Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 1

She didn’t so much as slow down or look like she might pull her mouth away as I came. I’d never had a girl swallow before, but I kind of liked it. Not only was it pretty hot to cum inside her, there was no mess left afterward when she finally released me and straightened up.

“That… that was amazing,” I said, guessing that she’d want to hear something along those lines.

Sherin smiled at me a little breathlessly and pulled herself up to flop down beside me on the bed.

“Glad you liked it,” she said.

The rising and falling of her chest as she regained her breath was verging on the hypnotic, but I was beginning to remember my worries about my sister.

“I think Susan might have seen us,” I said.

Actually she had definitely seen us, but I was mainly looking to see what Sherin’s response would be.

“Oh yeah?” she replied noncommittally.

“She seemed like she might have been a little upset,” I pressed.

“How upset? Like just kind of annoyed or ready to burst into tears?”

“Probably somewhere in the middle.”

Sherin stopped to think about it for a second, which was fine by me because at least she was taking it seriously now.

“Ben?” she said thoughtfully.


“Have you ever brought a girlfriend home or been with her around Susan or anything?”

I tried to recall exactly who I might have brought to the house, or who my sister would have met somewhere else. There were at least two past girlfriends that fit off the top of my head anyway.

“Yes,” I said. “But I don’t think they would have ever gotten to know each other that well.”

“So this would have been a fairly new experience for her, is what you’re saying? Like maybe in her mind she’s never had any real competition for being the only girl in your life. And seeing us, it might have changed that.”

“I… I don’t know, maybe. But why would she think this makes anything different? Not that I don’t love having her as a sister, but it’s really not the same relationship as what I’d have with someone else. I wouldn’t be replacing her or anything.”

I was starting to get flustered. Somehow it was looking like I’d done something wrong and I had no idea how that happened.

“Hey, maybe I don’t even know what I’m talking about. I didn’t even see her remember?” Sherin stood back up and shrugged. “Anyway, I’m gonna go clean up.”

She left the room and shortly after I heard the bathroom door close down the hall. What she thought she needed to do I didn’t know, she looked fine to me. But then, I wasn’t a girl. And as I was reminded more than I liked, I never seemed to be able to fully understand their motivations.

It quickly occurred to me that Susan would be alone for a short period of time if I went to talk to her. Even if I had misread her mood at least I would have confirmation that I was worrying over nothing.

As I expected, my sister was sitting by herself in her room. She had some music on and her eyes were closed, although somehow she still heard me coming.

“So how was it?” she asked without opening her eyes.

“Uh, good,” I said, unsure how to treat the question. “I just came to see if you were okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You looked like you weren’t, that’s all.”

Finally she looked at me, giving me an appraising stare.

“I got weirded out at first,” she admitted. “But it was really my own fault. I pushed you two toward each other and then didn’t think you’d actually do anything. If I’d been smarter I would have stayed away from your room until Sherin came back.”

“So everything’s fine then?”

“Yeah, as far as I’m concerned.”

I didn’t really believe that was all there was to it, but I heard Sherin coming and I wasn’t prepared to continue the conversation with both of them present. Besides, even if there was more of an issue than what Susan would tell me, the girls might be able to work it out amongst themselves.


Nothing much else happened while Sherin was still around. I didn’t even get a chance to figure out if what happened between us was purely a one-time thing before she left. I did get a friendly hug as she headed out the door where her mom was waiting to pick her up though, which I thought was probably not a bad sign.

Unfortunately with her friend gone, Susan appeared to hit a dangerously bored state fairly quickly. That’s how I interpreted it when she spent most of her time in her room and didn’t look like she had much to occupy herself with when I walked by a couple times. I figured that she’d at least hit me up for some new scheme before going off on her own, which would give me a little warning. As it turned out I was sort of right.

“So you’re missing Sherin yet?” Susan asked me Saturday evening as she casually entered my room.

“A bit. I guess I would’ve liked to talk to her before she went.”

“You could always find her at school on Monday. Or I could give you her number if you make it worth my while.”

My sister was probably genuinely willing to negotiate that information, but I was pretty sure her heart wasn’t really in it. She clearly hadn’t just wandered in for no reason, but she wasn’t giving me any useful clues about what she actually wanted.

