A Strange But Happy Friendship – A Memoir by Mike – Part 1

This Story is part of A Strange But Happy Friendship Series

I spent the next few days tidying up the living room and organizing the house, bringing lots of snacks and food, and a large amount of alcohol. I knew my friend Heather could drink enough to sink the Titanic, so time after time her wine was unloaded. The house looked perfect and I cooked dinner and marinated wine on ice while I waited for them to arrive.
The driveway intercom rings and when I answer I hear an official male voice asking if Mike is home…

In the background, Heather is screaming with excitement, saying “open up, open up, I need a hug”. I walked past them and went to the door to meet them.

Heather ran out of the car towards me, arms wide open… When we hugged, my cheeks were covered with hundreds of kisses…… “I miss you so much” she cried.

I looked up to see what I can only describe as absolute sex on feet. Joe is about 5’11 tall, and is a rugby player (roughly), wearing light pink chino shorts, boat shoes and a white t-shirt, he’s clearly keeping himself in great shape. What immediately attracted me to him was the red beard on his face. Not a full beard, like a few days old, but oh my gosh it looks glamorous. He held out his right hand and said “you must be the infamous Mike this mistress keeps talking about”

I took his firm and strong fist and replied, “And you must be Joe, the man who intends to steal my daughter.”

The handshake lasted for a good 30 seconds and the downward gaze was clear as we both tried to show each other who the Alpha male was. Suddenly he just pulled me forward in a ‘bromance’ hug “Nice to meet you, Mike, I’ve heard so much about you”

I hugged her and hugged her back, with lots of slaps and grabs on the back. I can feel him wearing Pink Joop. It’s my favorite consequence of a guy.

After we walked in, and I let them unpack and settle down, I went over to give them a bottle of wine, I could hear them kissing and muttering to each other, so I made it clear to them that I was on the approach. I went into their room, and I could clearly see the love in Heather’s eyes, this guy is real, he’s caring, kind, and generous, and she’s clearly in love. I’ve never seen a softer side of Heather, and that’s my favorite side, he tamed that “wild cat” in her, yet allowed her to shine.

I handed them the bottle of wine and informed them that dinner would be ready soon and we would eat out on the balcony. They took the wine, and I heard the cork, and the laughter returned as I left her two loving puppies.
Outside, I installed the dining table right in the shade.

My garden was too steep to do anything excellent so I decided to build to the outside. I have a very large terrace on stilts that extends outward and takes up half of the original garden. The view from the end of the balcony was excellent and the open space gave me more outside space. It’s great for parties and also a great place to have my hot tub.

A Strange But Happy Friendship continues on the next page

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