Exploring quick incest – 3

“Now what?”

And then things took a very, very interesting turn. One thing’s for sure, I never saw it coming. And in hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t, or I don’t think what soon followed might have ever happened either. Another major turning point in our family’s relationship.


Once again, in a way…it was like going back in time. Back when the kids would come up to us with something they had heard, or something they wanted to try and understand or become more familiar with. So it was, in a way… like that again when Jacob so nonchalantly asked her mother the question.

“So that is normal right? To squirt like that during an orgasm? I mean…I don’t do it every time, and I do have to touch myself in a certain way, but when I do, it usually does happen, and I have really intense orgasms, and to be honest about it mom, just thinking about it gets me damn horny…like I am now in fact.”

“Yes honey, it is perfectly normal,” Janet answered. “And no, I don’t do that every time either, usually when your fathers gets his cock inside me from behind while I work my own clit. Even when I use one of my toys, I don’t always manage it. But when I do, when I can…then yes, I’d have to agree with you, it’s pretty intense and very satisfying. And since you’re being so honest with me here, with your dad and I,” she added, including me.

“It was hot seeing you do that last night, squirting all over your brother’s cock the way you did. I think…that’s what triggered my own really wet “gusher” as your dad calls them. And yeah…admittedly, I’m a bit horny now too,” she added.

Jacob laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“Well obviously you two are,” she said looking at Max and I, as we each let go of our dicks at the same instant, looking guilty as hell for sitting there fondling ourselves when this was supposed to be a semi-serious family discussion. One not made too easy when you were sitting there looking at two pairs of very luscious looking tits that were now even more alluring with their respective nipples being as rock-hard as they both were, and the girls talking about the way they played with themselves, making themselves squirt, had painted a rather naughty erotic picture that was a bit difficult not to think about.

“And?” Janet pressed curiously drawing Jacob’s attention back to her. “Your question is?”

“Think you could do that now so I could see it?”

Max and I looked at one another, his eyes as big around as mine where I knew. I then looked back at Janet, who was now looking at me.

“Before I answer that, or commit to anything one way or the other. Let me be candidly straight about something here. Something I think we’ve all been wondering about, and maybe even where this was all leading to in the first place. I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable, or even want to physically touch or do anything with either of you.

But…I’m also not going to stand here and be hypocritical about it either, and not admit, especially after last night, that watching you two, and knowing that you two got just as aroused watching us. So…having said that, as long as your father’s willing, and doesn’t mind being a bit of an exhibitionist in front of his kids, that it certainly wouldn’t bother me. Provided of course…it wouldn’t bother the two of you either,” she added, seeking some sort of assurance from Max as well as from Jacob.

“You mean…you guys will fuck in front of us again?” He asked, grinning from ear to ear. “Really? You will?”

“Are you sure about this?” I mouthed at Janet, though already my prick was thMaxbing with urgent delight at just the thought of it, standing there fucking my wife in front of the two of them. And maybe…just maybe…

“Nothing we’ve not already done or admitted to seeing and enjoying already,” she answered back, though actually speaking the words aloud. “So…shall we, or no?” she asked me point blank. “Entirely up to you Daison,” she said simply, though she then stood up from her seat.

And then I did. Hard-on and all.


It was a strange sensation, and yet…one of the most arousing, erotic, sensual moments of my entire life. My own daughter, and son…sitting there at the table watching us…watching me as I stood. Silly as it sounds, I was actually proud of the way my dick stood up. I don’t think it could have been any harder, any more swollen than it was at that very moment. Even Janet’s eyes seemed to mirror that feeling I was having looking down at it as I stood.

“Wow!” she actually breathed, though sounding more like a soft moan…even a prayer as she unconsciously lifted one hand towards her breasts. Her fingers quickly captured a hard taut nipple, pinching it between. Her other hand coming out…pointing in a way towards my prick causing me to look down at myself.

I was definitely aroused. A long sticky streamer of dick-drool was actually hanging off the head of my penis. Had it not been for the intensity of the moment, the sheer desire and lust I was now feeling, it would have been funny. But the thin string of cum-dripping now swinging from the head of my cock as I walked closer to her became an object of intense sexual fascination, for everyone.

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