Exploring quick incest – 5

“Always did want to try one of these,” she said, turning it over and around in her hand. It was feature rich, and she quickly thumbed through the settings like a pro, testing each one. “Hell of a lot better than the one I have!” She announced. “I’ve been using a simple plain white slim vibrator that only has one speed.”

Janet laughed. “I was wondering where that one went too,” she chided her daughter.

Jacob blushed slightly, apologetically. “Didn’t think you’d miss it, not after you got those other two new ones,” she said…surprising Janet in a way that she knew about them. “So I sort of permanently borrowed it,” she added sheepishly.

“Well, now you can ask if you want to borrow one of the other ones,” her mom informed her. “Though I have a feeling…we’ll both be fighting over this one, unless of course…you get your own rabbit, which after using this…I think one of us will have to!”

Janet then reached into her sack and pulled out another device, completely different from the rabbit. Max and I both sitting there in abject fascination…watching and listening to them even though on screen…Janet and I were going at it like rabbits ourselves.

“What’s that?” Jacob asked curiously looking at the contraption as Janet removed it from the box.

“Your dad got it for me a few weeks ago,” she shared. “Only used it once until now…kind of interesting really. Called a “clit-sucker.”

“A what?” Max asked once again standing up, walking over. “What’s it to do? He was still milking his prick, and the sound of his slickness was evident. Yet he stood there looking on, working his cock almost oblivious to what we all could so easily hear.

Janet sighed briefly, watching her son, her cheeks were flushed with obvious arousal. “It’s called a clit-sucker, it sucks your clit,” Janet said smiling pleasurably as she uncoiled the small tube attached to what looked like a small facemask. Except this she actually placed over her pussy lips. At the end of the tube was a small pump, which she then squeezed. “Watch,” she told us all. Which we now did…the movie for the moment totally forgotten,

even though you could hear Janet and I in the background fucking away like mad. She squeezed the pump again, and then again. Jacob’s eyes widening as she does. Slowly but surely, we all watched as my wife’s hard little clit seemed to grow, quite a bit in fact, filling the small little tube which had now suctioned itself around her pussy, drawing it in…in particular her clit.

“Holy shit! How’s that feeling mom?” Jacob asked. “Doesn’t it hurt? I mean…god, your clit’s gotten so fucking big…stretched like that.”

“Actually if you go slow…and adjust it to your own comfort level, it actually feels damn good. It supersensatizes your clit even more than it is already. At least mine it does. Then…when I’ve just let it sit here like that for a minute or two, and then use this…or even let daddy suck it, I have the most intense orgasms ever!”

“Wet ones?” Max asked excitedly, causing everyone to laugh.

“Yes honey…really, really wet ones. Which I’m sure I’ll have later. But not at this very moment. Now…go sit down, so we can all sit back, play a little…and watch the movie.”

Once again reluctantly, Max returned to his seat, Jacob began teasing herself with her mother’s rabbit, though periodically looking over at her as she sat there with the clit-sucker still attached doing its thing. “Work on your nipples too?” She asked.

“Matter of fact…it does yes. But frankly, your father does a much better job of it with his mouth,” she told our daughter leaning over to kiss me on the cheek as I reached up, giving one of my wife’s nipples a tender little pull.

“Oh yeah…that’s what I mean, keep doing that,” she told me. So I did.

A short time later the movie ended, though no one had yet cum…and far from it, though the sexual excitement of the room was readily apparent. It had become more exciting at this point to actually gather around, watching one another…in particular the girls as they continued to experiment with the toys Janet had brought down.

“Can I try that?” Jacob asked as Janet finally removed the clit-sucker, releasing the pressure.

“Yeah, but be careful with it…don’t pump it up too fast or too much until you see how it feels and where you best like it,” she cautioned her.

“Maybe you’d better show me,” Jacob suggested.

Max and I shot knowing glances at one another, but said nary a word as we did. Perhaps not really thinking about it…Janet quickly proceeded to place the small plastic see-through cup over her daughter’s mound.

“Make sure your lips are tucked in on both sides, or it won’t seal very well,” she cautioned, and then checked, helping to make sure they were. I felt my cock thMax, lurching excitedly all on its own as she did that.

“Like that?” Jacob asked, looking down checking herself, tucking her sweet pink lips in just a little as Janet once again gave her a quick look-over.

“Perfect,” Janet smiled. “Now…go ahead, give it a pump or two…see how it feels.” Jacob pumped it, her clit poking its hot little head up inside the tube just a little.

“Hmmm,” she purred. “That’s different.”

“Comfortable? Doesn’t it hurt or pinch it?”

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