Exploring quick incest – 4

Before I could react to that however, Max had already selected one and put it into the DVD. Against my better judgment perhaps, I decided to let fate choose for me. After all, I did have a fifty-fifty chance he’d selected the other one, which was similar to the one he and Jacob had watched the night before.

Luck was with me obviously as the movie began, though I’d forgotten where it was we’d filmed it until it began playing. It was right here in this very same room where we were now, making it a little odd to actually sit there watching it, with Max once again having taken his seat, sitting where he had been before.

“Cool,” he said softly more to himself than to me, though again it felt a little weird sitting there watching it with him, knowing full well what was about to happen a few moments from now.

On screen, Janet appeared at the bottom of the steps where I picked up the action. She was wearing the long, black lace nightgown I had purchased for her the year past on Valentine’s Day. She looked sexy as hell in it too, which I remembered, and which even now sent a nice jolt of arousal down to my cock, causing it to stir. I wondered if Max’s was too.

I grimaced however knowing what was to come next. Not because it was bad, just because it was one of those typically silly things you do when you’re in the mood to be silly. In addition to the nightgown, I had of course also gotten Janet a dozen long stem red roses. I had initially thought to have one hanging from my mouth as she came down the stairs, greeting her that way. But then I’d come up with another idea even better. Or so I thought at the time anyway. Which is now what suddenly appeared on screen as I stepped away from the now stationary camera, coming into view.

“Dad!” Max said, seeing me as I now came around from the back of the couch. Though he did laugh upon seeing me, which was a bit of a relief. I was balancing the single long stemmed rose on my hard cock as I carefully approached my wife, offering it to her. She of course was smiling,

looking down at my prick with the rose clinging to it. At the time, no one but me knew that the reason it seemed to be holding on so well was because I’d missed one of the little thorns on the stem. Brave soldier that I was, I grinned back, the tiny pinprick on my prick, holding it on better.

At least that part was over, as Janet retrieved her rose, along with my cock in her hand, smelling the one, fondling the other.

We stood kissing briefly, my hands already coming up to cup each one of my wife’s magnificent breasts through the black lace of her gown. From the corner of my eye, I saw Max shifting his position, his eyes glued to the screen. My own cock, hardening as well, as I again wondered if his was, and more importantly, what he was thinking at the moment.

On screen, I was now slowly undressing my wife, finally untying the small bows in front that finally revealed one of her breasts. She had painted red little hearts over each nipple, which I now highlighted for the camera, grinning like a naughty schoolboy, pinching it, holding it and then pulling on it knowing the two of us would be watching it later. Max laughed upon seeing that.

“Mom’s a hoot!” He said, once again shifting, which I now likewise did myself.

“Yeah, she has her moments…as do we all,” I agreed thinking back on the balanced rose incident.

It was at this point however that things began getting a bit steamier up on the big screen. As Janet’s gown completely parted, I now slipped my hand down between her legs. The sheer panties she had on, crotchless, allowing my fingers to penetrate her playfully, coming away seconds later with a bit of glistening girl-goo on them, which of course I held up for the camera, letting Max see the bit of wetness I held on my fingers before inserting them into my mouth, sucking them clean.

Max moaned, his hand coming down into his lap, nonchalantly rubbing his prick through his pants, so absorbed in what he was seeing, he’d obviously forgotten all about me sitting across from him.

“Go ahead son…if you want to, ah…jerk it, feel free.”

I could tell that he wanted to by the look in his eyes. But I could also see by the way his face screwed up a bit, he’d be uncomfortable doing so, sitting there in front of me, and me not doing it too. No words were spoken either way, though I reached down, unzipping my fly. He simply smiled, turning back towards the screen, and likewise unzipped his own.

I was frankly amazed with myself. I’d already climaxed three times this morning alone. I’d have been perfectly content to go the rest of the entire day, though perhaps by evening…as erotic as things had been around here, to wait on Janet before attempting another. Yet…here I was again, my dick hard as a rock, which I’d now released from inside my slacks, slowly stroking it up and down, Max sitting across the way from me doing the exact same thing. We briefly glanced at one another, nodding heads, smiling and then went back to watching as Janet and I now moved over to the very couch Max and I were sitting on.

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