Be happy for me – 2

“Let’s just say, he’s very anxious to come home on Sunday and leave it at that for the time being. In the meantime…I’m rather anxious to explore a few things that I haven’t explored in years, not to mention exploring something else, provided you’re ok with it,” she informed me.

Once again I couldn’t believe this was happening, and had it not been for the fact my mother…and my aunt were sitting on either side of me entirely naked, I’d have thought I was dreaming. My cock told me otherwise however, having already lengthened and hardened considerably a long time ago.

The fact that I was wearing nothing more than a robe, my boxers, didn’t do much in concealing that fact either, which my Aunt immediately picked up on. Looking down at the tent in my robe at this point, she reached over, not touching…but parting the fold in my bathrobe. When she did, it became readily apparent as to what my cock had already decided. Sticking up through the opening in my boxers, it had already made an appearance.

“Even better looking in the light than when I last saw it,” she suddenly blurted out, to which I then heard mom audibly gasp.

“Oh my…yes, it is!”

To my surprise it was mom who reached over first, the sudden sensation of her warm delicate hand wrapping itself around my cock, squeezing it gently. She moved in a bit closer to me as she did that, her voice husky, lustful. “So…is this ok, or…no?”

“Fuck!” I said by way of an answer, and then leaned over to capture one of my mother’s beautiful, full breasts, her hard extended nipple sucking it into my mouth.

“I think…he said yes,” Aunt Sophia laughed, now reaching over herself, her hand joining moms as the two of them sat fondling my stiff hard cock together.

I couldn’t help but gasp audibly myself, though still enjoying the feel and sensation of mouthing my own mother’s wonderful hard-tipped breast. The two of them however suddenly pushed me back onto the bed, allowing them to do so, though I was also in no condition, or desire to resist them in doing that.

As Sophia reached down, pulling my boxers all the way down my legs, mom likewise removed my robe, uncharacteristically, tossing it off to one side where it landed on the floor. “Don’t worry about doing anything, that’s what we’re here for,” she then told me, and slithered down my body, once again meeting up with my Aunt, who’d already begun tickling the length of my cock with her rapid-fire tongue.

I almost exploded right then and there, not so much because of how it felt, though it felt unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. But it was the mere thought that my Aunt…and now my mother were between my legs, taking turns sucking and licking my cock together. It was all I could do to hold back and keep from spurting all over their faces.

As though sensing that perhaps, I heard my Aunt giggle. “Perhaps we should give him a minute,” she told my mother. “Not in any real hurry here are we?”

“You might be right…though I’m honestly anxious to finally see him squirt,” mom added reluctantly, pulling away. “But…as you said, plenty of time for that later. How about we…put on a little bit of a show for him now?” She ventured.

Something I was all for, so high-strung at the moment however, that even seeing that was apt to produce a fountain, and without any help of my own. But the fact I now knew the two of them used to do things together growing up, and now wanted to experience and enjoy that again…well I for one, wanted to see it for myself.

I now propped myself up on my back using the pillows from the bed, uncaring at the moment that neither of them was touching me, almost grateful for the fact that they weren’t. Looking down at myself, my prick seemed to be bigger than it had ever been, and certainly far more swollen than I’d seen it in quite some time. But the bigger picture was…watching my Aunt and mother suddenly curling up in bed beside me locked in a very wicked, very delicious looking ’69’.

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