When the straight man discover other sexuality

I pulled out a minute later, pulled my pants up, but then didn’t know what to do next.

“Grab a beer and come sit down,” Scott said… gregarious (sorry!).

“Uh, yeah, sure,” I said.

“You probably worked up a thirst doing all that dick smoking,” Bobby said.

I didn’t say anything, just as my phone rang. “Say hi to Mary for me,” Scott said.

I walked away and answered the phone, “Hi, honey.” I had cum aftertaste in my mouth, and I realized that some actual cum was still on my face.

“How’s the game?”

“We’re on top by 14,” I said.

“That’s great,” she said, since I always felt morose whenever the Panthers lost.

“Yeah, they came alive in the second half,” I said.

“That is great,” she said. After a pause, she asked, “How’s the boys only day going?”

“It’s been quite a day,” I said, the understatement of the year.

“That’s good,” she said. “I was hoping you guys would get along.”

“Yeah, I already seem to have become a member of the group,” I said, as I grabbed a beer… although still unsure about what all this meant.

“Well, I won’t keep you,” she said. “Don’t forget my parents are coming over at four.”

“Right, right,” I said, realizing I wouldn’t be able to stay for the second game.

“You forgot, didn’t you?” she teased.

“I didn’t forget,” I quipped, sipping on a beer. “I just didn’t remember.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she chuckled. “Don’t be late.”

“I won’t,” I said, knowing she hated being late for anything, and her mother was the same way.

“Love you,” she said.

“Love you too,” I replied.

I hung up, returned to the living room and sat on the chair I was using before all this began.

We watched the rest of the game, the Panthers scoring two more field goals, before I said, “I’d love to stay for the second game, but my in-laws are coming over.”

“No worries,” Scott said, as he walked over and shook my hand. “Thanks for coming.”

That should have been a simple sentence, yet I read between the obvious words to the sexual inference that was also there.

“Yeah, it was something else,” I said, still processing everything I’d done… and for the most part… willingly.

“We’re having a farewell party for Halpert tomorrow night,” Scott said. “Seven o’clock. We’d really like to have you over.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes Gregor its, time to officially begin your new role as our freeuse faggot,” Bobby said bluntly.

“It is,” Scott agreed.

“I’m not sure I can do all of that again,” I said, having had time to recover from my moment of weakness, and feeling bad about cheating on my wife.

“Your wife won’t know,” Scott said, as if reading my mind.

“And if she does find out, she’ll probably love some of my BBC,” Bobby said, cupping his cock.

“And after I bed Layla in a few days, I’ll be ready for an M. So think about it,” Scott said.

“Okay,” I said.

“But this is a one time offer,” Scott said.

“What is?”

“Becoming our freeuse faggot,” Scott said. “There’s no shortage of married men who’ll do anything to serve as a freeuse faggot for young men like us.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, watch,” he said. He grabbed his phone, typed something, and showed it to me.


As I read the brief message, I saw the three ellipses and then almost an immediate response, Yes Master, on my way.

My eyes went wide.

“He’s a lawyer for a huge firm, and he has a hot wife and three kids,” Scott said.

“No way,” I said.

“Our stable also has a teacher who taught me a few years ago. He once snuck away from his wife during a movie to suck two of us in the theater bathroom,” Anderson said.

“And I remember the groom who left his own wedding reception to sneak up to his hotel room and get spit-roasted. We ordered him to retain three loads of cum in his asshole for the rest of the night,” Bobby said.

“Oh fuck, that was wild,” Scott laughed.

“Although the minister from the Baptist church who screamed ‘Oh God,’ over and over while he was getting his ass fucked, was pretty hot too,” Anderson said.

“Anyway,” Scott said, “the point is that we’re offering you a great opportunity, but it’s a one-time deal. So think about it. If you come over tomorrow, you’ll be signing on as our freeuse faggot, and you’ll thereafter suck any cock we offer you, and give up your anal cherry. But if you don’t show, we’ll understand you’ve chosen to go back to your bland, uneventful married life forever. The choice is yours.”

“I’ve got to go,” I said, everything I’d heard sounded so crazy, and the limited-time offered something I had no idea how to deal with.

“See ya,” Scott said.

“See you tomorrow, faggot,” Bobby called out, as I turned and walked away.

“You should probably make sure there isn’t any cum on your face,” Anderson called out.

“Oh shit, right,” I said, detouring to the washroom.

I washed my face… I stared at myself in the mirror… and I pondered what the fuck had just happened. Why did I let it happen? Three cocks! Why did I fuck Halpert’s ass?

I sighed and headed out, glancing at the couch where Halpert was back on his knees sucking Scott’s cock, while he simultaneously stroked the other two guys… which to my dismay, made my mouth water and my cock harden. Again.

I scurried out, thinking there was no way I could come back here tomorrow. If I could resist the temptation for a single day, the option would become closed forever to me.

That seemed easy enough.

Just don’t suck any cock for a single day.

I’d gone without sucking cock for over forty years… one day shouldn’t be a problem.

Should it?


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