Exploring quick incest – 3

“Exploring quick incest” Part-3 Continues…..

The kids had certainly seen Janet and I in the nude in times past, though not in quite the way they had seen us the night before. So it was that Janet didn’t overreact to Max’s sudden unexpected appearance, and made no move to make any attempt at covering herself up. And it wasn’t like we flaunted our being naked in front of the kids either. But we certainly never made an issue of nudity in the home as we’d long ago agreed upon when raising them.

” It’s a long story,” my wife began pleasantly, not even looking all that embarrassed about Max walking out and seeing her standing there, especially as Jacob continued to stand there next to her just as naked as she was. “But the short of it is…we were getting an opinion from your father as to our being able to pass for sister’s, and though a few people actually think we are at times, we were trying to determine if we looked enough alike in other ways that it might be hard to actually tell.”

“Uh huh,” Max said simply, not quite buying his mothers explanation, especially with his own sister standing there in front of her father…in the nude. But it wasn’t that so much as it was me sitting there, still with an erection and still trying to conceal it with nothing more than my own hands that Max truly wasn’t buying…and obviously wondering about as he’d noticed me sitting there trying to conceal it.

Which is about the time he brought his hand around from behind his back. By the way he was dressed in an old pair of jogging pants and one of his favorite torn tee shirts, he’d just gotten back from his morning run. Something he did almost every morning. When he did that, he stood twirling a black thong around his fingers.

“By the way…when I went out for my run this morning, I found this out on the patio, does anyone recognize it?” He looked first at his sister. “This is yours?”

Jacob certainly wore thongs, something I was well aware of. And I was pretty sure she had one or two black ones as well. But by the look on her face, and the one now showing on Janet’s it was pretty clear as to whose thong it really was.

“When did you find that?” Jacob asked, turning towards her mother. “This morning?”

“Yeah…out on the…” Max swallowed his words, suddenly staring at his sister, who in turn was staring back at him in much the same way. And then the two of them were suddenly staring at us.

“Now I know why you were acting so funny this morning!” Jacob suddenly exclaimed as the whole charade fell apart in front of me, though she immediately realized of course what I…or rather we must have seen when we showed up around back so unexpectedly. What it didn’t explain exactly, was why Janet’s thong had been kicked off to one side back around near the patio doors.

“Ok, I’m still lost and a bit confused here,” Max said nervously. By the look on his face, it was obvious he was hoping against hope that there was some other explanation for Janet’s thong being out back near the patio doors, when it obviously hadn’t been prior to last night. Jacob then turned towards her mother.

“Am I wrong, or do we need to have a sit down here?” Jacob asked.

“Ah, ladies? Before we start talking or discussing anything, might it not be a bit more prudent for the two of you to get dressed?” I suggested. “I don’t know about Max here…but I for one am starting to get a bit uncomfortable, and I’m thinking I’m soon to be more so…so while you two get dressed, I think I’ll just…”

I had stood in preparation of heading off inside briefly.

“Sit down Daison,” Janet said using that particular tone of voice. “And no…as a matter of fact, I don’t think we should get dressed. In fact…you Daison, take your Maxe off!” I looked at her trying to ask her with my eyes if she had suddenly just lost her mind, but she ignored me turning towards our son. “And you Max…you too, take off the sweats until you’re as naked as everyone else is.”


“You two heard me, just do what I ask,” she told us both. Max once again glanced towards his sister trying to somehow receive an explanation simply from her look, but all she did was stand there and smile, finding that what her mother had just suggested would certainly prove to be interesting.

“In case you’re wondering,” Janet began, “I think with all four of us being naked, that none of us will find there is much for us to hide, and that we’ll all be a bit less embarrassed discussing last night,” she said emphasizing the words. Having said that, Max now knew where all this was headed, and Jacob merely had her own suspicions confirmed.

“That’s why you didn’t come down stairs to tell us you were home,” she stated simply. “You’d already seen us.”

