would you want to come over tomorrow and clean them? I’ll pay you.”

“Gutters?” I repeated. “Oh, sure yeah I can do that.”

“Great!” She exclaimed.

Unless cleaning my gutter was a code for something fun, I could officially put Kate’s and my fantasies away, at least until I was in bed alone anyway. Lana paid the check and being the chivalrous guy I was, I once again let her walk in front of me through the restaurant. While my eyes lingered on that perfect ass, I thought that tonight’s little fantasy wouldn’t exactly be a sweet one.

When we went outside I tapped Lana on the shoulder and gestured over to the valet, who sure enough was staring at her. She laughed and leaned on my shoulder, bent her leg and made a show of fixing her shoe. I had to say I didn’t mind the show, and got a kick out of her showing off. I started to wonder how much the three glasses of wine she’d had had to do with this.

We drove in silence, I was both disappointed, yet in a way relieved that all this had really been a nice night. Granted I’d be going home horny, but at least I hadn’t been forward and looked like a fool. We were nearing the highway, when Lana suddenly pulled over to the side of the road.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“You know I just thought of something.” Lana said, turning to face me. “You’re going to come tomorrow and do my gutters right?”

“Yeah sure.” I nodded.

“Well it’s after ten, and I live down the road, instead of me taking you home and coming to get you in the morning, why don’t you just spend the night at my house?”

“Spend the night?” I shook my head. “I don’t know Lana. I don’t want to put you out.”

“It’s not putting me out Lexi, I have two extra bedrooms plus the couch, plenty of room.”

I really didn’t want to have to sleep in a room away from her. My mind was in overdrive as it was. Grasping at straws I told her, “Yeah, but I don’t have any clothes with me.”

“My kids left stuff, I’m sure something of theirs will fit.”

“Yeah but…”

“Look Lexi, this will save me a lot of driving and honestly,” She gave me an embarrassed smile. “The wine is kind of kicking in and I’m not sure I want to drive to Providence and back.”

“Oh,” I nodded. “Well yeah okay, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Thank you.” She smiled as she pulled back out into traffic. “I’ll make it worth your while, trust me.”

“You will?” I asked, and then wanted to kick myself.

“Yup, I’ll make you a nice breakfast and when you’re done I’ll bring you to see your aunt again. How’s that? Will that make it up to you?”

Not as much as something else would I thought, but responded, “That would be great Lana, and you don’t have to pay me.”

“Don’t worry about that, we’ll work something out, I’m sure. In the meantime, this will be fun, I’ll make popcorn and we can watch a movie tonight.”

“Sounds fun.” I told her, sitting on a couch next to a hot woman, sounded…frustrating, but hell it beat my frigid room and annoying neighbors.

When we got to her house we went into the living room where after turning on the small lamp next to the couch, Lana told me to have a seat. I sat in the corner of the couch and watched as she removed her jacket, jeez this could really turn into a long night. Holding her coat, Lana said,

“You’re sure you’re going to stay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Because I’m going to change, this dress was fun for the night, but not too comfortable to lounge around in.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

I watched as she slipped her shoes off and leaned over, rubbing the top of her foot.

“Damn these things hurt. It’s been a long time since I wore heels like these.” Straightening up she continued. “Well I’m going to change, why don’t you take your shoes off and get comfortable?”

Lana walked away and as she suggested, I kicked off my shoes and undid the first couple of buttons on my shirt. I looked over at the picture of Lana wearing the black dress and was relieved that she was changing. I’d rather her be sitting next to me in her usual baggy shapeless clothes than that damn dress, with those stockings.

I sank down into the plush couch and sighed contentedly, a movie, a warm bed to sleep in, more time with Lana tomorrow, and I would get to see aunty. All that after the best night I’d had in… well maybe the best night I’ve ever had. I heard Lana coming down the hallway and as she came into the room, she said, “Now this is much better.”

I turned to look at her and felt my heart stop in my chest. Oh, fuck me.

Lana was wearing a short, no scratch that, very short red robe. The damn thing barely went to her mid thigh, leaving me staring at almost the entire length of her gorgeous legs. I really think that my mouth was open, but Lana didn’t seem to notice. She was holding two glasses of wine, and leaning over passed on to me.

“Here you go Lexi, just don’t tell anyone I’m contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

“I…I won’t” I choked out.

The robe was loosely tied and when she leaned over, I found myself staring straight down at her large round tits. Just before she straightened up, I swore I caught a glimpse of the darker skin around her nipples.

Lana sat down next to me so close our hips were touching, and I felt my breathing begin to pick up as I looked down at her legs. Putting the glass to my lips, I three long swallows of the wine. I winced at the taste, but the warm sensation it sent down my throat and into my stomach seemed to help me stop my heart from pounding.

Lana was looking straight ahead, sipping her wine. She didn’t say anything and had a thoughtful look on her face. My eyes wandered down to her chest, where I could see the curve of her left tit through the partially open robe. I quickly chugged the rest of the wine, and leaning forward put the glass on the coffee table. “Wow, guess I’m slow.” Lana said. “I’ll have to catch up.”

Gestures that made Lexi go wild and hard – part 3 will continue in the next page.

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