Eventually she lay down on my bed and curled up with her legs pulled protectively toward her chest. I took that as meaning she wasn’t planning on leaving soon.

“Can I help with anything?” I asked.

“I don’t know, maybe.” She paused for a long moment, perhaps waiting for me to prompt her again. “I keep thinking about you and Sherin,” she said finally.

“It’s really bugging you that much?”

“Kind of. I keep seeing it in my head, only it’s different.”

I didn’t strictly mind Susan picturing me getting head, although it was weird to hear her say. We also seemed to be getting into territory I was unequipped to handle.

“How is it different?” I asked for a lack of anything better to say.

“Sometimes it’s me instead of her.”

She said it in a completely neutral voice, and her face gave away nothing that would suggest she was joking.

“Like you’re…”

“Like I’m sucking you off, yeah. I always knew I was kinda messed up, but this is a brand new level for me.”

“You’re not messed up.” I shook my head. “Everyone thinks about stuff sometimes that they feel guilty about later.”

“Do you?”

“Of course. Some of it… well, it’s about you.”

That got her interested. I wouldn’t normally have ever said anything about it, but she did start it so I figured it wouldn’t bother her that much. Plus I knew she wouldn’t tell anyone else.

“What kind of stuff about me?” she asked.

“I dunno, just stuff. Like when you come out of the shower wearing just a towel or something, I can’t always stop my imagination you know?”

“So you think about me being naked sometimes?”

I winced a little at how bluntly she put it, but didn’t try to retract my statement.


“But you feel guilty,” she said thoughtfully. “What if I said I didn’t mind? What if we decided that we can both think whatever we want about each other?”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”

“Why not? Isn’t it just ’cause you’re worried what I’d think if I found out? Well now that won’t be a problem.”

Susan had a talent for making things simpler than they really were. It probably got her into trouble as much as it helped.

“Weren’t you worried about what I’d think too?” I asked, changing the subject slightly.

“Yeah, that’s why I told you. Because if you know now then I don’t have to worry about you finding out later. And if you did get mad then at least you’d get over it sooner.”

Simple. Sometimes I wished the world worked the way my sister thought it did.

“You’re weird,” I told her.

“I know.” She grinned and stuck out her tongue at me. “So do we have a deal?”

“It’s not like what you think is any of my business anyway, so yeah I guess I’m okay with it.”


She stood up and was gone without saying another word. The conversation had been a little odd, but it hadn’t gone nearly as badly as it could have.


A few days passed and we entered a new week of school. Our parents hadn’t found anything out of place upon their return so we were back to business as usual.

By Wednesday I still hadn’t really had much of a chance to talk to Sherin. We didn’t have any classes together and there really wasn’t any reason I would run into her without making a specific effort.

Susan on the other hand did share a history class with me so I saw her at least once a day at school. I didn’t think anything had changed all that much between us, but sometimes when she looked at me I could swear there was something in her eyes that never used to be there. It made me wonder what exactly she might be seeing.

At the start of Wednesday’s class my sister made a point of sitting right next to me. Not that we didn’t sit near each other on a fairly regular basis, but it wasn’t that a big deal either. I knew it was on purpose this time since she immediately passed me a folded up piece of paper.

I surreptitiously opened what I expected to be a note, not an uncommon thing to receive during classes with Susan, but instead was a drawing. A rough sketch of a guy getting a blowjob more specifically. I was glad that my note-reading instincts had taken over even if the teacher hadn’t really started yet because it wasn’t something I wanted to draw attention to.

After carefully folding the picture closed I scrawled a quick note and handed the paper back to Susan.

“How much time did you spend on that?” I wrote.

“Just when I was bored,” she wrote back.

That could mean just about anything from fifteen minutes to the entire past couple days.

“Is it supposed to be you and me?”

“What do you think?”

I was pretty sure it was. The guy in the drawing could have been anyone, but there was no reason for it not to be me. The girl however had her hair in a ponytail which I was pretty sure I’d never seen Sherin do. Susan would put her hair up like that sometimes when she needed it out of the way though.

“Well as long as it’s entertaining you,” I wrote.

We had to pretend to pay attention after that as the teacher directed us to a page in our textbooks and had students start reading out loud. You never wanted to be caught too much off-guard in those situations in case you got called on. It was pretty obvious when you had no idea where you were supposed to be in the text.

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