Exploring quick incest – 6

“I’m going out to run a quick errand. While I’m gone, set up the video cameras in the new den, I think for our movie…it might be fun doing it in that room later on.”

I was a bit surprised at that, and curious as to where she was headed off to, but without another word as to what she was doing, she soon after headed out, but not before briefly speaking to the kids too. After she had, their faces lit up like Jacobtmas trees, obviously whatever she’d just told them had them extremely excited.

“So…you two have agreed to do the movie with us huh?” Jacob said grinning from ear to ear.

“Apparently so…” I responded in kind. “And that means, I have a bit of work to do.”

For some time now I’d been working on the new den. We’d finished off the rest of the basement with the idea in mind that we’d move the old den into the new area we’d just finished. It was slightly smaller, but with the kids soon moving out, it would suit our purposes perfectly. The old den would then be transformed into a new workout area. Something that Janet and I had both been wanting to do, complete with a nice-sized Jacuzzi, that we could also use for other things. Such as entertaining new friends perhaps.

For now however, all that was in the new den was a fairly small couch, a couple of end tables, and four extra dining room chairs we’d stashed down there for safe-keeping, or for whenever we had additional company over for dinner and needed them. Beyond that, there wasn’t very much yet as we were waiting to rearrange and move in the old furniture.

But, I could see Janet’s point, using that area would give us all plenty of room to maneuver in, and using both cameras at differing angles, we’d hopefully get some pretty interesting shots too.

Not at all surprised, Jacob announced she was heading back upstairs to her room to “get ready” as she put it, meaning she’d no doubt spend the next hour or so primping herself for the evening to come, which was still quite a ways off yet. Max volunteered to help me out, so we busied ourselves straightening up the new den. Luckily, it didn’t need much cleaning or straightening as it was newly finished, though he and I sat rearranging the furniture just a bit, and actually had fun discussing the possible uses and placements of it.

As an afterthought, we also hauled in the really nice air-bed we’d purchased in the event we had additional guests, and then blew that up, setting it off to one side, likewise making it up with fresh sheets and pillows. Neither one of us was too sure how that might actually come into play, but under the circumstances, having it available just might entice things into getting more interesting. Not that they weren’t already.

“Well, I guess that’s about all we can do until mom gets home,” I stated. “Though I’m sure once she comes down to inspect the room, see what we’ve done with it…she might have a few ideas of her own she’d like to change or perhaps even add.”

With that, I retired back into the current den to lose my mind in a pro football game along with Max, which we were in the middle of when Janet returned home. As I thought, she made a quick inspection of the new den, giving her approval, though we did move the couch against the wall rather than keeping it where it was at.

She wasn’t surprised to hear that Jacob was in her room getting ready for the evening, and informed me she was off to do the same. All Max and I could do was sit around and wait for the appointed hour.

They both came down the stairs together, disappointed initially when we saw them as they both wore bathMaxes tightly wrapped about themselves. The one highlight being, they’d put on makeup and looked as though they were dressed for a fancy evening. That at least gave hint that whatever they had on underneath, would no doubt complement and enhance their appearance.

“You two go shower. When you’re finished, you know where we’ll be,” my wife said.

It was pMaxably the quickest shower I’ve ever taken, not beating Max by any more than a couple of minutes either. He and I then went downstairs into the new den where the girls sat together on the couch, sipping a wine waiting for us.

I noticed as we walked in, one of the cameras showed a blinking light, Janet had already been filming, making me wonder quite curiously what they’d been doing before we got there. But, my attention was refocused at once back on the girls, seeing how they were dressed, in their new incredibly sexy attire was in fact breathtaking.

As the saying goes…and in this case it was meant literally. They looked good enough to eat!

Janet owned several sexy, and very revealing outfits, but this one surpassed any of those by a mile, as did my daughters. It was still sexy, sensual yes…but it was also meant to add a nice touch of slut to it as well, which they both did!

“Damn!” Max said simply summing it all up in one word, punctuating that by removing his bathMaxe, allowing it to drop on the floor where it lay. He was already hard as a rock, something I hadn’t quite achieved myself yet, though standing there looking at the girls, it wouldn’t take long either.

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