Who would have considered

This Story is part of Who'd Have Thought Series


Now I had a new dilemma. I was naked…mom wasn’t, though she might as well have been. Standing there in the shower with me, her white, wife-beater tee shirt might as well have been translucent. Still in a bit of shock at her unexpected presence, mom held me against her, more specifically, those same breasts which I could easily see now, staring down at them, seeing the very clear,

very dark coloration of her rock hard nipples as they speared through the soaked, plastered tee shirt she was wearing. But even more problematic of course, I could feel my hard firm erection digging into my mother’s abdomen. And if I could…

Still hugging me to her, I was still slobbering a bit, though the crying was now pretty much under control, replaced quite naturally of course, because now I was frightened, and confused well beyond my ability to cope with it. Mom of course, taking my sudden calmness as having been comforted, relaxing…which I was anything but. Almost too scared to move…my cock still digging into her tummy, as I now tried to gingerly back away a bit. And then I got an even bigger shock. I felt her hand surrounding it.

“Thomas…please, don’t say anything, don’t think…just, let me…do something for you. I…I think this might help you to relax.”

The next thing I knew, mom was stroking my cock, lovingly, firmly…tenderly. I seriously thought I was dreaming, standing there beneath the shower, the feel of her soft firm breasts pressing against me.

“This…is silly,” she then said, which for a moment made me think that she’d suddenly realized not only how silly this really was…but how weird, how sick…how demented it actually was, and that I had perhaps in some way, caused her to forget herself, and realize what it was she was doing…holding her own sons cock. But what she did was, step back, suddenly reach down and pull the tee shirt she was wearing,

up and over her head. But she didn’t stop there either, she then shimmied out of her now equally wet, equally drenched sweat shorts, and now stood there in front of me, just as naked as I was. Once again her hand came out, wrapping itself around my hard turgid member.

“There, that’s better!” she said, as she began stroking it for me once more. I was at a total loss for words. I didn’t know what the hell to say…words would come later perhaps, when we sat down to discuss this, which I was pretty sure we would. But for now, all I could do was reach out, my hands coming up to cup my own mother’s breasts as she stood there jerking me off. I was half expecting her to push my hands away, removing them from her breasts,

though under the circumstances, that would have been as absurd as what she was actually doing. Instead, she moaned, leaning into me, her head on my shoulder now as I continued toying with her boobs, fingers now easily locating her hard extended nipples, playing with them, pulling on them. She sighed again, pleasurably. “God baby…that feels so good.”

“Yeah…no shit,” I finally answered back, hearing the catch in my own voice as I said it, still in disbelief at what was happening here. My wildest fantasies coming true, though how they had, why they had…continued to escape me. But for now at least, I didn’t care how, or why…only that it was. Words indeed…would come later, afterwards.

I heard her laugh at that, chuckle…sighing once more. It was the best sound, the greatest sound, and the most comforting thing she could have ever done, aside from her playing with my cock anyway.

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