Exploring quick incest – 6

“Exploring quick incest” Part-6 Continues….

I felt, and then heard Janet roll out of bed early in the morning, the sound of her feet as she headed into our private bathroom, the door closing behind her. I lay there for a moment, and then realized I couldn’t wait for her. Needing to pee rather badly myself, I slipped out of bed and exited our room heading down the hall towards the other bathroom.

This one we called the “guest” bathroom, though it was situated between the kid’s rooms, each one having their own access to it from either side. I entered, both doors closed of course leading into their rooms. I had my typical morning woody, or a partial one anyway as I lifted the toilet seat and stood there pointing my semi-erect dick towards the bowl. The fact that I’d walked down the hall in the nude was of no moment.

After everything that had been going on around here lately, being caught in the nude no longer seemed to be of any real concern. Not that it had ever been in the first place, as again we had always taught the kids they were never to feel ashamed about their bodies. But I hadn’t exactly just wandered about in the buff before either.

So absorbed in those very thoughts at the moment, still trying to mentally will my cock down enough to finally pee, I didn’t hear the door to Jacob’s room opening as she stepped into the bathroom.

“Oh, sorry…I didn’t know you were in here.”

“I’ll ah…be done in a minute,” I told her, expecting her to leave as she’d entered the bathroom entirely naked as well. She didn’t, simply standing there looking at me. Suddenly I was pee-shy. “It might be a bit longer than I thought…you ah…need to go real bad?” I asked wondering if now I should leave, or if my daughter would.

Silly as it might sound, it felt weird standing there with my dick in hand, and nothing happening. Jacob had her eyes glued on my cock which didn’t help matters much either.

“Not in any real hurry,” she smiled, still watching, though not going anywhere obviously. “Do you mind if I watch?” she then asked coyly. “Never really seen a guy do that before…not up close and personal anyway,” she added.

“No…I guess not,” I answered, closing my eyes and trying with all my will to force my bladder to finally begin to empty itself. PMaxlem was, my dick was getting harder…not softer. The image of my daughter standing there in the doorway looking at me suddenly filling my head. I opened my eyes again. “Sorry…it’s a…well, you know…hard to pee with a…”

“Boner?” Jacob giggled. “Yeah…I can imagine it would be.”

To make matters worse, she leaned against the door slowly lifting one arm over her head as though stretching. One leg coming up slightly, bent at the knee as she balanced it on tippy-toe. It was an obvious pose meant to tease, to titillate. And it was. Her long shoulder length hair fell lazily around her neck, like itchy fingers reaching towards her breasts. Following their lines, I looked over and realized just how hard and pointed the tips of her breasts were, nipples rock hard, areolas crinkled up with arousal, excitement.

“Fuck!” I said looking down at myself, hearing my daughter giggle.

“Having pMaxlems daddy?”

Once again I closed my eyes, straining, finally feeling the surge of release, an almost pleasurable one, finally beginning to make its way up my shaft. And as it did, I felt the pressure release of my cock finally softening a bit allowing me to go. It was as though someone had poked it with a pin, though I was almost happy to be feeling and seeing that. Any longer, and I’d have had to soften it another way.

Finally I began to urinate, stepping closer towards the bowl so I didn’t miss-direct my aim and cause yet another mess. As I did so, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Jacob had stepped away from the door, closing the distance between us. She now stood beside me looking down at me as I peed.

“Can I hold it?” she asked.


“Hold it? Always wanted to do that…see what it was like, you know…being a girl and all.”

“I don’t know Jacob…” I began. To me, that was bordering on a sex-thing, or at least now it was anyway.

“Oh come on please? You’re almost done already, just want to see what it might feel like if I had one and was able to pee that way.”

I’d always had a hard time telling her no, especially when she pleaded with me in that little girl voice of hers.

“Please daddy? Please?”

“Ok, but watch what you’re doing, don’t make me piss on the floor or all over ourselves either,” I cautioned her.

She reached over gripping my cock, taking over, carefully aiming it as I finally felt the last of my morning piss traveling up my urethra.

“So…do I shake it?” She asked as the final last dribbles emerged.

“Not quite yet,” I told her. “You’ll still flip it around too much if you do it too soon,” I informed her, my nervousness at having allowed her to even do this at least causing my prick to wither fairly rapidly at this moment. It was now almost as soft as it had been the first time she’d knelt there actually watching it grow. “Ok, now you can,” I told her.

She shook it, or rather wiggled it a bit, giggling.


“That’s funny,” she giggled again, still shaking it. “It’s…it’s so wiggly. Amazing how it can do that, go from so hard…to so soft…so quickly, so…so wiggly.” Once again she burst out laughing. “Maybe that’s what I should call you from now on…Mr. Wiggly!”

“Great,” I thought to myself. “Just what I want to be known by…Mr. Wiggly to my daughter.”

The pMaxlem was, she was still holding onto it. Which in my mind…was now a “sex-thing” so I stepped back, forcing her to release me. Almost immediately she sat down however after first closing the lid, and then began to pee herself. When I’d stepped back, I had sandwiched myself against the shower, so it would take a small maneuver to get around her as she sat there.

“Don’t go yet,” she told me. “Now you can watch me pee.”

Ok, it really was a little weird maybe, but she spread her legs just enough that I could see the stream of piss falling from her pussy, shooting into the bowl. The thing was however, even though she was peeing…it reminded me of when she actually climaxed, sort of the way she squirted when she did. Like a friggin yo-yo…my cock started hardening again as I stood there watching her pee.

It didn’t go without notice either.

“Wow daddy! Your cock’s getting all stiffy again!”

“Yeah well…” I said feeling a bit embarrassed, and now thinking that maybe it was finally time for me to leave here. And I would have, but that’s when Jacob propped one leg up on the bathtub effectively blocking my escape. But more importantly, also spreading herself wide open as her fingers now reached down, the tip of one finger now gently caressing her still semi-hidden clitoris.

“Watch me grow too,” she giggled once again. “Watch my little girl boner emerge,” she challenged me. “I always enjoy rubbing one out in the morning after I wake up,” she now shared. “Nice way to start the day don’t you think?” She continued tickling her clit, and my cock continued to sit there and grow. “Wanna join me?”

“I don’t know Jacob, I’m thinking about your mom…”

“Might want to join you both?” she asked as the bathroom door suddenly opened. “I was wondering what was taking you so long…now I know.”


“We were…I was just ah…I mean she, Jacob…was ah,” Janet laughed.

“I have a pretty good idea,” My wife said looking down at her daughter, and then up at me. “But, standing here, I have to admit…that does look like a bit of fun,” she added.

I felt genuinely relieved as Janet turned to remove her bathMaxe, hanging it on one of the hooks behind the door, and suddenly she too was naked. She walked over now standing in front of Jacob as she remained sitting on the toilet seat, legs still spread, and still stroking herself. I don’t think she’d even missed a beat doing so the entire time. Now here we both were, my wife and I standing in front of one another, and in front of Jacob, though she was sitting down.

“You know what would be really fun?” Jacob asked.

“No…tell me,” her mother said looking down. “Obviously…you have something in mind here.”

“Well yeah…you might say that, but I sorta need your help before I do anything,” she stated.

Already I had an idea as to what it was…and if I did.

“And what might that be?” Her mother asked.

Exploring quick incest – 6 will continue on the next page

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