Be happy for me – 4

“Be happy for me” Part-4 Continues……

I’d enjoyed one of the deepest, most relaxing sleeps I think I had ever had. Still half asleep in fact, semi-dreaming as images filled my head, along with some very pleasant sounds. I was still struggling with images that now began to fade like vaporous ghosts, while other things became gradually sharper in my mind. Sounds…movement, giggling. I woke up.

As my eyes popped open, I felt movement on the bed next to me. I didn’t have to do much of anything but lay there taking in what I now saw.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Sophia said grinning at me, as mom then did. She was laying on top of my Aunt, the two of them pressed together, grinding against one another quite obscenely. “We thought this might eventually wake you…get a rise out of you,” she said as she looked down at my crotch, having pulled the sheet away. I’d slept naked as I usually did, aside from the somewhat itchy cast on my leg and arms.

I now looked down at myself and saw my typical morning woody. At the moment however, it was rapidly becoming a bit stiffer than a normal pee-hard. I was enjoying this unexpected wake-up call, watching my Aunt and mom basically clit-fucking one another.

“That’s…nasty looking!” I grinned at them excitedly.

“Very nasty,” mom responded back, humping herself against my aunt’s cunt, the squishy sounds of their very aroused cunts slipping and sliding against one another, which was very apparent.

“Would you like to join us?” My Aunt asked.

“Eventually…sure. But right now, all I really want to do is lay here and watch the two of you, this is pretty fucking hot!” I told them both, reaching down to gently fondle my prick now as I continued doing so. Having a free hand however, even with my wrist-cast on, I managed to reach over, tweaking each of their respective nipples as those too occasionally rubbed against one another.

“Just like his father isn’t he?” Mom stated. “Once a tit man…always a tit man,” she added. “I swear, sometimes Jeff can just sit there jerking himself off and enjoy it just so long as he’s fingering my nipples while he does. Though one of his favorite past-times is to tit-fuck me too, which I rather enjoy seeing myself admittedly. But I’ll say this Kath…as nice as yours are, don’t be too surprised when he soon asks if you’ll let him fuck yours too. Especially now.”

Aunt Sophia laughed, though she arched her back a little, giving mom a different angle to hump against perhaps as she pressed herself even more fully, now gyrating in slow sensual circles against her.

“Well, now that the proverbial cats are out of the bag so to speak, I suppose we should be prepared for just about anything. I know how Jeff can be…no doubt, he’ll come up with a few wickedly naughty things we’ve never even thought of,” she giggled…though moaning at almost the same time.

“What about you honey?” Mom said including me in their conversation once again. “How would you like to start out your day?”

That was a no-brainer. “What you’re doing now is perfect for the moment. Though I am soon going to need to pee here, stiff cock or no. I won’t be able to have an orgasm any time soon until I do. But I’m currently not in any real hurry either. Watching the two of you doing this for a bit yet…is perfectly fine with me.”

I watched for several more minutes as they both managed to get one another off, humping away excitedly, rubbing clits, cunts and tits together until they both exploded, laying there breathlessly for several minutes more until the need to finally pee…took over from the urge to keep stroking myself on the way to an orgasm.

“Ok you two…I really do need to pee now, so you’re going to have to move so I can get down into my chair.”

“Tell you what…rather than do that, your mom and I will help you walk into the bathroom, you really do need to start putting a little weight down on that foot according to what the doctor said. We’ll help you get there, and then you can pee standing up.”

The thought of my naked Aunt and mother escorting me on either side down the hall into the bathroom seemed like a great idea. Just having the two of them do that, feeling their firm full breasts brushing and pressing against me as I placed my arms around their necks was a wonderful way to go about doing that. We walked slowly and I savored each and every sensation as we did so, finally reaching the bathroom door as even then they helped me inside.

“Ok, thanks,” I said, pulling my arms away from them both, almost reluctantly. “I’ll let you know when I’m finished here,” I added expecting them each to leave.

“Oh, we’re not going anywhere,” my Aunt then stated. “Don’t want you toppling over or anything, why take the risk?”

Suddenly I was pee-shy. Weird. Weird how I could lay there on the bed only a few minutes ago, stroking my own hard dick, and yet…stand here with a semi-flaccid cock, trying to take a morning pee, and having a difficult time with someone standing there watching me try to do that.

“I’m not sure I can go…not with the two of you hovering over me like a pair of vultures,” I tried joking around, hoping they would see my dilemma and take pity on me and leave. That didn’t happen, though what did…surprised me even more.

“Here, maybe this will help,” mom said, suddenly reaching over, grasping my cock…holding it and pointing it towards the bowl.

“Help me what? Help me get hard again so I can’t pee?” I said slightly frustrated as she stood there waggling my cock, which immediately began firming up once again.

Aunt Sophia laughed. “Maybe we should run some water, perhaps that will help,” she stated.

“I know!” Mom said. “I have an idea!”

Once again I was a little confused as she suddenly reached over pulling the toilet seat back down, and then sat down herself. The next thing I knew, she was spreading her legs apart. She giggled slightly.

“I’m not pee-shy…just gonna take a second here,” she informed us. And then seconds after that, she began to tinkle into the bowl. “There…how’s that? That help?”

It did…as I now felt like I could pee. New problem however…mom was in the way.

“It does, yes…but hurry up, or I’ll end up peeing all over you, like I said earlier, I really do need to go now!”

“Then go!” Mom said spreading her legs even more. “Help him out Sophia! Take his prick and aim it for him…down between my legs!”

“Holy shit…you want me to…”

Sophia held it…indeed aiming it. “Go on sweetie…go ahead and pee now. Let’s see your stream join your moms,” she urged me.

I couldn’t believe this. I mean this wasn’t exactly something I would have ever considered doing before, not exactly my cup of tea so to speak. Even some of the porn I’d seen or stumbled across when it came to “golden showers” and the like, had never really turned me on very much. But now suddenly…the thought of actually standing here taking a piss while my Aunt held my prick, and me…pissing between my own mother’s legs while she did…was suddenly fucking hot!

“Thar…she blows!” Mom quipped as a very forceful stream shot out of the end of my dick, Sophia quickly adjusting her aim with me now peeing between mom’s legs. It was weird…though strangely exciting to stand there doing that. Watching my stream intermingling with mom’s as she sat peeing herself. “Well…looks like I’m going to need a different kind of shower now after all,” she laughed. “Though I’m willing to bet you’d enjoy having one too wouldn’t you?” She asked me.

“Yeah…I would,” I said grinning. “Especially after all that hot sweaty sex we had last night. Though I wouldn’t mind feeling a nice soapy-slick hand or blowjob either.”

“Like I said…like father, like son,” Mom added to that.


The one really nice thing about mom and dad’s shower was that they’d had it custom made for the two of them. It was large enough to fit four people comfortably, also having two really nice shower heads on either end of it. On one side was a small ledge one could also use to sit down on, which mom enjoyed doing whenever she shaved her legs. But it also made it a lot easier for me too, being able to sit down rather than trying to stand there and balance myself. Though it had taken a while to wrap, and thus waterproof my casts against getting wet,

it had been worth the additional effort. Especially when all I had to do was sit there while my mother and Aunt both saw me washing me from head to toe. Needless to say…they saved the best part for last. By the time they got around to washing my prick, it was stiff as a board, and in much need of attention by now.

Be happy for me – 4 will continue on the next page

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