Friends With Benefits – Part 2

This Story is part of Friends with benefits Series

And to be honest, maybe it was because of that, that I didn’t see things coming, or what was happening in front of my own face. But Joy had. And eventually it reached the point where she felt it was necessary to open my eyes a little, as hard as that was for her to do. I had just finished mowing her lawn and had stepped over to accept a glass of fresh lemonade from her when she asked me to take a seat at her patio table.

I could see by the look on her face that she was troubled, especially by the way she seemed to fidget around in her seat, even spinning her own glass of lemonade around in circles, trying to find the courage to say whatever she was going to say perhaps.

“What is Joy? What’s wrong?” I finally asked, forcing the issue. She took a sip of her drink, and then set it down, trying to steady herself.

“I’ve really struggled with this for a long time now,” she began, looking even more nervous and confused.

“Go on,” I said, steeling myself, though again…some deep-down part of me already knew where this was headed.

“I didn’t want to say anything to you, until I was sure. After everything you’ve done for us…the way you’ve been there for us, and the good friend you’ve become to me after Dave finally left. The last thing I ever wanted was to say or do anything to hurt you, or cause you pain. Until now.”

Now it was my turn to sit back, and spin my glass in circles waiting for her to continue.

I can honestly say I really had few vices, save for one perhaps. I loved to golf on Sundays. I made a good living, enough so that Cindy had whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it. Maybe it was my way of trying to keep things even between us, since I felt that I did more than my fair-share, not only with work…but around the house too. So spending half the day golfing with my friends on Sunday’s didn’t seem like a whole lot to ask. And Joy of course knew all that.

“At first, I didn’t really think too much of things…” she began again. “Sometimes I would see you leave in the morning to go golfing. And then not ten or fifteen minutes later I’d see Cindy leave. I figured back then, that maybe she had something going with a group of friends, though I found it a bit odd she never mentioned anything to me about that as close as the two of us supposedly were.

The thing is, I began to take a closer look at it. Always on Sunday, shortly after you left, she would. And then she’d return in a couple of hours, long before you did. I began to notice subtle things when she did. And I hate to say that because by now I was actually spying on her, that those subtle things included her obvious dishevelment whenever she came home. Like she’d been ridden hard, and put away wet…so to speak.”

As hard as this was to hear, I sat quietly, patiently, taking a sip of my drink again as though some sort of signal for Joy to continue. Which she did.

“Even with my suspicions, I didn’t want to say anything. Not unless I was one hundred percent sure. Even then, I hesitated Xavier. We’ve become good friends, and I didn’t want to lose that, or do anything that would jeopardize the friendship we did have. Until the day came that she didn’t leave after you left. Instead…he did. As far as I was concerned, though maybe it shouldn’t have been my concern, the moment I saw him sneak up into the house shortly after you’d left was the last straw for me.

I knew then, I had to tell you at least this much, and then let you decide for yourself how you wanted to handle it. I just hope…this doesn’t destroy our friendship,” she smiled worriedly. I stood up, walked over…and kissed her on the forehead.

“Thank you,” I said softly. And then turned and left for home. It was the hardest week of my entire life. Trying to pretend everything was normal. The following Sunday, I left to play golf as usual, though I’d already told my friends well ahead of time that I wouldn’t be able to make it as I had business out of town.

The only person I had told about what was going on was my best friend Roger, also a golf buddy, and someone that Cindy had never met. We hurriedly switched cars (and clubs) and then I parked a short distance away from the house…waiting. I figured if she left, I could easily follow her. Or…if he showed up at my place instead, then well…though I had all sorts of thoughts and scenarios racing around inside my head when she actually came out. So…I followed.

To make a long story short here, I basically caught her with her pants down so to speak. I followed her to a nearby hotel. Saw her get out of the car and walk up to a particular room where she was met and quickly ushered inside. A hundred bucks, and verification of my ID to the nervous looking desk clerk, finally convinced him to run me a key. After assuring him I wasn’t there to cause any trouble…and wouldn’t, I took my digital camera with me, put it on video and started recording.

I stood listening outside the door for a moment until I was reasonably sure they were already at it. After all, time was precious here. Seconds later I was standing in the doorway recording everything I needed to confirm what I already knew. What I hadn’t known until now, was the guy she was with…a married man himself, and someone she worked with, happened to be her lover. So in the long run…I knew this would really turn out well for me if I played my cards right.

On Monday, I filed for divorce, with very specific stipulations. Yeah, in a way I guess you could say it was blackmail. Unless Cindy walked…and I mean walked…I threatened to expose her affair and who she’d been having it with where she worked. Needless to say, they both caved in at that imploring me to not say anything to anyone…though I kept my little video as insurance against that until after the divorce was final.

Six month’s passed, and I had quickly gotten over all this. Though I was a bit gun-shy about really getting serious with anyone again. The occasional overnighter with someone was fine with me, though there were aspects of that, which I did miss.

And then low and behold…the solution to all this, which had been living next door to me all this time, suddenly became readily apparent. Though even then, I hadn’t been looking for it…or expecting it, when it happened. Neither of us had been.

