Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison- part 1

This Story is part of Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison Series

“The Mayor is speaking privately with city leaders right now. He’ll give me an update soon.”

“That’s good news,” the boss replied. “The deal is still in play.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about the sex toys?”

“The what?”

“The sex toys,” Allison said slowly. “The last team that came here showed them around. There are still some in the building. I saw them.”

The boss paused for a moment. “Oh, that. We’re not entirely sure if we’d still use them. I figured we shouldn’t mention it again.”

“I got ambushed. Plain and simple. I should have been a lot more prepared. You should have told me.”

“I apologize for that, Tiff. That’s my fault.”

Allison calmed down. “Can we talk later? The Mayor is coming over here.”

“I wish you the best of luck.”

The call ended and Allison and Lydia stood upright for the Mayor who was approaching them. Wiping the last of her tears, Allison put on a brave face for this important conversation.

“Don’t be discouraged,” Mayor Lagassi said in a steadfast manner. “It’s just that people here are very passionate about their community. These are people who want a quiet life. They don’t want the hassle of the big city, and they certainly don’t want nudists coming here. I deeply apologize for things getting so out of hand.”

“It’s not your fault,” Allison replied, shaking her head. “I honestly thought I could do it, but I can’t. It’s useless. Sorry if we’ve wasted your time.”

“Don’t give up. We’re old fashioned people. But just because we’re conservative and religious, doesn’t mean that we’re all closed minded. Many of us want this nudist park here. Believe it or not, my wife and I are eager to join.”

“Really?” Allison asked, surprised by the revelation.

“What I’m saying is, I’ve managed to convince the dissenters that the proposal is a great idea because of jobs and tax revenue. I’ve also explained that the nature of this community won’t be negatively impacted.”

“What are you saying?”

The Mayor gave a heavy sigh. “We might have enough votes to give you the permits, but there’s a massive condition.”

“Can we get to the point, please?” Allison asked. “What’s the condition?”

“The people want to know that SubUrban Central  aren’t hypocrites. More importantly, they want to know that you aren’t a hypocrite. They want to know that you practice what you preach.”

Allison wrinkled her nose. “Point?”

“The point is, they want you to get naked during the next town hall.”

The cute face disappeared. “Are you serious?”

“I tried my best to reason with them. Believe me, this is the only way to get the necessary votes. It’s the only option.”

“Naked? Me? Is that what you said?”

“Completely,” he confirmed.

“In the next town hall meeting?”

“In front of all those people,” he confirmed again.


“As I’ve said, they want to know you aren’t a hypocrite. If nudity isn’t a big deal, if it’s so natural, and if it’s not obscene, then they want proof from you, since you’re the face of the business now.”

“Well, I’m officially jobless then,” she groaned.

“Now wait a minute. You can’t just quit. You can’t. What sort of example would that set for young, up and coming business women?”

“Other business women don’t have to get naked.”

“Irrelevant,” he replied. “Obviously this is your decision, and your decision alone. But remember, if you quit now, it’s a decision you may always regret. Be strong. Set an example.”

“Public nudity isn’t my specialty, Mayor Lagassi.”

“There’s also one other thing that the Council wants.”

“There’s more?” Allison asked incredulously.

“Some of the city leaders feel that the sex toys are an obscenity. They feel that it will lead this town on a sinful path. So they want you to prove that it’s natural.”

“What kind of people are they?!”

“They’re good folks, I can assure you. I tried my best to reason with them and this is the only deal on the table.”

“I guess I need a new job then,” Allison shrugged with a voice that was almost cracking. “Thanks for all your help. It was great meeting you.”

The Mayor shook his head with disappointment. “Well, I don’t blame you, Ms. McAlister. I just wish you the best in whatever you decide.

After shaking hands with both of them, the Mayor walked away.

While watching the back of the Mayor’s suit as he left the conversation, an epiphany came to her:

This was her job. She made a commitment to her boss. She was determined to succeed. And her desire was ironclad.

She stood there feeling like an action hero who had just suffered a major defeat, only to regain composure to win at the end. The only problem was making her body comply with her mind.

Town Hall Exhibitionism

They sat down and had blueberry muffins and coffee for breakfast. Supposedly, it was the specialty of that town. But the food they ate wasn’t on their minds.

“Are you kidding?” Lydia asked in disbelief.

“I’m not the type of person that pulls gags. I’m being serious about this.”

Allison casually ate another bite of the muffin and took another sip of her hot coffee.

“You’re actually going to do it?” Lydia asked. “All of those conditions?”

Allison nodded. “Being stubborn runs in my family.”

Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison- part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationUnparalleled nude ambitions of Allison – part 2 >>

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