Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison – part 2

This Story is part of Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison Series

She continued, “Currently there is enough support to build the resort. But that support is dependent on my actions. In particular, my proving that Sub Urban Central  is not an obscene corporation. We are not hypocrites. And we are not immoral. We firmly stand by our practices and beliefs.”

She put the microphone down and took a hard look at the crowd.

Allison lifted her sundress and pulled it overhead, tossing it aside.

She stepped out of her shoes and planted her bare feet on the floor.

Naked before the captive audience, she held her chin high.

A jolt flowed through her body. A powerful sensation exploded in her pussy. A stiffening in her spine. Nerves made her breathe harder. Her pink nipples turned rock hard and her toes were squirming on the floor.

There was a deafening silence in the packed room as everyone was fixated on her bare body. When the nerves flowed through her, she tried to fight it. She clenched her fists briefly to relieve the nervous energy. She used the power of positive thinking and she remembered the training she had done with Lydia. Then she relaxed her body.

The looks on people’s faces spoke volume. Allison watched their eyes. Their eyes looked up and down her bare body. Some eyes widened. Some eyes squinted. Some people watched with their jaws dropped, wondering if this was really happening.

Allison did her best to maintain composure. She was naked and proud of her body. She didn’t allow herself to feel degraded or humiliated. She thought of it as empowering. No one would dare heckle me. Not anymore. Not when she had all the strength in the room. Not when she commanded all the attention.

She picked up the microphone and continued. “I’m naked and proud. This is the way God made me. I’m a woman. Two breasts and a vagina. This is what it looks like. We’re all adults here and we should act like it. I don’t think there’s anything obscene about this in private and neither should you.”

So far, so good. The crowd was entirely captivated.

“Orgasms aren’t obscene either. It’s a natural part of a healthy life. There’s nothing wrong with adults wanting to enjoy their bodies and relax.”

On cue, Lydia and a town hall employee brought a chair with the Didyan placed on it. The chair was placed next to where Allison was standing.

“Good luck,” Lydia whispered softly. “You’re doing so good.”

Lydia winked at her friend and stood aside.

“This is the device,” Allison said to the crowd. “A harmless device for our nudist water park. They will be kept and used indoors. If there are no objections, I would like to provide a demonstration.”

The crowd remained completely silent.

With a deep breath, Allison stood in front of the Didyan. She faced the crowd and slowly sat back. Lydia helped with the process, holding the dildo so that it was guided towards Allison’s pussy, as Allison lowered her naked body. Lydia also used her fingers to spread Allison for entry.

The size was a perfect match. The dildo pressed in between Allison’s labia, heading straight inside of her pussy. She gently sat down on the Didyan. Inch by inch the dildo entered her body. The dildo buried all the way inside. Her vaginal walls felt stretched. She briefly straddled her hips to get comfortable. The audience was fully captivated.

“Are you ready?” Lydia softly whispered.

Allison whispered back, “I’ve been ready all day. Hit it.

With the flick of a switch, the Didyan was activated and Lydia stepped aside, but stayed within range should anything go wrong.

A slow buzzing sound came from the machine. It was the only sound in the silent room.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the dildo inside Allison’s vagina came to life. It buzzed and vibrated, working its unique magic. It went up and down, up and down. Slowly, the speed of the mechanical thrusts increased. It sent a strange sensation throughout Allison’s body.

Her eyes remained on the crowd while this was happening to her cunt. Everyone was too stunned to move. The passionate crowd was left speechless. No one dared to break eye contact. They simply watched in awe.

The dildo inside Allison’s pussy vibrated and thrusted in a more potent manner. She moaned from the powerful sensations. Having this active machine beneath her was almost terrifying and she wanted it to stop, no matter how good it felt. Her instinct was to jump off the Didyan and surrender. But she couldn’t. For the sake of succeeding and having a new accomplishment, she had to finish this.

So she remained on the Didyan. Naked and proud. She kept a brave expression on her face as the large crowd stared at her.

The small machine kicked into a higher gear when Lydia pushed another button, which caused Allison to gasp. Both of her legs swung up into the air with her toes wide apart and the bottom of her feet facing the crowd. Her entire body weight was pressed onto the dildo and saddle, which only intensified the burning pleasure by pushing the dildo deeper into her cunt.

Her hands reached down and held onto the chair to hold her body upright. She couldn’t bring her clenched feet back down. The vibrational feelings in her pussy wouldn’t allow it. Her legs felt stiff and uncontrollable. The intense vibrations caused her muscles to contract.

The pressure inside continued to build. The dildo penetrated her at just the right angle, hitting her sensitive g-spot. Allison was never an exhibitionist (far from it). But having all those eyes watching her was a supremely powerful thing. She couldn’t tell if it was the ultimate humiliation, or the ultimate sexual thrill.

She didn’t care anymore. She couldn’t. Her body had already made its decision.

Allison cried out loud. She screamed. Lydia nearly rushed to turn the device off until it was clear that an intense orgasm was impending.

Her legs shook in the air. Her toes made a tightly curled shape. Her eyes clenched shut and her mouth was wide open. She continued screaming loudly as a gush of fluids shot from her pussy. Squirting had always been her secret talent, which only a few sexual partners and Lydia knew about. But now, everyone in the auditorium knew about it too, and in great detail.

It made a huge wet mess on the floor and some people in the front row were victims of collateral damage. People used their hands and arms to shield themselves. There were plenty of people bolting out of the way along with loud gasps to match the commotion. Gush after gush was being sprayed at an impressive distance until it finally dwindled.

Allison managed to reach down to turn the sex toy off. Her body shivered and shook. She managed to bring her feet back down to the floor. Her bare feet stepped onto her own pool of vaginal fluids. Lydia hurried over and helped Allison stand upright.

While still breathing heavily, Allison looked at the stunned audience. Everyone from the townspeople, the Mayor, the Council, and the police were all speechless. They had just witnessed the orgasm of the century.

Allison took a moment to regain her composure and heart rate after Lydia handed her the microphone.

“That was a preview of our services,” Allison said, then stopping to take a quick breath. “And it concludes our presentation. I hope that we’ve demonstrated that Sub Urban Central  is neither lewd or obscene. We simply enhance the natural pleasures that life has to offer. Thank you.”

She handed the microphone to Lydia, who simply held it.

One person clapped. Then another. Then another. And another. Within a matter of seconds, the entire town hall erupted with a thunderous applause for Allison. The townspeople stood and continued their applause.

Lydia brought her lips to Allison’s ear. “Now that’s how it’s done.”

As the applause continued, Allison relished the moment. She was naked and proud. Wetness dripped from her cunt, down her legs, and she looked like she had just survived a tornado.

This is what victory tastes like. And it tasted good.


Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison – part 2 will continue in the next page.

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