Detective Hailey in high heels

“You’re the wildest cop I’ve ever met,” Loretta said, enjoying the excitement. “Yeah, alright. You definitely have what it takes, but only after I work my magic on you. Hang on a sec.”

Hailey Waited in the dressing room, and a few moments later, Loretta returned with a box.

Loretta proudly opened the top. “Jimmy Choo heels. I can tell what size your feet are. Do you know how to work these? Or has being a cop taken all your femininity away?”

“Oh, I’ve still got it. When dealing with men, high heels and a tiny dress can be just as effective as any weapon.”

“It’s definitely a dangerous thing,” Loretta smiled, holding up one heel and gesturing towards the pointy end. “Sit down and let me slide these on your feet. You’ll look ravishing in them.”

Hailey Sat and let the woman handle her feet. Each high heel slides on each foot with ease. It was a perfect match. When the heels were strapped, Haileywiggled her toes for comfort, then she stood up and had become several inches taller. It took a moment to get used to the pain in her feet as she hadn’t worn heels in nearly a year.

She paced the dressing room, normally at first, before giving a sultry strut. She swayed her hips, putting sass in each step.

“Good enough?” Hailey Said, leaning on her left hip.

“You’re one sexy ass bitch,” Loretta said with a gleam in her eyes. “So, you really want to get into the backroom?”

“It’s my job.”

Loretta approached the detective and slipped her hand underneath the small dress. In a flash, Hailey’s panties were pulled to the floor. Then Loretta pulled the dress a little higher, nearly exposing the detective’s butt cheeks.

“Show off those legs of yours,” Loretta said. “The heels really accentuate your best features. And being pantyless… trust me, a guy like George will spot your ass a mile away. It signals that you’re up for anything.”

With Hailey’s pussy almost showing, her emotions were in a daze. Fear had become an aphrodisiac. It sometimes did. It gave her a real rush that she’d be this exposed in a room full of powerful people.

“Anything else I should know?” Hailey Asked, focused on professionalism.

“Look elegant and move gracefully. That’s what they’re paying for. They want sexy women to serve them. Some of the men will try to slap your ass and proposition you for sex, just ignore them. They’ll leave you alone once the real escorts show up to fuck and suck everybody.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”

“Now for the mask.”

Loretta reached into her bag and handed Detective Rossii a gold mask. It had an artistic look with a Victorian era design. The detective put it on and looked in the mirror.

Between her newly blonde hair, the tiny dress with her legs showing, the high heels, and now the mask, Hailey Would hardly recognize herself. She was a different woman.

“Everything looks sexy on you,” Loretta stated.

“Whatever it takes.”

Loretta lifted an eyebrow and licked her lower lip. “Anything?”

“I’m not going to fuck anyone,” Haileysaid, shaking her head. “But thanks for asking.”

“Not even a blowjob?”

“Why are you asking? Do I look like a woman who’s dying to suck a dick?”

“You look grossly overworked and severely under-fucked. At least that’s the vibe I’m getting from you. I can spot the signs. And besides, I’ve always loved the thought of a female cop getting dirty. I mean, why not?”

Hailey Tried to brush it off, but they both knew it was true. Her job was her life. Aside from working long hours, the only real physical excitement she got was from her vibrator. She was content with that. But the more she thought about what she’d be exposed to, the more she felt her pussy clenching.


Saturday 9 pm. The guests arrived at the party at the main entrance of the large mansion. All of them were wearing fancy clothes along with their gold masks to keep their identities secret.

Hailey Arrived at the back entrance with the other entertainment. She wore her skimpy outfit and had her mask in hand. For the first time in her law enforcement career, she was practically terrified.

She knocked on the backdoor and a towering man opened it.

“You must be Freddy,” she said.

He looked her over. “Depends on who’s asking. What’s the password?”


“That’s correct,” he said. “How come I’ve never seen you before at the club?”

“I’m new in town. That’s why.”

“That’s funny. I went to Loretta’s club a couple times recently and I never saw you.”

Hailey Gave a hard stare back. “Maybe I was in the private VIP area entertaining some customers. Ever thought of that?”

“I bet you’re a great fuck. You’re really sexy. I’d love to get inside you.”

“We’ll discuss that another day. Are you going to let me in?”

“Not with that dress on.”

“Excuse me?” she asked with a puzzled expression.

“New security protocols for all servers. No more dresses. Panties are fine, but get your tits out and I’ll let you in.”

“Fuck off. No one told me about this. The deal was to wear this outfit and a mask while I serve drinks, and that’s it.”

Freddy clenched his jaw in a moment of anger. “Listen bitch, you either get topless, or I send your scrawny ass back to the strip club where you belong. Got it? Security is being tightened up around here.”

