Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison- part 1

This Story is part of Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison Series

“You’re braver than a superhero,” Lydia said in awe.

For a moment, they laughed at the ridiculousness of that statement and everything they had just been discussing. Reality swiftly returned and their smiles slowly faded away. This was serious business, no matter how they tried to dress it up.

“That’s assuming my body will allow it,” Allison clarified. “Who knows, I might faint in the process.”

“Luckily I know CPR.”

“That’s reassuring,” Allison winced. “But if you want to leave, that would be understandable. I think that might even be better.”

Lydia’s eyes made a sad expression. “Are you kicking me out?”

“No. Gosh no. I would never do that. I just think this might… you know… be really uncomfortable for you.”

“The nudity aspect?”

Allison nodded. “Yeah.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“Like what?” Allison asked.

“I have a lot of experience with public nudity.”

Allison roared with laughter. “Do you?”

“I used to go to nudist resorts,” Lydia explained. “When I was 21, my ex-boyfriend used to take me. We went every summer for a few years. The first time was super scary. But I quickly got used to it.”

“Are you joking?”

Allison was amazed that her colleague, sweet little Lydia, would be involved with such things.

“Why do you think the boss sent me?” Lydia asked. “I’m a terrible public speaker, but I have a passion for this. So I explained a little about my history and volunteered for this job. No one expects this from me.”

“You’ve got that right. You look so… so… nevermind. But I’m glad we’re a team on this.”

“Me too. There’s nothing like sunbathing naked on a hot summer day. Or going for a naked swim to cool down from the heat. I miss that feeling. I still love it. And it’s part of the reason why I’m so passionate about this project. If it opens, I would love to come here next summer.”

There was a moment of silence as they just locked eyes. Without saying anything for a moment, they understood each other’s thoughts.

“Now that it’s settled, would you like to be my coach?” Allison asked playfully.

“A coach? I like the sound of that. Yes, I can do that. It’s a great idea. But if we’re going to proceed, you have to do everything I say.”


“I mean it,” Lydia said. “Doing nudity is scary enough for the first time. But to do what you’re planning? I have to push you. Otherwise it’ll be a train wreck.”

Allison took a deep breath. “I’ll give it my best shot.”

“No, we’ll give it our best shot.”

They finished their food and coffee. There was plenty of work to be done and it had to be done fast.


Later that day. After speaking with the Mayor, and agreeing to the terms, the Mayor was nice enough to let them in the town hall building for a private practice session. The building was empty except for a few clerks working in the backrooms.

The duo lounged around in the empty town hall, planning their next big leap. As daunting as it was, there was an air of excitement.

“The first rule of nudism is, there are no rules,” Lydia explained.

“What kind of advice is that?”

Lydia thought for a moment. “Well, there’s actually not much advice to give. It’s just like public speaking, isn’t it? The advice doesn’t help. You just have to jump in and do it. Then you get used to it. That’s the only way.”

“Makes sense. That’s how we learned public speaking in law school with moot court. There wasn’t much advice given at first. Just get up there and do the routine.”

“There you go. That’s the answer.”

“So you’re telling me I should just strip?” Allison asked rhetorically.

“Do you have a better idea?”

Allison shrugged. “You’re the coach.”

“If I’m the coach, then I’m telling you to get naked. If you don’t practice now, you’ll be a nervous wreck during the next town hall.”

Allison sighed. “Maybe in a few moments. We better examine the sex toy first. I think that would work best.”

“Sure. The Mayor said he put it under the podium. Hang on.”

Read part 2 – click here.

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