Exploring quick incest – 2

“Are we built the same? Same height? Chest? That stuff?” she asked which I now noticed, her breasts pressing against my arm, the feeling of which had suddenly caused me to begin stiffening even more rapidly now. I felt my face turning crimson.

“Yeah, I guess…sort of, I mean, it’s not like, well not like I know that you look alike…as women, you know?”

Jacob moved then too, looking down as she did. There was no mistaking the obvious now, no matter what I did. If I could feel it, she could. The pMaxlem was, she made no effort to remove herself from my lap. And my erection continued to grow even as she sat there.

“Do you remember how I used to come to you when I had certain questions?” she asked, using the same tone of voice she once used to use when she actually did that. Suddenly it was as though we’d gone back in time, only my little girl was sitting in her father’s lap, with he…me, having an erection. It was getting all too surreal again.

“Of course…why?”

“Well, because I’m curious about something, and I want you to be perfectly honest with me, like you used to be,” she stated.

“Ok, what?”

At last she stood, and I felt such a sudden sense of relief at feeling her do that, that I didn’t at first catch what she then did, until it was simply too late. As she stood, she reached down, pulling her tee shirt completely off up and over her head. Even then,

I was just then turning to look at her after having first looked down at myself to make sure my one-eyed monster hadn’t inadvertently made an appearance through the opening in my bath Maxe. Only as I turned to look, Jacob was just then stepping out of the white thong she’d been wearing. She stood only a few feet away from me, entirely naked. Naked as the day she was born. Only she was a woman now. Very much a woman now.

“Jesus! Jacob!” I stammered suddenly looking behind myself towards the house, fearful and half expectant to see both Max as well as my wife standing there looking at the two of us. “What’re you doing?”

She actually laughed at me. “Don’t be embarrassed, though it’s sort of cute, just the way you sometimes used to get whenever I asked you something personal or intimate, and then you’d usually shoo me off to go ask mom about it,” she said standing there in the altogether, acting as though it was the most natural thing in the world for her to be doing. “I told you…I’m now curious, did mom look like this? Look like me? Where do we differ?” she wondered.

I found myself staring at my daughter, taking her in…actually comparing her now to the memories I still had. And feeling like I was somehow betraying my own wife while I did that. This wasn’t at all how I’d expected any of this to go. The last thing I needed was to be reminded about what I’d seen…and enjoyed seeing, the night before. And now…here she was, actually standing here in front of me naked.

The image of her spreading herself, prying her pussy lips apart with her own fingers, and then squirting on Max’s prick moments later now filled my head. Just as the blood was now filling my cock, which had become about as hard and as erect as it could possibly be. And yes…with my mind now elsewhere, still looking at Jacob, parts in reality, parts in fantasy, and parts now in memory of the evening before, I didn’t even realize my cock had in fact now sprung up between my legs. Though Jacob certainly did.

“Wow…I guess I really do remind you of Maria…mom, don’t I?” She asked, glancing down at my hard, stiff prick, though I only then realized I was almost fully exposed, suddenly putting my hands down in my lap in some attempt at covering myself, though the damage had already been done.

“A little…yes,” I stammered, totally embarrassed now, and once again feeling guilty. To be so aroused, such as I was, having this conversation with my daughter, and knowing what I knew, unable to say anything, was the worst possible situation I could have ever been in.

Until Janet  walked outside anyway. And then it really was.

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