Exploring quick incest – 4

“Exploring quick incest” Part-4 Continues…..

An hour later everyone was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying breakfast together. I sat mostly observing, a little amazed at how normal everything looked and felt at the moment, when only a short time ago, we were all fucking together outside on the patio. Everyone was famished, including myself, devouring the stacks of pancakes almost as fast as Janet could make them.

And the simple fact that everything did seem so normal was of a curious note. Janet even has to reprimand the kids, though lovingly, for fighting over a single pancake. It was indeed just like old times. I sat sipping my coffee, smiling as I did, now fully dressed as we all were, though I couldn’t help looking at the two of them…remembering almost as though I had X-ray vision, seeing my daughter’s beautiful naked body beneath the simple blouse and pair of jeans she was wearing.

“So,” Janet began as she finally sat down to have a bite to eat herself. “What are your plans for the day anyway?” She asked, though not waiting for a response exactly before informing me what her…or rather what their plans were. “Jacob and I are going out shopping for a bit,” she then stated, winking at me as she said that. It was clear that “shopping” wasn’t the main purpose for going out.

It was her signal to me that she and Jacob were going so they could have a chance to be alone together for a while, and perhaps have a chance to more intimately discuss what had happened. She then glanced over towards Max who was busy drenching the last of the pancakes in a sea of Syrup. She motioned her head towards him without speaking. Another signal, and I knew she wanted me to find a way to have a sit down with Max as well.

I know…I know. It’s a little different with ‘guys’ than it is with women. The two of them could easily run off, look at shoes, and talk about finger-fucking themselves in front of one another at the same time. I just couldn’t see me talking to Max over a football game, asking him if he enjoyed stroking his cock, or having his sister suck him off while watching us, and then checking the score.

I gave her a look that said “Ok, Ok! I will.” But all she did was frown at me, giving me one of her patented looks before speaking.

“Ok, we’re off,” she announced. “You two can clear up since we did the cooking,” she stated once again nudging me with her eyes towards Max, as though cleaning the kitchen would give us any sort of opportunity for banter. Already I could see it, me washing out the frying pan as Max dried. “So son…that was a nice squirt you shot on your mother. Or the one you managed to shoot way over your sister’s head. How long do you think it was anyway? A new record for you? Maybe later, we could compete for distance.”


Jacob and Janet were already headed out the door when she turned. “See you in a couple of hours,” she told us. And then Jacob chimed in as well.

“Yeah, and don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” she added giggling. I couldn’t help but glance over towards Max, his face reddening his mouth opening, looking for some sort of a retort back to that. But the door closed before he could. He looked at me a bit sheepishly, and finished drying the pan he held in his hand.

“So son…wanna watch the game?”


We soon headed downstairs to the den, turning on the TV. It was almost funny, Max and I both taking opposite sides of the “L” shaped couch, neither one of us sitting in the spot where he and his sister had sat, fucking one another the night before, though we’d both glanced at the exact spot. It was then that he realized that “our” dirty little movie was still in the DVD player. He got up, walked over and hit the eject button.

“Almost forgot,” he said, taking it out. “Where do you want me to put this anyway?”

I chuckled to myself. There was no point in denying that our dirty movie didn’t exist, and that in fact we had two others we had made either. “There should be a movie there at the end…The Sound of Music,” I informed him. His eyes widened, a small smile forming on his face as he leaned over browsing the titles, finding it. He pulled it out, opened the cover and actually laughed.

“Nice one,” he said. “Neither one of us would have ever opened this one,” he said, grinning even wider.

“That’s why we put it there,” I chortled back. “The mistake was…leaving it out in the first place.”

“Well, I for one…and Jacob too for that matter, are glad you did…dad,” he said putting the DVD into the case, though noticing there were two other DVD’s inside it as he did that. “Are these?” He asked without finishing.

I nodded my head. He seemed to hesitate. It was now or never.

“You want to watch another one?”

He looked a bit surprised, perhaps even a little embarrassed. “Yeah, you cool with that?” He asked. “You’d let me…let us, see another one?”

I needed to think about that one, and talk to Janet about it before I ran off and gave him permission for he and Jacob to just sit down, watch mommy and daddy fucking again on their own. The purpose here was…to offer it up now, and in doing so perhaps get Max to open up as to what he was feeling about everything. Not later.

“Last night was an accident, as far as you can find the movie,” I began. “I need to discuss you and your sister just watching them without our being there first before I give my approval to either one of you doing that. But…if you want to watch a little of one now, with me here…I don’t think your mom could get too terribly upset over that.”

Once again he hesitated thinking about it, looking inside the case. I shared his discomfort, surprised at myself for even suggesting it. But at least I’d tried.

“Ok, sure. If you’re cool with it…so am I.”

It was then that I realized, there was one DVD in amongst the two that Janet might not want either one of the kids to actually see. It was the first one we’d ever done, but it wasn’t just of us either. A couple of years ago we’d gone on a vacation to Hawaii, just the two of us.

A much needed vacation, that we’d been looking forward to in more ways than one. While there, we’d met another couple and had grown to like them almost immediately. We’d ended up sightseeing with them, having dinner together, and then one night…venturing into an area we’d never expected to allow ourselves to go. Much to my surprise, when Mac suggested we actually film it, so we’d all have a sort of special souvenir, it was Janet who immediately liked the idea, and had gone along with it even before I’d put my own two cents in.

That was the first time I’d ever seen her as wild-eyed as she’d been, until this morning when I’d seen that same look once again. Watching Mac’s wife as she went down on mine, and she riding his dick, while sucking mine had been one of the hottest things we’d ever done,

or later sat watching together, getting horny all over again. Janet had walked out onto the balcony of our hotel, completely naked, and begged me to fuck her right there. Which I’d done. Yeah…it had been an amazing trip, an amazing experience, one we’d not repeated again since then, though we’d very often talked about it, or fantasized about doing it again sometime, under the right circumstances. No…that one might not be the best one to sit down and watch with my son.

Exploring quick incest – 3 will continue on the next page

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