Exploring quick incest – 5

“Exploring quick incest” Part-5 Continues……

It was very odd. As we sat down at the dining room table for dinner, everyone seemed very subdued. Unlike the way it had been at breakfast earlier, the kids hardly spoke, even picking through the meal, which normally had been one of their favorites. Even Janet raised her eyebrows towards me. Though all I could do was shrug my shoulders in response to that. I had no idea what was going on. Something.

I could only surmise that perhaps the kids had sat down and talked about it later on. Perhaps they were having second thoughts about everything that had happened. Frankly, I’d been half expecting it, those same guilty feelings suddenly rushing back, which is why I sat picking at my own food.

But Janet, as usual, wasn’t about to let it continue on for very long. Especially when she had gone to a great deal of work in preparing such a delicious meal that normally would have been entirely consumed by now.

“Ok, who wants to go first?” she asked as she sat slicing up a portion of the tender roast beef she’d prepared. Jacob was the first to respond.

“To do what?” She asked as she sat forming her mashed potatoes into a slightly larger pile without taking a bite.

“Oh…I don’t know…to maybe explain why the two of you are acting so moody all of a sudden?” My wife asked.

Jacob looked towards her brother, though he kept his eyes down on his own plate, though he made some effort to slice off a portion of meat, forking it into his mouth without looking at anyone. It was clearly obvious by the way she had looked at him, that the two of them had spoken earlier. Whatever they’d discussed had caused some sort of troubling concern, which had impacted the dynamics of what we’d all so recently experienced with one another.

“Chicken,” she said simply, still eyeing her brother, though he did raise his head, nearly responding to his sister’s declaration, thought better of it, and spooned a bit of green beans into his mouth instead. Max didn’t much care for green beans, and yet, he ate them as though to ward off his sister’s challenge.

Janet put her knife and fork down, sitting back in her chair, and then folded her arms over her breasts. “Ok, before dinner’s completely and totally ruined here, can we at least agree that perhaps we need to all have another chat again? Maybe after we’ve actually eaten and cleared things up?”

“I’m eating,” Max responded, forking another mouthful of green beans.

“Uh huh,” Janet said though I now felt it was time I actually put a word or two in myself.

“I agree, it appears we all need to clear the air here, after dinner,” I announced. “Obviously something’s happened, and it would appear we all need to sit down and talk about it.”

At least everyone finished eating, though again, we did so mostly in silence. After we had all helped in clearing up the table along with the dinner dishes, Janet told me to go pick out a nice bottle of wine from our somewhat small, but nicely stocked cabinet. “Maybe if we all have a nice glass of wine and relax…

” she’d said, shooing me off moments later. “We’ll meet you in the formal family room,” she then added, purposely directing us away from the den where it would be less of a reminder as to the recent activities, which had taken place there.

I had just finished pouring everyone a glass of wine, sipping my own when they came walking in. After everyone had taken a seat on the couch or the chairs, I passed around the wine glasses, which we all now sat sipping once again in silence.

“Ok, Jacob? Since you obviously have…or had something to say earlier? Why don’t you begin and tell us what’s actually going on here,” Janet asked.

As she’d done before, she took a quick glance towards her brother, but then turned back around facing us.

“Well, earlier? I was heading up stairs to go to my room, and I saw Max leaning his head against your bedroom door. Obviously he was listening.”

I saw my wife’s eyes light up at that, but as she’d done in the past, without commenting at this point, she merely nodded her head indicating that Jacob should continue. I took my cue from her, sipping my wine instead, though curious.

“Anyway, at first he didn’t hear me, or see me, until I’d almost reached him, then he turned and shushed me, telling me to be quiet as I approached. So I listened too, and it was obvious you guys were going at it again.” Jacob actually laughed as she said that, as did Janet and I, the tension in the air lessened a little.

“Go on,” I spoke.

“Well, it was then I noticed, Max had his cock out and was playing with it, which of course made me horny too.” Janet stifled a smile, sipping her wine. “We both listened for a moment or two longer, but then I motioned to him to follow me down the hall to my room, which he did. Except…once we got there after closing the door so we could speak, I told him I wanted him to come fuck me, you know…because now I was horny too.

Except…he said that we p Max ably shouldn’t. He said he thought that maybe you two really didn’t want us messing around anymore, and that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for us to do anything unless you were there with us.”

“I don’t think we ever discussed that, or made any mention of the fact we disapproved of your relationship,” I said looking over towards my wife who sat nodding her head in agreement.

