Exploring quick incest – 4

“Sorry daddy…you’re gonna half wait,” she told me. Which told me a lot in just that simple statement.

“Oh I am…am I?”

“Yes Daison…and that goes for me too,” my wife informed me, ensuring that her own bag remained tightly closed as Jacob headed off towards her bedroom. “Well? How’d it go with you and Max?” She asked. “Did you get a chance to talk to him at all?”

“Oh yeah…that and then some,” I stood grinning at her. “We actually sat down and watched another one of our videos together…and jerked off,” I said, smiling at her.

“Damn it Daison! I’m trying to be serious here. Did you…or didn’t you get a chance to talk with him?”

“I am being serious honey…I’m telling you the truth. That’s what we did…while the two of you were gone!”

She looked at me then, trying to study me. “You’re telling the truth!” She said quite surprised. “You really did? The two of you? Together?”

“Yep…we did!” And then her face took on a serious note.

“Which one?”


After I had told her which one it was that we had watched, I made a mental note to remove the other one from the cover it was in and put it away someplace else. She appeared genuinely relieved by that, though still mildly surprised we’d actually sat there and done that together.

“So…how’d things go with you? Obviously, you spent some time together in the lingerie store, so what’s up with that?” I asked curiously.

“Oh…we talked,” Janet grinned letting me know there was a lot more to it than that too. “But since you shared it with me…I’ll tell you what we did. And then, I have something else to run past you as well.”

I knew that had something to do with their purchases, but I was perfectly willing to wait until she was ready to tell me what that was. At the moment…I was more curious about the “what we did” part more than anything.

It was then that she took me by the hand and began leading me up the stairs to our bedroom. I figured she wanted to talk to me in private about it, so I simply followed. Once we entered the bedroom, I stood anxiously waiting while she hurriedly stuffed her purchase away before I could see it, and then began undressing herself.

I looked at her curiously. “Well?”

“Well what?”

“So…are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to guess?”

“Of course I am,” she grinned, continuing to undress.


“While you’re eating me,” she said simply, now naked crawling up into the bed.

I looked at her. “You’re serious.”

“Hell yes…and damn fucking horny too! Now…get over here and start licking me, unless you’d rather not hear all the hot, juicy naughty details.”

Quick as a bunny, I was laying between her outstretched legs, my hands already toying with her hard little love-button.

“Once upon a time…there was this very, very horny mother, who took her daughter shopping…”

“I always did like a good bed-time story,” I said, lapping at my wife’s already wet juicy pussy.”

She laughed at that, but then told me to be quiet and not talk with my mouth full. “Unless of course you don’t want to listen to my naughty little story about your own wife and daughter,” she intimated.

I said not a word, now sucking her clit…as she began again.

“So…once upon a time, there was this very, very horny mother…who took her daughter shopping. And where they proceeded to try on a few very revealing, very sexy negligees using the same dressing room. And then…while they did that, and told one another what they thought, how things looked, they began looking into the magic mirror. And then the mirror told them looking back at them just how sexy and attractive they both looked. And it cast a spell over the two of them, and told them they were to touch themselves, and to pleasure themselves, as well as the mirror…so they did.”

“And then of course, the mirror told you to come home and have your husband eat you,” I added.

“Well of course, aren’t you under the magic spell too?” She asked.

“I am now…” I said lapping away at her succulent cunt. “What else did the mirror have to say?”

“Well, that’s the part I’m not too sure about, so I thought it best to come home and ask you about it first, see what you had to say.”

“And what’s that?”

“How’d you feel about doing another movie? And not just you and I starring in it…but the kids too, if Max’s interested in doing that, and if you’d be ok with doing it too,” she asked. “Well? What do you think? Interested? Or is that a bit too weird even for you?”

“I don’t know…let me ask the pussy spirit first,” I said, spreading my wife’s lips even further apart than they already were. I then spoke into her cunt, trying to make an echoing sound.

She slapped me up the side of my head, but then grabbed on to my ears and mashed herself against me. “Eat me…make me cum you fuck, and then we’ll talk about it seriously, after you’re through horsing around.”

I didn’t as yet have the heart to tell her it was a no brainer. Or rather coming from Max in fact who’d first mentioned it earlier. At the moment, all I wanted to do was suck my wife’s clit until she turned inside out. Which she soon did. But now I had a pretty good idea where the other suggestion had come from too. And I smiled inwardly as I slowly devoured my wife’s hot liquid pussy.

To be continued…

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