“Yeah, and that’s why you…neither of you, came up stairs to ask why we were home so early either,” Janet said smiling at Jacob, which in a weird sort of way, had already defused the situation a little. Even my prick had finally softened enough that I was no longer fully hard, though the moment I finished removing my Maxe, I felt it thMax once again with curious interest as to what the hell was going to happen next.

Even Max had turned, quickly shoving his sweatpants and shorts down around his ankles, stepping out of them, and then doing a sideways two-step towards the patio table taking a seat. Only then did he finish removing the tee shirt he had on once he had sat down.

“Ok, so…we’re all naked. Now what?” He asked just as suspiciously as his sister was, though using a tone of voice that clearly stated he was on edge and prepared to defend himself if he had to.

True, they were adults, and not really brother and sister. But we still where their parents, and we were the ones who had caught them fucking there on the couch. I tried not to think about what they were watching while they did, nor make it worse than it already was about what Janet and I then proceeded to do while they did. And I was more than happy to let Janet take the lead on this, though for the life of me…I didn’t know where she was going with it when she did.

I should have known.


“As you two well know, your father and I have never once tried to make any major issues when it came to sex. He and I have always been fairly liberal and open-minded when it came to that, as the two of you well know growing up over the course of the years. Neither of us is judgmental, and I hope you’ll soon know, we’re not being judgmental of you two now, and I also hope…because of that, neither one of you will be judgmental of us either.”

The three of us continued to sit there in silence, letting Janet continue on, though I now knew she had every intention of not only telling them what it was we saw…but what the two of us soon after did after we had. I felt the heat already beginning to spread across my face, not to mention everywhere else.

“To be honest with both of you, I’m actually a little surprised something like this hasn’t happened before now, though I guess in thinking about it…my first question would be, was this the first time for the two of you?”

Janet had in fact told the kids everything from start to finish, including the phone call we’d received in the car from Barbra, causing us to turn back in the first place. Though I was glad she left out the part about the blowjob she’d given me. But that at least explained why we’d made so much noise coming in, and why we’d gone straight up to bed. It also, of course, explained why Max found Janet’s black thong laying outside on the patio.

“So you’re not…mad?” Max asked pausing, still finding it hard to digest what his mother’s just told them both. The fact they now knew she and I had literally stood there watching them have sex, and then got so aroused ourselves seeing them, that we ended up doing the same thing as well. That was bad enough, but that Janet basically admitted to them that it was arousing, seeing the two of them together, wasn’t something I felt was entirely necessary the way she’d explained it. Even though I most certainly had been.

“Daddy was,” Jacob said smugly, folding her arms across her breasts, staring at me.

I was damn glad that none of our neighbors could see us sitting at the angle the way we were in our backyard. It no doubt would have made for a very interesting sight, the four of us naked, sitting around the patio table at eight o’clock in the morning.

“I wasn’t angry,” I said in my own defense, though I got an immediate questioning look from my wife the moment she said that.

“Yes you were, that’s why you jumped on me for being dressed the way I was,” she shot back. Janet now knew there was a LOT more that had gone on this morning than what she first thought or heard.

“I wasn’t angry. I was feeling guilty,” I finally said a bit more softly.

“Guilty? Why? We’re the ones who should feel guilty about last night, not you,” she responded, surprising me just a bit, though Janet once again smiled knowingly, nodding her head towards her daughter. She then looked towards her brother. “Told you we shouldn’t have done it down there,” she said, once again re-crossing her arms over her breasts for emphasis.

“Me! You’re the one who came running up to get me the moment you found mom and dad’s sex-tape in the player!” He said defiantly. Which had basically brought everything full circle again.

“And about that,” mom said, taking over again. “It’s now time we all got honest with one another here, which is one of the reasons why I suggested we have this discussion in the nude in the first place. That way none of us can or should feel too terribly embarrassed by all this. Let’s face it, we all experienced something in our own way last night that left us all feeling a little unsure, and a little confused about it. As I said and asked earlier, was this the first time for you two then?”

