Claire made the maid do dirty – part 2

The next time his cock slid between my tits, I took the head into my mouth and sucked hard. Adam moaned and I joined him. The taste and sensation of his sticky fluid in my mouth sent a wave of heat through my pussy and letting my tits fall away from his cock, I started bobbing my head slowly. I took him a little deeper each time my mouth descended on him and slipping my hand between his legs started massaging his balls.

Adams fingers were busy on my nipples, but as good as it all felt I started wondering about Hannah. Had she not heard me, had she gotten cold feet? If that were the case it was a good thing I hadn’t mentioned anything to Adam. I opened wide and took Adam’s entire length into my mouth. He groaned in pleasure as I pushed my tongue out and licked his balls, while shaking my head back and forth. Adam’s hand left my tit and moved to the back of my head. He ran it through my hair and as I started moving again, gently pushed and pulled, guiding my mouth up and down his cock.

“Oh, damn Claire,” he whispered, “That feels so fucking good, I….”

He paused, and then pulled hard enough on my hair to make me yelp, gasping, “Holy shit!”

He had forced his cock out of my mouth and still on my knees, I turned to look over my shoulder and felt a surge of wetness flow through my pussy. Hannah was standing there no more than five feet away, watching us. In the brief awkward silence that followed, I took in every bit of her.

Hannah was barefoot wearing just the short black robe she had on last night. Her long blonde hair was down and best of all her blue eyes were wide as she stared at us naked before her. Another thrill went through me as I realized she had been watching me blow Adam.

Hannah looked nervous, but at the same time I saw her eyes lock onto my tits and there was no doubt in my mind she liked what she saw.

“Hannah!” Adam exclaimed, comically grabbing the newspaper off the end table and shoving it over his cock. “What the hell are you doing here?”

I had to force myself not to laugh at Adam’s reaction and making no effort to cover myself stood, and with my back to Adam, smiled at her before saying, “Hannah, what did I tell you about today?”

“I….” she looked confused, “Umm, I know I’m not supposed to be here but…”

“Hannah, would you give us a minute?” Adam asked, and then added to me, “Claire cover up.”

“Why?” I asked. “Hannah doesn’t mind what she sees, do you honey?”

Hannah blushed and with that same shy sexy smile she displayed last night said, “Not at all,” she shook her head, “Damn Claire.”

I slowly walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, repeated my question, “You didn’t answer me Hannah. I told you there was a rule about today, now what was it?”

“What the hell is…?” Adam started, but stopped when Hannah exclaimed,

“Oh, that’s right! It’s a nude day, I’m not supposed to be dressed!” she put her head down and pushed her lips into an adorable pout. “Sorry Claire.”

The pout became even more enticing when I saw her lower lip was trembling. Beneath my hand, I could feel how tense she was. The poor thing was so nervous! Odds are she was more worried about Adam than me. Well I would get her good and warmed up and just let Adam watch for a couple of minutes.

“It’s okay Hannah,” I began, “But we are going to have to get that robe off you.”

I turned to see Adam staring at the two of us and couldn’t help notice the newspaper in his lap had risen appreciably. I think it was beginning to dawn on him exactly what was going on, but still wanted to say it.

“I told you I had a surprise for you, baby.” I said as I slid my hand up through Hannah’s hair and felt a shiver go through her. “Hannah is going to help us celebrate our special day.”

“You…” Adam rolled his eyes, “Yeah okay, jokes over.”

“It’s no joke Adam.” I said softly and turning Hannah’s head towards me added, “Let’s show him honey.”

Before she could respond, I kissed her. Hannah started to pull back in surprise, but my hand was on the back of her head, holding her still. I kissed her softly and rolled my eyes at the feeling of her soft lips against mine.

It was the first time I kissed a woman in years and oh, how I’d missed it! Hannah’s lips remained still as mine slid gently across hers, then with a delightful little sigh, she kissed me back. I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me groaning as my hard nipples pressed into the soft material of her robe.

Hannah sent a thrill through me when I felt her hands on the sides of my arms. She was now kissing me back, her lips pressing softly to mine. I regretfully broke the kiss, and turning to Adam who was staring at us with that look of lust I recalled so well said, “See honey no joke, you of all people should know your wife’s no tease.”

To my delight Hannah spoke up.

“Happy Nude Day Adam,” she released an adorable little giggle that I know caused Adam’s cock to twitch and added, “I hope I’m as good to you guys as you’ve been to me.”

“Oh, I have no doubt.” He said and started to stand.

“Stay right there baby.” I told him. “You just sit back and watch me unwrap your present.”

I wanted Hannah to be good and hot for when Adam got involved, and wanted him worked up as well. I kissed Hannah again, harder this time. A wave of heat flowed through me as she immediately kissed me back this time. Her hands slid around my back and started sliding up and down as those soft young lips pressed into mine.

I dropped my hands to her hips as we kissed and slid them down until I could feel her bare thighs. Parting my lips, I darted my tongue out and Hannah sent another thrill through me when she eagerly opened her mouth to accept it.

I moaned at the sensation of our tongues darting across each other and I could feel her hard nipples poking into me through the robe. I grabbed the edge of her robe and lifted it over her hips, giving Adam a good look at her perfect little ass. Holding the robe with one hand I started caressing her ass with the other.

Hannah gave a little yelp into my mouth as I gave her cheek a hard squeeze. Hannah’s hands came around and after briefly running up and down my shoulders, worked their way between us and grabbed my tits.

