When I accidentally pulled it out

What would it feel like to have a cock in my mouth?

What would it feel like to be on my knees?

What does cum taste like?

Can someone be straight and yet suck cock? According to the short stories on Literotica it was possible. I didn’t find men sexually attractive and I sure as hell didn’t want to fuck or get fucked by a man, yet I was undeniably curious about sucking a cock. Yet I still wondered.

Was I actually willing to suck a cock?

Was I willing to swallow cum?

Was I willing to be called a cocksucker?

I still wasn’t sure of those answers when I glanced at the clock. It was six-thirty. It would take me almost half an hour to drive to the truck stop. As I stood up and grabbed my jacket, I rationalized I wasn’t necessarily going to the truck stop to suck cock…it was dinner time and I definitely was getting hungry.

My mind and body on cruise control, I began driving to the truck stop, still unsure of what I was willing to do.

Reaching the truck stop, traffic being brutal, it was a quarter after seven. I sat in my car for another ten minutes as my brain bounced back and forth between a few different options:

1. Shift the car into drive and go home.

2. Just go in and have a bite to eat and go home (I was starving…for food, I mean).

3. Go in and be ready for whatever the trucker was planning on doing.

Just after seven-thirty, I got out of my car, deciding to go into the restaurant to eat dinner and see what happened from there.

I walked into the diner, which was almost empty, with only a couple customers…one being the black trucker. He didn’t even look up from his meal as he said amused, “I knew you’d show up.”

I froze as the moment of truth was at hand, I could quickly turn around and leave and pretend none of this had happened, before anything really happened…or I could go and sit down.

After only a brief hesitation, I walked over and joined him.

“Hungry?” He asked, his plate almost done.

“I am,” I agreed, grabbing a menu.

“The only thing on the menu for you is cock,” he said matter-of-factly.

I didn’t say anything, as I looked over to see if anyone had heard what he said to me. The waitress was no longer in the room and the older gentleman a few tables over didn’t seem to be paying attention.

“Have you been craving cock since you realized you were a cocksucker?” He asked, his gruff tone somehow making everything he said seem casual.

“What? No,” I protested, not wanting to admit that was why I was here.

“Really?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “You’re not here to suck my cock?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered, embarrassed by his question and nervous as even his normal voice was quite loud.

“You better decide now, cocksucker,” he said. “Suit and tie can be here in fifteen minutes to take my load. But I am giving you the first right of refusal.”

“I’ve never done this before,” I admitted, not looking up at him.

Just then the waitress came over and asked, her southern accent strong, “Can I get anything for you, sugar?”

“You don’t have the right body parts for what he is hungry for,” the truck driver spoke for me and then chuckled loudly.

My face burned with shame as I stammered, “C-c-could I just have a glass of water?”

“Sure thing, sugar,” she nodded, walking away.

“So you never answered me. Have you been craving cock since I last saw you?” He repeated, his tone never changing.

“No,” I answered, which was mostly true.

“Really?” He asked. “But you do want to suck my cock?”

My face still burned with shame as I whispered, “I think so.”

“I need a yes or no,” he said, grabbing his phone as he added, “or I text suit and tie. It really is that black and white.” He laughed at his own pun.

Although I still wasn’t sure I was ready to do this, I knew I didn’t want a suit and tie coming here. “Yes,” I whispered, ashamed by my answer and yet feeling an uneasy excitement building inside me.

“Yes, what?” He asked.

“Yes, I want to suck your cock,” I said, still quiet, looking to see if the waitress was coming.

“Louder,” he ordered, “I can’t hear you.”

“I want to suck your cock,” I said louder, just as the waitress came out of nowhere…hearing my declaration.

The waitress put the water down and asked, looking at the truck driver, “Anything else,Darryll?”

“I don’t think so, Flo,” he said.

‘His name isDarryll,’ I thought to myself, praying the waitress would go away.

“My new friend here looks pretty hungry for some sausage,”Darryll added.

She smiled, shaking her head, seemingly amused, “I don’t know how you do itDarryll.”

“It’s a gift,” he shrugged.

After she left, he asked, “What’s your name, cocksucker?”

“Richard,” I answered, not offering my last name.

He exploded in laughter. “Your name is Dick. Even at birth your parents knew you were going to grow up to be a cocksucker.”

It wasn’t the first time I had been called Dick, which I hated being called, but this was even more degrading than in high school.