“You’re both adults now, and as far as we’re concerned, perfectly capable of deciding for yourselves as to what you both want, or are willing to do, or not do. I don’t think that’s for us to decide at this point. The only thing I think we’d be in a position to suggest, if you decide to do so…to continue on with an intimate relationship, is that you not flaunt it in front of people we know. They might not have the same understanding, or open-mindedness that we do.”

And though my comment seemed to put that in perspective again, and clear up any misconceptions or communications about it, it was obvious there was a bit more to it than that.

“Told you they didn’t mind,” Jacob said, staring at her brother, actually smiling a bit. “But…one thing we both did agree on, and were curious about,” she went on finally now speaking for them both as even Max sat up a bit straighter in his chair. “What we’re mostly worried about, is that what happened…was a one time thing, a sort of a…”It just happened” kind of a thing, and that it pMaxably wouldn’t ever happen again. You know?” Jacob looked back and forth between us worriedly, letting it sink in for a moment. “But here’s the deal…” she continued.

“The fact is, both Max and I enjoyed this morning, a lot. And even afterwards, during breakfast, things seemed to be a lot more fun around here than it’s actually been for a while. Now, I don’t know if that had something to do with what we’d done outside, but I think it did. At least for me it did. And I was horny and aroused after that almost all day long. Until Max told me what he did anyway,” she said once again glaring at her brother.

“But…was it? A one time thing? Because we certainly hope that it wasn’t,” she now stated firmly. “I know…we know, a lot of people would p Maxa bly frown at what we did out there, and certainly a few other things too,” she added, looking directly at me. Which told me in a sense that Max must have said something to her about our brief afternoon together. “But the way we see it…its no nobody else’s business what we do. The only fear and concern we have…is that maybe you and mom might not see it that way.”

“I see,” Janet finally said, finishing off her glass of wine. “So, what you’re telling your father and I, is that you enjoyed it…enjoyed what we all shared together, and want to continue doing so, is that it?”

“Yes,” Max actually answered even before Jacob could, which she still did a second after her brother had. “I enjoyed what dad and I did today,” he openly admitted. “It was fun…maybe a bit unusual in a way…but it was still fun. And I’d like to think that wasn’t just a fluke of some sort either,” he finished.

“So…just be honest with us both,” Jacob said, jumping in again. “If we don’t have a pMaxlem with continuing to have fun like that again…do you guys?”

“Let me say this…and I believe I am speaking for your father as well on some level. We’ll be the first to admit and say we’ve enjoyed everything that’s happened so far. I’m not sure…being your mother, and he…your father, that we’re quite in a place to actually go much beyond that. More than we already have. I would never want anything to happen or come between us, that would cause pMaxlems for anyone inside this family.

So…there are still issues there, at least for me, and perhaps for the three of you as well, that have to be taken into consideration. But…let me at least add this much. I’m willing to at least continue as far as we have gone, and just take things as they come. As long as we’re all willing to be perfectly and totally candid with one another…and honest. Then I don’t foresee any real pMaxlems here. If at any point however, anyone…you, your brother, even your father or I, have any concerns. Then I think we all agree to come in here…sit down, just as we are right now, and discuss them. Agreed?”

Everyone agreed of course, and it was nice seeing the smiles return back to everyone’s face again.

“Now, what’s to say we all grab another glass of wine, and head on down to the den shall we?” Janet suggested.

“Cool, and can we watch another movie? The one Max said he got to watch? He told me how daddy came walking around balancing a rose on his dick, and I’d kind of like to see that for myself now,” Jacob said grinning.

“Yeah…we can watch that one,” Janet said looking at me, asking the second question she had for me without so many words. I merely smiled at her winking. I’d been wise enough to have moved the third movie to another location. At least for now…


“Let me make a quick pit-stop,” Janet said heading up to our bedroom. “I’ve got something I think might be interesting and fun…under the circumstances,” she added, giving no hint as to what it was she was up to. The rest of us headed on down to the den, where almost immediately Jacob shed her clothing without even batting an eyelash. As she did that, Max walked over and removed the “The Sound of Music” case. Upon opening it, he gave it…and then me a questioning look.

“Top one,” I said without further explanation, and thankfully, he didn’t pursue it. It was obvious he was curious as to where the other one had disappeared to, though he didn’t let on to his sister that one of the three was missing. He then walked over and slid the disk into the DVD player, sitting down on the couch. Moments later Janet came down joining us, having removed all her clothing upstairs.

“Isn’t that typical?” She asked, walking into the room. “Here are Jacob and I already naked, and the two of you are still dressed.”

Exploring quick incest – 5 will continue on the next page

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