I gasped as she squeezed them. I hadn’t expected her to be so bold so quickly, but wasn’t going to complain. We were kissing deeply at this point, our tongues slowly exploring the other’s mouth. I opened my eyes and saw that Adam had tossed the newspaper aside and his cock was standing at full attention. His eyes were locked on us and there was a smile on his face that sent a warm feeling through me and not just one of lust, but affection. We needed this!

My thoughts were drawn back to Hannah as her fingers sought my nipples. I leaned back enough so she could get her hands on my tits and I moaned as she began rolling my aching nipples between her finger tips. I grabbed her ass with my other hand and spread her cheeks open, now giving Adam a glimpse at her pussy. I started working my fingers between her cheeks hoping to be able to work a finger inside of her. Hannah’s lips left mine and ducking her head, she began kissing the soft skin of my neck.

I let my head fall back and moaned as her lips made their way up and down my neck and shoulder, while her fingers stayed busy on my nipples. Hannah started kissing down my chest and I couldn’t believe how aggressive she was. I had really thought I would be leading her along, but right now it seemed she was taking over.

I slipped my hand under the robe and up her smooth back. Again I looked over at Adam whose eyes were focused on Hannah’s mouth working its way down between my tits. I let myself relax and stood there as she teasingly licked straight down between my large tits.

Her fingers were still toying with my nipples, but as her lips slid to the left she removed them. I closed my eyes and enjoyed a brief moment of anticipation while my nipple was unattended. I didn’t have long to wait and released a soft sigh of pleasure when I felt her tongue slide across my swollen nipple. Hannah teased around it in a slow circle and I yearned to shove it in her mouth the way I had with Adam, but didn’t want to push. My patience was rewarded when I felt my nipple sucked into her warm wet mouth.

Hannah began swirling her tongue around then started sucking surprisingly hard.

“Oh, honey,” I whispered to her, “Oh, that’s nice.”

Hannah’s response was to switch to my other nipple and start playing with the other. My attention was taken away from my nipples as I felt her hand slide down my stomach. She reached the point where her hand was just above my pussy and sucking my nipple even harder than she had before, her finger slid down between my legs and started rubbing my clit.

I cried out in both pleasure and surprise at how she was going at me. No longer worried, I grabbed the back of her head and arching my back, shoved my nipple deeper into her mouth. Hannah groaned and her fingers started to slide up and down my pussy.

It occurred to me as I spread my legs out to give her better access that Hannah had to have thought about this. I’d say that thought made me wet, but I was already dripping and wouldn’t be able to tell. Her slender fingers ran through the lips of my pussy and my hips twitched when they lingered on my clit. My hands left her ass and started rubbing up and down her sides. As good as Hannah’s fingers and tongue felt, it was time to take over and get Adam involved.

Pushing against her shoulders, I eased my nipple from her mouth and as she looked up from my tit, I whispered, “Turn around.”

Hannah looked longingly at my tits, but smiled and turned around to face Adam. When she did she looked down at his swollen cock and said softly, “Oh damn.”

“No worries honey,” I whispered in her ear, “He’ll go nice and easy.”

Moving her blond hair to the side, I gently kissed her neck as my hands slid around her waist. I felt Hannah shudder as my hand moved up her stomach and slipped into her robe. I fondled her soft stomach for a moment before moving my hand higher and finding her small perky tit. Hannah moaned as my hand covered her tit and my palm slid across her hard nipple. I groaned myself as I caught that hard nipple between my fingers and gave it a light squeeze.

My own nipples were pressing into her back and I started sucking on her neck while I fondled her perfect little tit. Hannah leaned her head back against me and sighed as I slid my tongue up and down her neck. I looked over her shoulder at Adam who was sitting straight up.

His hands were on the arms of the chair and he was drumming his fingers impatiently, eager to join in. I moved my hand to her other tit and felt Hannah begin to breathe heavier as I played with her nipple. As I did, my hand grabbed the tie of her robe and holding it up, I looked at Adam.

“Shall I?”

“Oh, yeah,” he said softly.

I pulled the tie of the robe and felt Hannah tense up as it slid open. Releasing her tit, I reached up and grabbing the top of it slid it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Putting my arms back around her, I cupped her tits and held them up, presenting them to Adam.

“Like your present baby?” I asked as I made Hannah moan by caressing her nipples with my thumbs.

“Perfect.” Adam said, “Hannah you’re absolutely perfect.”

“T…thank you.” She said nervously.

I continued to fondle her right tit, but dropping my right hand down, immediately reached between her legs and found her pussy. Hannah gasped and I moaned as my fingers slipped through her very wet pussy. I found her clit and started rolling it between my fingertips.

“Oh, yes.” Hannah sighed as she pushed her ass back into me and started rocking her hips

I went back to kissing her neck and as I did winked at Adam. Standing, he slowly walked over to us and I licked my lips at the sight of his cock swaying between his legs.

Adam stopped in front of Hannah and putting his hands on her shoulders leaned in and kissed her. I could feel Hannah tense up and I began stroking her clit faster. I heard her moan and a moment later, I felt her relax. Raising my head from her neck I smiled at the sight of Adam kissing her.

Hannah was now kissing him back and as I had told her, he was going easy, his lips barely pressed to hers. Adam’s hand left her shoulder and she gasped as he began playing with her other tit. Her hips were rocking faster as I continued rubbing her clit while Adam and I worked her nipples.

I saw Adam push his tongue out and watched it enter Hannah’s mouth. She leaned forward and began to kiss him harder. I touched Adam’s shoulder and when he opened his eyes, I leaned my head over Hannah’s shoulder.

Claire made the maid do dirty – part 2 will continue in the next page.

Series Navigation<< Claire made the maid do dirty – part 1Claire made the maid do dirty – part 3 >>

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