Be happy for me 

A short time later mom brought up some lunch for me, and then informed me of course that my Aunt Sophia would be coming over later to see me. I acted as though I was just hearing this for the first time of course, though being excited about seeing my Aunt wasn’t really acting as I was. It had been a couple of weeks since I’d seen her last, so I was looking forward to her visit.

When she arrived, she immediately came up to my room after spending a brief few minutes with mom downstairs, once again talking in hushed tones, and from where I was, totally unable to hear anything being said. Minutes later, she and mom entered my room where she immediately proceeded to come over to my bed,

kissing and giving me a hug. After that she of course had to immediately inspect my injuries, going so far as to lift the sheet in order to have a look at the cast on my leg, though by now of course I was wearing boxers, and thankfully didn’t have an erection. Mom made some excuse to head back downstairs and do something, leaving my Aunt and I alone for a moment.


“So…” I responded back.

“Not exactly the way you planned on starting off your graduation was it?”

“You might say that,” I said, letting her hear the frustration in my voice.

“I imagine it’s pretty frustrating in other ways too isn’t it?” She then asked, smiling, though I knew full well what she was talking about. Like I said, one thing about my Aunt that I did appreciate was her way of speaking with me candidly about a number of things, and not too surprisingly…this one.

“You might say that too,” I added again.

“So can’t you…ah, you know,” she asked, raising her eyebrows just a little, sort of looking towards my crotch for a moment, and then back to my face.

“I tried,” I said simply not feeling too awkward or embarrassed by the admission. “All that did was…well, ah…give me a stiffy,” I said using the same word I’d heard mom using earlier. “And aggravate my wrist enough that it began aching, so I had to ah…you know, give up.”

“And that left something else aching too didn’t it?” She then added.

“Yes…it did.”

She stood then looking down at me once again. “What about…ah, your girlfriend?” She asked. “Any possibility she might drop by…say hello, see how you’re doing? I’m sure your mom would be cordial and candid enough to allow the two of you a bit of privacy for a while,” she openly suggested.

“We ah…don’t have that kind of a relationship yet. We just started dating a few weeks ago, so no…not exactly something I could ask her, or expect her to do Kath,” I said using the less formal, more intimate address of my aunt that I very often did whenever we started speaking this way with one another.

“I see,” she said, looking worried and concerned. Once again she just stood there looking at me without saying anything, a bit of a flush suddenly coming into her face. “Well, I should probably go down and help your mother, but…wanted you to know, I’m planning on spending the night here this evening, though we might as well try and enjoy an evening together. Even brought a few movies along to watch later up here in your room.”

“Looking forward to that,” I said. Which I was, though I now had…once again the beginnings of another unwanted erection, simply from the semi-intimate discussion we’d just been having. Which unfortunately hadn’t resolved my problem…if anything, making it even worse as I now sat looking at my rather attractive aunt, once again getting a “stiffy”.

I was glad when she finally left, though once again feeling frustrated and angry with myself for having gotten myself into this situation in the first place. I did enjoy our dinner together later, mom of course joining us, and then staying long enough to watch a movie together. And though it wasn’t exactly a chick-flick, more of a suspense action adventure, there were one or two fairly steamy scenes in it,

which once again didn’t help me out much at all. Even Sophia commented on that briefly, joking around about it a little, stating that she didn’t realize there were such sexy scenes in the movie, and hoped that hadn’t “bothered” me in a bad way…watching them with her and mom both there. Though she had in fact placed her hand on my upper thigh when saying that, squeezing my leg, almost apologetically with that knowing little look in her eye. We both knew what it was she was actually referring to.

Series NavigationBe happy for me – 2 >>

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