Be happy for me 

“The sheet! The sheet!” I said suddenly, though why I was suddenly worried and concerned about that was a strange thought to be having at the time, especially when the sensation of my balls tightening was alerting me that I was milliseconds away from splurging what I knew was going to be one mother-fucking eruption here in a moment was beyond me. To my surprise however, my aunt must have agreed, or used that as an excuse to suddenly do what she now did. Yanking the sheet off and away from me,

she now looked down, her hand more forcefully jacking my cock up and down, her mouth half open, her eyes wide. Even in the darkness I could see that, now looking down, watching her hand move up and down my shaft, the first beginnings of my orgasm even then starting to race up my shaft. “Oh yeah…yeah…yeah!” I cried out, jerking upwards somehow lifting my ass off the bed, though it might very well have been that very first skyrocketing torrent of cum leaping from my prick which caused that.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Sophia cried out happily, still stroking, now pumping and simultaneously squeezing my cock as jet after intense precious jet flew from my prick tip. I hadn’t meant to, though afterwards as we both thought about it, neither one of us had expected the rather copious amount of cream I had actually spurted. It was everywhere, all over me…all over my aunt’s robe…the sheets, the floor, the wall.

Fuck…it was everywhere, and I fucking loved every single moment of it. Hands down…it was the best damn hand-job I’d ever been given, not to mention…the most needed one too.

Sophia once again kissed me on the lips before leaving, though this time I was almost one hundred percent sure her lips lingered there a bit longer than they usually did. “Now perhaps you’ll be able to sleep,” she told me. And then with that, she stood up and as quietly as she’d entered my room, she left it.

I was asleep within minutes.


To be honest…I don’t remember a more relaxing sleep than the one I had thanks to my sweet sexy aunt. Finally waking up with the urge to pee once again, I managed to slip back into my chair, and as before…wheeled myself down the hall towards the bathroom. And just as before…as I neared the bathroom I heard voices coming from downstairs.

“God I wish I’d been there to see that,” mom was saying. “I know…I know, I suppose that sounds horrible, especially coming from his own mother, but holding it in my hand the way I did…well, you know as I’ve already told you, it felt harder and bigger than Jeff’s is…and to be perfectly honest about it Sophia, I was horny as hell while I sat there washing it!”

“Oh yes Carol, Sophia said, calling mom by name, I was too…so I know what you mean. I was so tempted to reach down between my own legs and finger myself off while I was doing that, or worse…admittedly, ask him to do it for me instead. But yes…I know what you mean, rather wicked of us both to be thinking along those lines isn’t it?”

“Wicked naughty yes…and heaven help me for thinking of it, but I was so jealous of you when you came back and told me how it went. God Kath! I could just see Jim’s prick squirting the way you said it did…and I’m not ashamed to tell you, after you told me about that earlier this morning, I had to go into the bedroom, pull out my vibrator and get off while Jeff was in the shower getting ready for work. I didn’t even care if he’d come out and found me using it as horny as I fucking was!”

Mom horny? Mom saying fuck? “Holy shit!” I said to myself, somewhat afraid of being heard, or worse found, sitting there in my chair at the top of the stairs. Luckily for me, they couldn’t see me sitting in the front room the way they were obviously drinking coffee, as I could smell that too.

But it was obvious they had no clue that sitting there where I was, I could easily hear their entire conversation, even when they lowered their voices as though worried I might somehow overhear them from up in my bedroom.

“Does that make me an absolutely horrible mother?” Mom asked concernedly. “To be thinking…and having such thoughts about my very own son?”

“No more than my being is Aunt,” Sophia answered. “And I was the one to actually stroke him off…and admittedly get just as turned on as you are hearing about it, as I was doing it. So no sis…I don’t think it’s horrible for you to admit to that. Hell sweetie, we’re all creatures of pleasure and arousal, even if we’re not always willing to admit it. Look at you and I, look at all the things we did growing up together. I don’t think either one of us turned out worse for it because we did either…do you? Do you have any regrets about any of that?”

Mom laughed. “No…and there again sis, I don’t mind telling you, I sort of miss it. We really did have a lot of fun back then didn’t we?”

“Yeah we did…and admittedly, I miss it too.”

“If it wasn’t for Jeff…well, he’d kill me, kill both of us if he were to ever find out about any of that.”

Now my Aunt laughed. “I doubt that sis…if anything, he’d want a part of me too, in fact, I know he would. He’d want to watch the two of us going at it for him, that’s what he’d want.”

Series NavigationBe happy for me – 2 >>

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