Who would have considered – 3

This Story is part of Who'd Have Thought Series

That shut me up. But it did little if anything to stop my rapidly beating heart, nor the slickness of her pussy as she continued to rub herself against me. I started hoping against hope, that’s all this was, and that she’d simply get herself off that way. And no doubt…me too as good as this was feeling.

I should have known better.

All of a sudden, she slid up…and then down, but as she did, she adjusted the angle just enough. Even though I was forming the words…they never came out. I felt my prick enter just a little, but then it seemed to hit a block or something. And then Stella grunted, pushed, and suddenly slid down over my shaft.

“Jesus Stella! What did you just do?” I tried very hard to say, speaking as softly as I could, but I was now deeply embedded inside my own sister’s cunt. And worse than that…I also knew she had been a virgin all along. Until now. And she was crying.

It was pretty much too late to worry about it now, or attempt to say anything. All I could do was hold her, letting her fall forward against me, still shaking, shivering, my cock so deep inside her tight virginal cunt, that I didn’t dare move anyway. Not until she began doing so. Whispering, still crying a bit as she slowly eased up, and then backed down against me.

“Oh Thomas…Thomas, for so long, for so very, very long…I’ve wanted to feel this, feel you Thomas…feel you inside me. And now…I am! Oh God! I finally am!”

I felt like such a healer, such a shit. But there was certainly no going back now. And so I began fucking my sister. Meeting her downwards thrusts, slowly, softly, easing in and out of her newly speared pussy, feeling her slowly getting accustomed to it, her wetness once again taking over, bathing us both until we were rocking, moving…working in perfect harmony together. Moments later, I sensed it before feeling it actually.

Her pussy suddenly clenched, as though going into a spasm, and then she was climaxing, her cunt tightening, loosening, tightening again, effectively milking me. Thank god she was on the pill…and had been for quite some time, even though she had been a virgin all along. Though I had of course thought otherwise. Why else be on the pill? Stupid me.

I felt the first delicious spurts of my own cock shooting off inside her, which she too felt, sighing pleasurably, still contracting, still climaxing herself. We were both lying there trying to recover when we heard the sound of mom’s bedroom door opening down the hall.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Mom’s up!” I said to my equally startled sister. Both of us scared shitless now, Stella eased off me, and then tiptoed rapidly over to the bathroom, which was thankfully attached to my room, as well as the hallway. If nothing else, she could hide in there at least, or pretend to be using it if she had to, which would seem pretty lame as the lights were out. But it was the best we could do, or hope for under the circumstances.

With Stella slipping inside the bathroom, prepared to step into the shower stall to hide if she had too, we both listened as mom herself quietly padded down the hall, stopping momentarily it seemed just outside the door to Stella’s room. She didn’t knock, or speak however, before footsteps told us both…she was headed this way!

“Fuck!” I motioned to Stella to close the door, which would give her two options at least. Either remain there and hide, or if and when mom came into my room, if she did…Stella could then at least slip out the door back into the hallway. Though she’d then have to go downstairs, rather than back to her room, or she’d risk bumping into mom. Still…it was better than mom catching her in here…with me. And with me still naked, laying on the top sheets of my bed, which is how I always slept when it was hot like it was during the summer.

I then heard her faint knock, and knew damn well she’d come in a second later, unless of course I had locked the door…which it wasn’t. She did. “Thomas? Thomas? Are you awake? I thought I heard something!” She said fearfully. “Would you mind…checking? Downstairs? Though it could be your sister, I didn’t hear her in her bedroom though…just her radio playing. Would you mind?”

I rolled over in bed, turning on the lamp sitting on my nightstand, and wished to hell that I hadn’t.

“What…what happened there?” She asked. She was looking at the bed, specifically between my legs. I was covered in blood.

“Where is she?” Mom asked. Her look was unlike any I had ever seen before. “I know she’s here…somewhere. Now…where is she!”

Stella stepped out of the bathroom, still naked. She was white as a ghost, though so was mom, as was I now. The three of us all standing there looking at one another.

The world had come to an end.


“You…come with me,” she said to my sister, and then turned to me, once again pointing her finger at me. “And you…stay where you are. You’re not going anywhere. I’ll deal with you after Stella and I have had a chance to talk.”

Fire and Brimstone. That’s what this was. And I didn’t move either. For the better part of an hour I lay there…my nerves aflame…wondering, wondering where they were, what they were talking about, what was happening, and what now…my own future was going to be like. And then I heard footsteps. There wasn’t any knock this time though, as the door opened. Mom walked in…with a wet towel in her hand. She had twisted it, glaring at me.



“You heard me…spread them!”

I had it coming. I knew that. The pain I had caused numb-nuts, the same pain Jack had felt, I was about to feel. And I deserved it. I steeled myself for it, though I knew no matter how much I thought I could, this was going to be the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life. And now…I almost welcomed it. I knew I’d destroyed this family, the love I had for my mother, and for my sister, and the love each one of them had for each other. I deserved whatever I got. I closed my eyes, waiting for the “thwap” of the towel any second now.

I jumped when it happened, when I felt it. The searing pain…the excruciating searing pain…never came. What I felt instead was the warmth of the towel mom held in her hand as she began wiping me off. I opened my eyes, she was smiling at me. My sister is standing behind her, also smiling.

“What the fuck?”

“What? You actually thought I was going to hit you with this?”


“I probably should have…and would have too, if I’d had this in my hand when I first came in here. But…after your sister and I talked, after she told me everything…and I do mean, everything. Well…I knew then, this wasn’t entirely your fault, any more than it was your sisters…or mine. We’re all to blame here for what’s happened. You seriously didn’t think I could be hypocritical myself now do you?”

I looked past mom…towards Stella. “So…she knows about…about us?”

“Naughty boy,” Stella said walking into my room then. “Who’d have thought? My own brother…fucking his mother, and then fucking his baby sister. Naughty…naughty boy you!”

“Yes he is…now, what are we going to do about it anyway?” Mom asked, turning towards her.

“Well…I’d say, fuck him! What do you think?”

“I think that sounds about right…who wants to go first?”

I knew now…I must have died, and gone to heaven. No way in hell, could this be happening!


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