Rebecca had moved out and gone onto college shortly before all this had happened. Now it was Amy’s turn to do so within the next week or so. Both girls attend the same University, out of state…which would leave Joy home alone for the very first time really. It was something we talked about, though I had ensured her of course I would always be there for her, and that she could certainly call on me, even if it was just for a little company and someone to talk to. And at first, that was pretty much the way it remained for the next month or so, until circumstance, or fate perhaps stepped in.

I had kept up my weekly golf outing with the guys. Something I looked forward to, and which helped to keep me sane. As we’d discussed, my plans were to golf, come back in the afternoon, and then spread and pour some mulch I had gotten for Joy’s back yard flower beds. We’d even planned a semi-cozy little barbeque dinner with one another for later on that evening. Something else I was again looking forward to. And then fate, for whatever reason seemed to step in and take over at that point.

I had actually waved good-bye to Joy as she stood outside watering her front garden when I left. A short time later I arrived at the course, only to discover that a tournament was going on. Stupid me. I had lost track of the dates, only then realizing I thought the tournament was to be held the following week. Getting back into my car, I headed home again, surprisingly not at all disappointed at the turn of events.

If anything, I was looking forward to spending even more time visiting with my dear friend Joy. I even thought about surprising her perhaps. Getting her back gardens filled in and spread with mulch before she even knew I was there. I’d begun doing just that, when by chance I happened to look up and into what I knew was her bedroom area. I had no intention of spying on her, or doing anything like that. Nor did I expect to see what I was seeing, when I did either.

I was dumb-founded to say the least. And a bit stupid too perhaps, but I was frozen with indecision just long enough to complicate the situation even more so. Joy was naked, laying in the middle of her bed, which faced towards me. On her back, her legs spread and bent at the knee, she was currently thrusting what appeared to be a rather large-sized vibrating dildo of some sort, in and out of her pussy.

I must have caught her right at the perfect (or imperfect moment depending upon how you looked at it) moment…as she began to climax. As she did, she sort of sat up, the convulsions no doubt intense and pleasurable, which is the first look I saw on her face, followed almost instantaneously by the second one…which was pure unadulterated shock. About all I could do was turn and head sheepishly back towards my own place, leaving shovel, rake and mulch behind in my wake.

I sat at my kitchen table, the image of what I’d just seen and witnessed firmly etched inside my head. I was certainly at a loss for words, or action…in what I should say, or even could say…when the phone rang. Quite naturally I jumped. And a quick glance at the caller ID told me who was calling me too. I picked up, but before I could even say anything, I heard Joy’s voice coming through on the other end.

“Xavier? I think we need to talk. I’ll pour a coffee for you. Please come back over as soon as you can…ok?” And with that, she hung up without waiting for a response. I sat there looking around the kitchen like I’d find some sort of answer waiting for me there, or at least something to bring over. I know…I know. I grabbed a partially opened bag of Oreo cookies, and took them with me as though needing something…anything. Joy met me at the back door. Thankfully she was dressed, well sort of anyway. She had a bathrobe on, but I wasn’t about to entertain any thoughts about what she either did have, or didn’t have on beneath it.

My first words as I stepped inside the door. “Joy, I’m so sorry…I hope…” but she waved me off with her hand, pushing a freshly poured cup of coffee towards me, and then actually laughing as she took the half open bag of cookies from me, setting them down.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for Xavier. And you need to know that. Now…let me ask you something.” I took a swallow, and not of coffee either, nodding my head towards her, prepared to answer anything at this point. “Tell me Xavier…do you enjoy masturbating?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. It was probably the last thing in the world I expected to hear coming out of her mouth. Though I found myself again nodding my head yes.

“So do I,” she smiled somewhat demurely. “Let’s face it Xavier, and be honest with one another. After all, we always have been, haven’t we?” Again I nodded. “I know you weren’t pulling a Peeping Tom on me. I know it was purely by accident that you saw what you did. But I’m also not going to sit here and tell you that I’m ashamed that I do, or anything like that. In fact Xavier, I happen to masturbate a lot. So it’s perhaps even more of a surprise that you haven’t caught me until now. The number of times I’ve sat out back in one of the lounge chairs enjoying myself, well…”

Now I had another image which was permanently stored. I had seen her before of course, but I had never not once stood there and spied down on her, hoping to catch anything.

She had continued…but I’d had a momentary black out as my memory seemed to pause for a moment with that image of her laying on her back again.

“I mean look at us Xavier. Look how long it’s been for both of us. I know in the little bit we have discussed, that we’re both pretty open-minded about things. So either one of us feeling guilty, or even embarrassed about this, doesn’t make any sense.” She was certainly right about that. We had had some pretty interesting conversations in the past, and I had gone home more than once needing a bit of relief afterwards. Apparently, so had she.

“And just who and what do you think I have very often fantasized about when I have anyway?” She asked. Though I think I was still trying to convince myself that it wasn’t me she was talking about. Until she actually came right out and said it. “Would you like to take a guess as to who I was thinking about when I was climaxing a few moments ago?” She grinned somewhat wickedly.

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