There was no way around it. A gust of wind blew upwards beneath her dress, reminding her that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Hailey Had two options; either get naked for the rest of the night, or leave empty handed and miss a major opportunity. If George Franko was brought down because of her massive sacrifice, then it would be a fatal blow to organized crime in the city.

Hailey Took a deep breath. With her new hair and makeup, no one would ever recognize her anyway. There weren’t any other police officers listening to this either. It was all her secret.

She pulled her dress down and her breasts were freed. They were small and perky, with tiny brown nipples that hardened from the outdoor exposure. And unlike the other strippers, she was pantyless, which meant that she’d be the only server with her pussy and ass showing.

She handed Freddy the dress and he took it.

“Happy now?” she asked while standing naked, thankful that she had hidden the bugging devices inside of her heels.

Freddy admired her nipples and smelled the dress. “Very happy. No panties either? Nice. You know something, I have a funny feeling that we’ll be fucking before the end of the night. Call it a hunch.”

She stared at him. “Can you move your fat ass out of the way? I can’t serve drinks if you’re blocking the doorway.”

“As you wish, sweetheart.”

Freddy moved to the side with a smile on his face, giving the detective a clear entrance.

‘Bitch,’ he muttered under his breath.


Hailey’s high heels clicked on the tile floor when she stepped inside the large manor. Other strippers were in the kitchen and they were all topless wearing their gold masks. Not wanting her face to be seen by anyone else, Hailey Put on her gold mask as well.

Each of them were given a tray full of drinks to carry around the mansion. The rules were explained and everyone knew what to do.

The feeling was surreal. Having the ability to hide her face was a blessing. But she had always been self-conscious about her tiny breasts and small nipples. Showing them off had proven to be a real turn on, as masked faces turned to gaze at her tits.

And being bottomless She grabbed plenty of extra attention being the only woman naked at the moment, working the lower half of her body in those expensive pairs of high heels. She put weight on each step to make the clicking noises louder, announcing her arrival everywhere she went.

For the next hour, the undercover agent walked around dutifully serving drinks to as many guests as she could. She flirted with a few men and women as well. It was an exhibitionist thrill. Being this exposed was a new sensation that was completely foreign to her.

Before long, partially masked escorts arrived at the party and removed their dresses to get naked. It became a free-for-all, with nearly every room on the ground floor being used for graphic sexual acts.

It also became the perfect distraction. Detective Rossii used it as a chance to plant a bug. She remembered the location; second floor, three rooms to the left.

She snuck away from the wild sex orgy and headed up the stairs. Three rooms to the left and she arrived at her location.

“Looking for something?” a voice said behind her.

She turned around to see an elegantly dressed man wearing a gold mask. It only took an instant for her to make the connection. Between his hairline, his powerful body frame, and his voice, she knew it was her target– George Franko

“I’m sorry,” she said in a sweet voice. “I followed the trail of artwork up here while everyone else is busy fucking. I was enchanted by the Medieval and Renaissance styles. Truly breathtaking work.”

He looked over her naked body. “An art lover? I love your brain already.”

“I was actually an Art major in college before dropping out. I wanted to be a teacher someday.”

Franko nodded. “Is that so? Well that makes sense. You’re clearly very intelligent. How about I give you a quick tour? Maybe we can learn from each other.”

“Sure, I’d like that.”

Franko extended his arm in a gentlemanly fashion, and she held it. They walked down the hall together, discussing each piece of artwork.

“You’re from Loretta’s club,” he said, finally changing the subject. “But I’ve never seen you before, or heard your voice. You must be the new girl. The head of my security mentioned how stunning you are. He was right.”

“That’s sweet. You’re quite the gentleman, unlike your friend.”

Franko laughed. “I hope he didn’t give you a hard time at the entrance. He can be that way sometimes.”

“At least it was flattering. Part of my job is to look fuckable at all times.”

They continued walking down the hall together while flirting and chatting about the artwork, and whenever they’d look at each other, Haileysaw lust in the man’s eyes. She knew when a man was craving sexual satisfaction. This was a dangerous game she was playing, and with her mind on the bugging devices in her heels, it was worth the risk.

When they reached the end of the hall,George opened a door and motioned for her to enter.

“I’d like your company a while longer,” he said politely.

Looking inside, Haileycould see that this room was more of an office than a bedroom. There were tables, seats, couches, and a desk. A place of business? It certainly looked like it.

“Fine, if you insist,” she smiled.

Once she entered the room, George closed the door and locked it.

“I’d like for us to be formally introduced. Please, remove your mask. I want to see if your face is as beautiful as Freddy says it is.”

There was no point in arguing. Haileyreluctantly removed her mask and placed it on the table. She was unrecognizable from her usual self anyway.

“Satisfied?” she asked seductively.

Detective Hailey in high heels will continue in the next page.

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