“So does Dick want some dick?” he asked, clearly amused at my name and his playful banter.

“M-m-maybe I should go,” I stammered, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the situation.

“Where do you work?” he asked, ignoring my protest.

“At the college,” I freely answered, instantly realizing I had given him too much information and wondering why I would tell him that.

“Professor Dick,” he declared, stressing my name, as he stood up, tossing a twenty on the table. “Follow me, cocksucker.”

I didn’t move at first, but he said, his tone loud so that both the waitress and the only other customer heard him. “Now or never, cocksucker.”

Curiosity overriding dignity, I sheepishly, not looking up to avoid making eye contact with the waitress, I stood up and followedDarryll to the restroom that started it all…with butterflies in my stomach.

Once in the restroom, he went to the same stall I had seen him in a while in the act just two days ago, and he ordered, “Come get your black monster, cocksucker.”

I stared at him as he dropped his pants. Part of me was eager to do it, to make a growing curiosity a reality, yet I still had a chance to refrain from the gay act of submission. I was a well-respected educator. What would my students say if they saw me on my knees, in a dirty restroom sucking a gruff trucker’s cock? I was a married man.

What would my wife say if she learned of my indiscretions? I’m a loving father to two children. What would they think of their dear ol’ father if they saw me with a big black cock in my mouth?

“Now or never, cocksucker,”Darryll repeated, his tone implying impatience, as he pulled his cock out from his blue boxers.

Seeing his semi-erect cock, my brittle resistance was shattered, my many reasons to say no dissipated, as I stared at it. It was much longer and thicker than mine and my eyes were drawn to it. He chuckled, making his cock sway slightly, like a hypnotist’s watch…and I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Even as my head protested the submission, I felt my legs moving towards him and his cock.

Reaching the stall, he said, “They always crumble when they get a close look at a big juicy black cock.”

Although his words seemed absurd, as I stared at his cock, my mouth watered and I was in awe of his nine inches…it indeed looked…juicy.

Standing before him, eyes locked on his cock, mesmerized by its beauty, I resisted the last moment of submission…resisted dropping to my knees…even though I knew it was inevitable. I wanted to feel his cock in my mouth more than I could remember ever wanting anything else…absurd but true.

“Knees, cocksucker, I have to be on the road at fifteen,” he ordered.

As soon as I was ordered, I dropped to my knees like an eager cocksucker, I obeyed, dropping to my knees in my mind because I was told to. His juicy cock was now staring me in the face. I grabbed it with my left hand and couldn’t believe how hard it was.

He chuckled, “Stop admiring it, cocksucker, and do what you were born to do…suck cock.”

Again his words were ridiculous…I wasn’t born to suck cock. I had lived forty years never even considering it, yet as I leaned forward and crossed the last line I wondered what made me want to do it now. Why did I come back? Why did I let him humiliate me in the restaurant? Why was my cock stiff?

These questions unanswered, I opened my mouth, leaned forward and took his big cock in. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting it to feel like…but it felt so natural…like breathing. My moral mind instantly shut off as I focused on the sensation of having a cock in my mouth.

Darnell groaned, his tone amused, “Ahhhh, another straight man becomes a cocksucker.”

I hated that he simplified such an act. Yet, at the moment, I wanted to be a cocksucker. Instead of responding, I began slowly bobbing back and forth, taking a couple inches of his cock in my mouth.

“Already submitting to your natural cocksucker urges,” he assessed, which seemed frustratingly true as I wanted to take more of him in my mouth. It was surreal sucking a cock, an act I loved having done to me and yet most women, my wife included, seemed to dislike it and did it out of obligation more than personal enjoyment.

Yet, unexplainably, I loved the feel of his cock in my mouth. It seemed, using his word, ‘natural’, and I couldn’t fathom why a woman wouldn’t like this.

I continued bobbing back and forth, each forward movement attempting to take more of his nine inch cock, four inches bigger than mine, into my mouth. I couldn’t fathom taking it all in my mouth, but I wanted to get as much as I possibly could…strangely…I wanted to be a good cocksucker.

“Such a natural cocksucker,” he groaned. “I bet you can’t believe you waited this long to become a cocksucker.”

Without meaning to, I moaned on his cock in agreement.

He laughed, pulling his cock out of my mouth, “Tell me what you want, cocksucker.”

When I accidentally pulled it out will continue in the next page.

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