Exploring quick incest – 2

Jacob had never ever really referred to her real mother as mom. She had no reason to for one thing. After Janet  and I got married, and after they had so quickly grown close to one another, Janet  forever afterwards was plain and simply, “mom” to her. Which I was more than delighted with. But now…having just thrown this one out, she was looking at me like I’d suddenly grown a green beard and developed horns on the top of my head.

“And what brought this on?” she asked.

“Well you see Jacob…today would have been our wedding anniversary, if she was still alive, and I was just sitting out here this morning, realizing that when I saw the date on the paper. And then…I was sort of day-dreaming, remembering things…intimate personal things, things that maybe I shouldn’t have been thinking about, remembering,” I lied…telling her. The truth was, our real anniversary wasn’t for a couple of months yet, though I was pretty sure she didn’t know which day it really was. Or at least I hoped she didn’t.

I hadn’t kept anything that would have told her when it was, nor had she ever asked me either. “Anyway, I’m embarrassed to admit it, thinking that…thinking those sorts of things, and then suddenly seeing you this morning. Which is when I realized just how much you really do remind me of her. And though you look enough alike to pass as your mothers daughter,”

I said, pausing at how awkward and strange that now sounded, I continued. “My wife’s daughter…when you’re not,” I said making it even worse, “It’s just that you look so much like her…and I was remembering that, and then seeing you…and then…”

“So you were having naughty thoughts about Maria,” she said as though all of this now suddenly made perfect sense. Which it still didn’t, and which was of course all a big fat fucking lie, but at least it had gotten me out of the corner I had painted myself in.

“More or less…yes.”

“So…when you saw me then, you were still thinking about her…naked.”

“Ah huh…” I said wondering if I’d actually gotten myself out of a jam, or had put myself in an entirely different one.

“Imaging things…intimate things, so when you looked at me, you were sort of imagining me naked too then, or at least how I might look, the way she looked.”

“Ah huh…” I said, feeling my face turning crimson, tearing my eyes away from the front of my daughter’s tee shirt, which I now noticed suddenly had two twin little points pressing against it.

“Do you really think I look like her? The way she did?”

“Yeah, you do…which is why I was pMaxably feeling a little sad, a bit depressed, you know…being that it’s our…or would have been, our anniversary and all. And then…and then seeing you, and, and…then, then…um uh, well…those thoughts, you know. And uh…my mind, thinking…images, memories…”

Jacob was smiling at me, which sent a flood of relief coursing through me then, though she made it worse partially, at least for me anyway, by standing up, coming over and literally sitting down in my lap, hugging and kissing me. “Oh daddy! Don’t be embarrassed, or shy because you were. And frankly, now that I know that, I’m actually flattered by it. Though to be honest, I’m not so sure I’d mention any of this to mom…why upset the apple cart if you don’t have to,” she informed me.

Only it wasn’t apples I was concerned with at the moment. More like bananas, in particular, the one suddenly hardening between my legs. Any moment now, she’d be able to feel it too, sitting on me the way she was, with nothing more than the thin material of her own panties, now pressed against me, though thank god at least, I was also wearing a bathMaxe. Even then…any moment now.

“So…what did she look like?” Jacob suddenly asked me.

Once again I was confused. “Well…like you, like the way you do now, mostly,” I said, shifting in my chair some, wanting to find a way to dislodge her soon here, or at least make her aware enough that she might want to retake her seat without making it too obvious. So far, she wasn’t taking the hint.

“That’s not what I mean,” she said grinning at me.

“What do you mean?” I asked to shift again.

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