Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison – part 2

This Story is part of Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison Series

“Thanks for saving me a trip to the OB/GYN.”

“You’re welcome,” Lydia said. “Now hold still. My hands might be a little cold.”

Allison yelped and her body jerked when Lydia’s cold hands spread her butt cheeks apart. Now they knew each other far more intimately than they could have ever imagined.

“What are you doing?” Allison asked.

“My job. Imagine the crowd is there. It’s the town hall. Dozens of people are rooting for you. Dozens more are against you. Show everyone how tough you are. This is your chance to prove that you’re the best at what you do, because isn’t that your goal?”

Without any warning, Allison felt two fingers push inside of her vaginal entrance and her eyes nearly crossed. It was the first time another woman had ever penetrated her. The fingers were soft and delicate, yet strong enough and skilled enough to hit her pleasure spots.

“You’re a miracle worker,” Allison moaned. “But why are your fingers inside me?”

“Practice for the sex toy. If you can survive my fingers, then you can survive the Didyan.”

Slowly, Lydia’s fingers kept on working inside Allison’s pussy in loving strokes and curls.

Allison tossed her hair back. “You think your fingers are a precursor for a powerful sex toy?”

“There’s still much you don’t know about me.”

A slight grip, and Lydia clenched the pussy hard.

Allison’s toes wiggled on the hard floor. “It’s difficult to think about work while your fingers are inside me like that.”

“Plus we’re naked,” Lydia reminded, giving more strokes with her fingers.

Allison’s upper body squirmed, leaning on the stool. “How could I forget? Is this really about prep? Or did you want this all along?”

“Just focus on the rows of seats,” Lydia said, evading the question, then giving Allison’s butt a big kiss. “Pretend this auditorium is full. And pretend my fingers are a dildo attached to a machine that’s fucking your cunt bare.”

Putting her mind in the moment, Allison did as she was told. She focused on the row of empty seats, imagining them to be filled.

Lydia’s fingers worked Allison’s pussy like a feminine buzzsaw. The in and out motions were rapid and ferocious. Allison wondered about Lydia’s manicure because she didn’t feel a scratch in her pussy. Just the stretching and the blissful feeling of another woman playing with her cunt.

“You’re really going to make me cum,” Allison said, almost laughing at the situation. “Oh god… just admit that you’ve been dying to do this since we first started working together.”

Lydia kissed Allison’s butt cheek once again. “This is serious business. Focus while I prime your body and pussy for tomorrow’s big event.”

Gasping deeply, Allison’s toes clenched and her eyes nearly crossed again and her jaw dropped from the suddenly rapid assault on her pussy. Lydia was more than just a numbers nerd. As it turned out, Lydia had the strength of an athlete despite having a bony frame.

She tried to hold it in at first, but Allison squirted. When her orgasm hit and sent a powerful rush throughout her body, she was fully aware of the consequences. She knew that Lydia might have been ruined by the flood of orgasm. She knew there was a possibility of them having to clean up a real mess. But mostly, she was worried that Lydia would be furious at the impromptu shower.

There was no sign of slowing down though. Although she was certain that Lydia was a mess, the fingers kept on pumping. Allison’s orgasm was a non-stop experience and she savored each second of being finger-fucked by her co-worker.

Finally, the fingers slowed down and then pulled out, giving Allison a chance to breathe again. She giggled with reflex.

Surprisingly, she felt a tongue going up and down her upper thigh, licking around the crack of her butt, and moving way too close to her labia.

Looking down below, she saw Lydia doing a bit of oral clean up. She also saw Lydia with a glazed face, slicked back hair, and breasts that were wet.

“This is weird,” Allison gulped.

Lydia swallowed, making a smacking noise with her lips. “Well, you seem pretty comfortable being naked right now. And your orgasm came out naturally.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Then I’ve done my job.”

After a bit more oral clean up, the duo stood upright and faced each other. Allison was wet from her pussy, downward. Lydia had a wet upper body and a drenched hand.

They heard footsteps and they froze.

There were two women, about in their 50’s, who looked absolutely stunned by the naked sight as they were headed towards the door.

“We’re… headed to lunch,” one of the women said.

The still naked duo looked at each other, dumbfounded by being caught.

“Can you tell us where the mop is?” Lydia asked, with blushing red cheeks.

“There’s a storage room in the back, end of the hall, right side.”

The older women quickly left and the naked duo just laughed.

Naked Ambition

Wearing a cheap yellow sundress that she had bought in the town recently, Allison prepared for the biggest moment of her life. People slowly trickled in for the final meeting.

Some people expected another political brawl. But what many in the crowd knew was that underneath her sundress, she was naked. All she could think about was how everyone would react once she revealed her secret weapon in this high stakes game of dare.

She held Lydia’s hand tightly, not caring that they looked like lesbian lovers, which they practically were at that point.

Overall, there must have been nearly 200 people in attendance. A packed building that nearly reached capacity. She recognized many of the faces from before. Other faces were new, probably people who came for the free nude show.

Mayor Lagassi began the proceedings, thanking everyone for coming. Everything was explained to the audience so that everyone knew the rules and what to expect for this monumental moment in the town’s history.

Then he gave the microphone to Allison.

She stood in the center of the speaking area. The podium had been moved, so there was nothing obstructing the view of her. Her hands began to shake a little, but she tried to fight it.

“Hello,” she said on the microphone. “For the newcomers to this discussion, my name is Allison McAlister and I represent Sub Urban Central  Incorporated. We wish to build a nudist water park in this area. As the Mayor has already explained, it will greatly benefit the economy of this community.”

There were a few rigid faces and people with their arms crossed.

Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison – part 2 will continue in the next page.

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