“No…it was the second time, only the second time Max and I have actually had intercourse, though we’ve done other stuff for a while now,” she freely admitted, though Max anxiously glanced towards me looking for some sort of a reaction. I gave him one, though thankfully, he didn’t really see it. My cock lurched. Visions of the two of them…again, filling my head, wondering how often, where and when they’d done “other stuff,” as Jacob had put it.

“Well, like I said, I’ve frankly been expecting something to happen for a while now, as close as the two of you have always been, and not actually being related by blood. So it’s not as unexpected as you might think, though I’m a little glad to hear that things didn’t really get that involved between the two of you until recently.”

Jacob nodded her head at Janet, and then turned back towards me again. “Why did you feel guilty?” She asked pointedly. And then answering her own question as it suddenly dawned on her why…”Because you really did enjoy seeing us…didn’t you?”

“Yes, we did,” Janet answered for us both, saving me the admission verbally. “Does that shock you?” She asked. “Because I have to admit, to each of you,” she said turning towards Max, at first…we were both shocked, though pMaxably more so because you were watching us fucking on the TV, while the two of you were,” she added. “Obviously, you were enjoying watching the two of us weren’t you?” She asked.

Finally Jacob actually blushed, unfolding her arms as she did, placing them down in her lap. And all that did of course was to draw my attention back towards her tits again, each one of those a bit flushed as well too, as I saw the pinkness spreading across my daughter’s chest, her twin nipples rock hard, as were Janet’s. I glanced out of the corner of my eye, and noticed that Max was likewise looking at them both, just as I now was.

“Yes, we did. Frankly, it was hot, watching the two of you having so much, totally uninhibited fun with one another. I can honestly tell you, most of my friends wouldn’t and pMaxably couldn’t say the same about their parents! And not that I’d run off and tell anyone what we did, while watching you either, but yeah…to put it mildly mom and dad, you two are damn fucking sexy!”

I was surprised at hearing her actually say that, not to mention a bit flattered, and yes…once again hard as hell too.

“But it’s also hot…thinking, and now knowing, you two got just as horny, horny enough to actually stand there and do it, watching Max and I,” she added. And then another big realization came into her face, and she blushed even a deeper red. “Oh my god! That means…you, you saw me…ah, ah…”

I had to laugh, I couldn’t help it. The tension was defused, Janet had seen to that easily enough, and as weird as it still was in a way, especially with both Max and I having erections now, which was clearly evident as he sat next to me in his chair, though trying to keep it somewhat concealed by sitting in a bit further towards the table than I was. I now chimed in for the first time really, though at my wife’s expense.

“Like mother like daughter,” I said aloud, remembering the sound as Janet came. One of her “gushers” as I called them, hearing it splattering against the paving stones beneath us, the incredibly erotic sound of that, added to the bathing warmth around my cock as I finished jettisoning my own hard-felt pleasures inside my wife’s cunt. And then of course the image of Jacob standing there, her own youthful fountain of pleasure spurting against her brother’s prick.

Jacob had raised her eyebrows, “You do too?” she then asked. “Really? Like I do?”

Now Max was looking at his mother with a whole new appreciation, his hand absentmindedly falling down into his lap where he clasped his rigid prick and actually stroked it a little. I couldn’t say as I blamed him too much for doing so either, I happened to now have my own hand around my cock as well.

Janet had tried very hard to give me a bit of a withering look, but it utterly failed. Oh sure, I might get a bit of a reprimand from her later when we were alone, but the truth of the matter was, speaking about it now…admitting to all of it, everything, had done a lot to make each one of us feel far less guilty about what had happened, what we’d seen, and of course what we’d all done. At least now it was out in the open…though as I realized it, I now wondered.

Exploring quick incest – 3 will continue on the next page

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