Who would have considered – 3

This Story is part of Who'd Have Thought Series

“I can’t fuck you. I won’t!” Maybe I had succumbed and given in to everything else, but this is where I finally drew the line in the sand. Here I was standing my ground. At the very least, should the day ever come, I could at least look back and say, “I didn’t fuck my sister at least.”

Not like it really mattered. I knew now I was done for. Whatever else happened, I was now involved with my sister, along with my mother, though neither one of them of course knew about the other. And I was bound and determined to keep it that way, no matter what. As long as I found a way to perhaps keep them both satisfied, then maybe…just maybe, it would work out, at least until I could get out on my own again, though even then…I wasn’t betting on it. At least, it might make things a little easier.

Living with both of them now though, pretending, running around both of their backs, and behind one another…wasn’t any way to live. I now felt like what I was doing was far worse than anything Mike had ever done to me. Her involvement with numb-nuts was mild in comparison to all this.

I was both anxious as well as excited when mom finally came home. That first night back, a strange one for more reasons than one. All three of us subdued, trying to “act normally” around one another, just like the way it used to be. And yet…all three of us harboring thoughts no doubt all through dinner as we sat smiling, talking about mundane stuff, school…work, mom’s trip. And all the while tossing careful knowing looks back and forth at one another. A three ring circus of innuendos, winks, rolled eyes, a hand beneath the table here and there, or a foot to foot caress, though I usually moved mine away, only to be attacked from the other side.

“Well damn…I have to get ready for work!” Stella groaned as she finally stood up leaving the kitchen. “As much as I hate too,” she added. “But at least I have a short day at school tomorrow,” she then stated, reminding me, she’d made me promise to treat her to another long hard cunt-licking again the moment she got home tomorrow.

“Good-night sis,” I said, giving her a chaste, brotherly kiss on the cheek as she likewise received one from mom before disappearing out the door minutes later. Mom and I waited at the kitchen table, listening to the sound of her car pulling down the drive, and then onto the street before either one of us dared speak. Mom was the first one to do so.

“You’d damn well better hurry up and fuck me! It’s been three long damn days! Too long! I need my son’s cock inside his mother’s pussy! Now! Right now!” She told me, and then stood, hiking up her skirt, not even bothering to lead me upstairs to her bedroom. “I mean it Thomas, I need to feel your hot sweet cum dripping out of my cunt…then, and only then, we’ll head upstairs to the bedroom, where you can do whatever you want to me.”


“Yeah…anything. Including that, if that’s what you want.”

I stepped around behind her, mom now leaning over, her breasts flattened against the table as I stood behind her, rubbing my hard stiff cock up and down the already wet, juicy furrow of her split.

“Quit teasing me, and fuck me!” she demanded. And so I plowed into her.


I was actually starting to think I could pull this off, and somehow make it work. So far at least, things really were sort of starting to get back to normal, at least whenever the three of us were home together. Beyond that though…it was nuts! The moment either one of them left for any reason, leaving the other two of us alone, anything and everything was possible. Though I had still managed to fend off my sister’s attempts to fuck me…try as she might. But admittedly, my resolve was weakening there too.

And ironically enough, schedules changed, or rather my schedule at work, so there was now less time than we’d had, meaning that whatever waking moment there was found, was usually found with me having sex with one or the other of them.

I was even starting to consider the use of Viagra. Going twice, sometimes even three times a night or day…was starting to wear thin on me. Thank god now, there was usually at least one, sometimes two days in between when nothing could happen, giving me a chance to recoup and recover. But it was getting harder rather than easier, juggling schedules around, trying to fit things in.

And then came a really weird bad stretch. For almost a solid week, there was simply NO time at any point for anyone to do anything with anyone else. On the one hand, I was almost grateful for it. On the other however…both mom, and Stella had let it be known, one way or the other, we weren’t going another day without doing something anyway.

The problem was…they had both told me that. And all three of us still had the next night off together.

After dinner was over, I’d stayed behind with mom to help clean up the kitchen, being that it was my turn to do so anyway. Stella had gone upstairs to her room to study, as she had an important quiz the following day, though not before informing me that one way or the other,

even if we had to sneak outside in the middle of the night, we were doing something! I’d relented, but only because I knew if I didn’t, I’d pay for it later, that…or she’d do something a little too brash and stupid, and most likely jeopardize everything. After giving her my assurance we’d find a way…do something, she left with a smile on her face and headed upstairs to study. The moment she had, mom turned to me.

“Do you notice anything strange? Different about your sister lately?”

“Ah no…not really, why?” I said suddenly feeling my heart beating a mile a minute, not to mention my throat suddenly going dry, constricting.

“I don’t really know. Can’t quite put my finger on it. She only ever really acted like she had been one other time, and that was when your Aunt Beth and Cousin Rose came to stay with us for a week. She was acting like this then…I know you know about your cousin, being a lesbian and all, but Beth and I both had to wonder if she and Stella hadn’t done a little experimenting while she was here.

Anyway…she’s sort of acting the same way now, so I was just wondering, thought maybe she’d confided something in you about having found a new boyfriend or something. Though I have to admit, she hasn’t been going out if at all…which you think she would be. And she certainly hasn’t been spending hours on the phone like she used to do whenever she was either. Just so curious…and perplexing. Anyway, I thought I’d ask you if you knew anything about what’s going on with your sister.”

I was definitely going to have to have a heart to heart talk with my sister. I hadn’t really noticed anything too strange about her attitude, but mom had. And that was enough to make me realize that Stella had changed, just enough, that it was now noticeable.

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