When gym workout goes out of hands

Drawing away, he looked into my eyes for a moment that seemed to stretch on into eternity. I didn’t know if he was going to speak again or not, and was fine with just kissing him some more when he spoke.

“I knew I didn’t have a chance if I just asked you out. You were so sure you weren’t going to date a member of the gym.” He laughed softly, “I almost quit the gym to see if you’d go out with me then, but I really like that gym.” He paused long enough to kiss me again before continuing, “When you started regularly challenging us with some line about “not even breathing heavy,”

I just kept thinking how much I wanted to have you under me, breathing heavily,” his eyes bore into me and I felt my insides turn to jello and start to melt between my legs. “That’s when the idea started to take shape. It was easy to get those guys on board. They were so sure you were going to fall all over them.”

He laughed softly again.

So I had set this whole thing in motion by my choice of words. I was going to have to re-think all of my challenges from here on.

“And were you sure I’d fall all over you?” I asked, wondering just how cocky this guy was.

“God, I hoped you would!”

“And what if I’d let all of you keep going earlier?” Would you all have just taken turns with me?

He looked a little sheepish. “I really didn’t think you would, I hoped you wouldn’t, but I would have cleared them out at some point. I’m not sure how, but I would have. I never planned on sharing.”

“Sharing? That seems to indicate some type of ownership.”

Jeff picked up the basket and reached inside. He pulled out another strawberry and dangled it in front of my face.

“I don’t know about ownership, but I am in possession of strawberries and dark chocolate… Interested?”

We were only two doors from my building. I grabbed his hand and pulled him the last twenty yards, smiling like a maniac the whole way. Who wouldn’t when strawberries, dark chocolate and a gorgeous man are involved?

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