Exploring quick incest – 5

“They’re waiting to get erections,” Jacob guessed. “Don’t want us seeing them with their pricks doing the floppy dance, or only half as big as they really are. It’s a guy thing,” she mused, teasing us both. Though in a strange way…she was partially correct. I had been sort of waiting for that, as Max had been, though he was also the first between us to actually stand up at that moment, removing his pants.

“See? I told you!” Jacob snickered as Max finished removing them, proving to everyone that he at least did have a reasonable looking hard-on.

I undressed then as well, though I was far from erect yet, only a little self-conscious about doing so, as I could in fact appear quite small in a less than aroused state. Jacob however found it interesting.

“Wow daddy! You mean…it can go from that, to as big as it was earlier?” She asked, obviously surprised at that. “Cool!” she said teasingly. I reached down to give it a bit of help, but she stopped me. “No…I want to watch it grow…all by itself! Don’t help it either!” She now asked.

Though the movie had started, Max paused it, freezing his sexily dressed mother there at the bottom of the steps for a moment, looking on. I had actually taken my seat on the couch, only then realizing after I had, that I was now sitting where it was that Janet and I had first watched the kids fucking the night before. Just that bit of brief nostalgia was enough to send a tickling thMax up my shaft as my prick grew a little.

Jacob came over, sitting beside me there on the couch, though kneeling…facing me, looking down at my slowly growing organ. Janet walked over then sitting on the other side, though I noticed she had placed some sort of bag on the floor next to the couch without any explanation as to what was in it. Max, having taken one of the chairs, just sat in it sideways as he’d done earlier, his legs over the arm, though facing towards us…watching. He had his dick in his hand, absentmindedly fondling it.

I grew a little more. For some reason, having my daughter kneeling there only inches away, her sweet beautiful tits hanging there so decadently seemed to add a little fuel to the fire. Not to mention Janet now sitting, or rather likewise kneeling on the other side, looking on as well.

“Fascinating isn’t it?” She stated. “Like a blooming flower.”

“Or beanstalk perhaps,” Jacob quipped, chuckling. “It’s getting a lot harder. Though I bet it grows quicker when you water it,” she laughed, alluding to the obvious.

“You’re right about that!” Janet quipped. “Daddy does like it when I squirt all over him, though apparently so does Max when you do too,” she added looking over at him as he sat grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

“Wow…it’s really starting to get big and hard now,” Jacob said her eyes glued to my cock as it continued to grow, her hand twitching as though she wanted to reach out and grab it, and feel it for herself.

“Yes…isn’t it,” Janet agreed leaning forward a bit, and now Jacob did, the two of them close enough I could feel their respective breaths, causing my cock to twitch, thMax a bit as they did that.

But to make matters worse…in a way at least, as Jacob leaned in, I felt the tips of her breasts suddenly brushing against my thigh. I glanced up worriedly towards my wife, wondering if she’d seen that, or what. “I don’t think feeling a little titty is too out of line,” she then said. “As long as Jacob doesn’t mind anyway, because I know you don’t!” She finished smiling at me.

“Fuck no…I don’t mind. Go ahead daddy…feel my tits a little if you want to.”

I heard the sound of the chair being vacated. In seconds Max had walked over taking a place on the arm of the couch next to his mother.

“Does that mean…”

“You wanna feel my tits too don’t you?” Janet laughed. I’d already placed my hand around one of Jacob’s, marveling at the feel of it…the differences and similarities, my cock now growing by leaps and by bounds.

“Go ahead honey…have a feel, I guess we can at least allow you boys to enjoy that much.”

In seconds, he had filled his hands with his mother’s breast, molding and kneading it within his hands. I glanced over, watching as he gently captured her rock-hard nipple, pinching it slightly, pulling on it much to Janet’s delight as she closed her eyes briefly, savoring the sensation. I was doing the same to Jacob, enjoying the feel of her equally stiff fat nipple until Janet woke us all from our rather erotic revelry.

“Well…maybe it’s time for the movie,” she suggested sitting up. “Go unpause it,” she told Max, effectively causing him to release her breast, though he did so reluctantly, walking over towards the TV, his hard stiff cock leading the way.

I too sat back, Jacob now spinning around on the couch sitting beside me, her bare thigh still close enough to be touching my own as the movie started up again. Seconds later, we were all laughing as I approached my wife, rose balanced delicately across my dick.

“How’d you manage to do that anyway?” Jacob wondered aloud. “Without it falling?”

“I had a little help,” I confessed. “I missed one of the thorns, and it sort of buried itself on my dick.”

“Ouch!” She giggled, looking over at my hard cock once again. “Hope it didn’t leave any scars!”

“Nah…your mom kissed it all better for me,” I laughed back, causing everyone else to do the same too.

And then…we sat back as the movie began to get a bit more interesting.

“Here, before I forget and things get too heated here,” Janet said finally reaching over into her sack. “I brought something for you that I thought you might enjoy trying.”

She reached in, removing one of her favorite toys, a purple colored vibrator called “The Rabbit”, which I myself had enjoyed watching her use on numerous occasions. She leaned over across my chest handing it to Jacob, who giggled appreciatively accepting it.

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