Who would have considered

This Story is part of Who'd Have Thought Series

I felt my knees buckling, already starting to get the shakes, what she was doing…the way she was doing it, felt heavenly. All thoughts of her being my mom, playing with my dick, suddenly evaporating like so many raindrops hitting a hot sidewalk on a summer’s day. All I could think about for the moment was the tightness in my balls, the sensation of what I damn well knew was going to be one mother-loving, earth-shattering orgasm, only seconds from now. That…and the feel of those god-loving, hot-fucking, incredible tits I held in my hands as it started to happen.

“Oh fuck mom…Jesus, oh God, oh God! Oh GOD!”

“Let it come baby, that’s it…let it come, feel it baby…give it to mommy,” she told me. And then I did.

It felt like I came forever! Standing there looking down at myself, as we both were now, heads together in fact, watching the semen leap from my cock, spurting upwards, defying gravity as I splurged against her, specifically those same breasts I continued to hold, watching my semen as it covered her, leaving tracers of my spunk splashing against her as she cried out in delirious glee and enjoyment, watching it. And all I could think of to do then…was kiss her.

I think that one…caught her off guard. At least for a moment anyway. Obviously I had never ever kissed her quite like that. Not the ole’ typical kiss your mom kind of a kiss…this was full on lips, seeking lips, tongue suddenly spearing into her mouth, without thinking, just reacting, succumbing to the moment. There was only the briefest hesitation, withdrawal if you will as she no doubt involuntarily reacted back to the unexpected, perhaps unanticipated reaction. But then suddenly, as quick as she’d started to move away, she pressed forward.

Now it was her tongue dancing with mine, her mouth seeking, and chewing on my lips, her breath coming fast, anxious and as needful as mine was. And my cock continued to throb, somehow continued to drip, if not spurt now at least, still bubbling cum, still drooling out semen onto her hand as she still continued working it, moving it up and down, back and forth, lovingly, still playfully…squeezing out every single drop.

Only when I was fully sated, did she release me, stepping back a bit, forcing the two of us to break the tongue duel we’d been having. Her face was flushed, as was mine of course. Her hands now came up around my neck, not so much to wrap them around holding me, as I felt her rinsing her hands off,

knowing as she did, she was washing away all traces of what she’d just done to me. What she’d allowed herself to do to me, wondering as she did…was she now finally having guilt feelings having done so? She then rinsed off her cum soaked breasts as well, only turning then, once again opening the door of the shower.

“I’ll give you a moment to collect yourself. After that…we probably should talk. Come see me in my room,” she then added, stepping out, toweling off quickly, her wet soggy clothes still laying inside the shower stall. She didn’t even bother picking them up, taking them with her. I heard the gentle close of the door behind her as she left the bathroom. And I stood there, looking down at my

still slightly stiff member, trying to convince myself that it had actually really happened. And then wondering…what the hell I had done, what she was no doubt now feeling. I could only imagine the thoughts she must have been dealing with at this point, what I had somehow confused her into doing.

I dreaded walking into her room.


I took an inordinate amount of time drying off. Slipping into a fresh pair of ‘tighty-whities’ and a clean tee shirt I had brought in with me. There was no point going back to my room to finish dressing, or putting anything else on, as I’d have to walk by her bedroom door in order to do so, and I could see as I stepped out into the hallway, her door was open. At least I was somewhat dressed now, as I figured she’d be again.

I stepped into the doorway of her room, she was sitting there on the edge of her bed, she at least had a large fluffy bath towel wrapped around herself, so she wasn’t exactly naked still…just naked beneath it, and once again, my stupid prick sort of betrayed me, throbbing a bit with the realization of that, even growing a little, though not enough to once again embarrass the hell out of me, or totally betray my thoughts.

“You ah…wanted to talk mom?”

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