Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison- part 1

This Story is part of Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison Series

There were more than 100 people in attendance for the town hall, which was more than expected. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, since a nudist resort opening here was the biggest political topic on people’s minds.

City officials stood at one side. Lydia stood on the other side. The townspeople filled the seats and the rest stood in the back.

Allison stood behind the podium, facing the crowd. She didn’t have a copy of the speech in front of her, since she always preferred to memorize everything. It made her speeches sound more genuine and from the heart.

Nerves continued to grow as the Mayor took the microphone and began the town hall. He explained the importance of a good debate and encouraged people to have open minds.

When the Mayor finally introduced Allison, she put on her game face, despite her uneasy feeling which refused to settle.

“Good morning,” she said into the microphone. “I’d like to thank everyone for coming. These are important matters and I won’t waste your time.”

So far, so good. Everyone looked engaged and interested while Allison spoke. Her friendly demeanor appeared to relax everyone a bit.

She continued, “My name is Allison McAlister. I’m here on behalf of Sub Urban Central  Incorporated, which is a development company that builds, operates, and maintains water parks. As you’re all aware, this company owns the plot of land a mile away from the lake and has plans to redevelop it. The future plans allow guests to be, well, less-dressed than the average water park.”

There were a few laughs from the audience, but her ‘less-dressed’ joke bombed.

She forged ahead, “In other words, we’d like to build an exclusive nudist resort. It will be legal, safe, and anyone over the age of 21 will be able to join. I’m sure there are many fears amongst residents from what a nudist resort would do to a community like this. I’d like to ease those fears.”

With the audience fully captivated, Allison gestured to the model images that faced the skeptical crowd.

She continued, “As you can see, this resort will feature state-of-the-art facilities for rest and relaxation. There will be places for guests to eat, sleep, and have a good time. The layout is perfect for swimmers and sunbathers, as well as people who just want to lounge in the water. The general public will be shielded from these activities. We will ensure that people passing by this resort will not be getting an unexpected view of these activities.”

People continued paying sharp attention and some people even nodded. She felt her speech was working.

She continued, “There are many additional benefits to this community as well, in terms of job growth and increased tax revenue. If you turn to page 2 of the pamphlet, you will see that Sub Urban Central  plans to hire roughly…”

“It’s a nudist resort!” a man shouted from the crowd. “We don’t want that here!”

“And I perfectly understand that,” Allison replied calmly. “We’re doing our best to preserve the rich culture of this community.”

An older woman stood. “What do you know about our community? Have you ever been here before?”

“Well… no… but…”

“So you’re an outsider telling us about our community?”

People in the audience began talking over each other. Some supported the hecklers. Others were telling them to be quiet so they could hear the proposal. Others were supportive of the idea of building a nudist resort.

The Mayor interjected himself into the debate and appealed for calm. The crowd listened when the Mayor told everyone to speak in an orderly manner, and to give Allison a fair chance to respond.

Allison took a deep breath. “I’m also a resident of California, if that helps. I was raised in a small town, just like this one. I understand what these issues mean. And I wouldn’t be part of this unless I thought it would be beneficial to your community.”

“How?!” a woman shouted.

Beads of sweat formed underneath Allison’s shirt.

“Well, I never had a chance to mention the financial benefits that a nudist water park would bring. In Particular, we would be hiring…”

A man stood and shouted, “We don’t profit from sin! We’re a Christian town and we respect traditional values!”

There was more rumbling within the crowd, which the Mayor was able to quell, and the people calmed down.

Allison responded, “Sir, I can assure you, there’s nothing immoral about adults wanting to be bare. It’s perfectly natural. I understand that it sounds indecent and obscene, but the reality is, nudists are just normal people. There should be nothing wrong with consenting adults wanting to relax in a certain way.”

“You say it’s not immoral, but what about the sex toys in the proposed facility? It sounds like a sex party to me.”

Allison looked puzzled. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m not familiar with what you’re talking about. I haven’t seen any plans regarding sex toys.”

“The last group of representatives came to this town with a sex device,” the man said angrily. “They said it was going to be part of the facilities.”

Allison shook her head. “Sir… I can assure you… I’ve never heard of any such…”

“She’s lying!” another man shouted.

“Our town isn’t for sale!” an elderly woman yelled.

Someone screamed, “If it’s NOT obscene, then why don’t YOU try it?! Show us that it’s normal! Then we’ll believe you!”

“We don’t want sinners coming here every summer!”

“Summer vacations shouldn’t be ruined by nudists!”

The crowd erupted in a much louder manner. Some were in favor of the development deal. But a vocal group was staunchly opposed.

It became chaotic and the Mayor ended the discussion for the day. He told everyone to come back tomorrow at the same time. He then scolded members of the audience for not being respectful to the guest.


Allison leaned against the wall. She was in the backroom of the town hall building. Tears were in her eyes and Lydia tried to console her.

“Forget it,” Lydia said. “You did the best you could.”

“I feel like such an idiot,” Allison replied, struggling to speak. “I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. I’m going to be fired. I know it.”

She cried a little bit and put her hands over her face. When she got a hug from Lydia, it helped.

Taking the phone out of her pocket, Allison called her boss and gave a quick summary of the catastrophe which had just taken place in a public setting.

“Everything was going so well,” Allison further explained on the phone call, while fighting back tears. “I felt that I was engaging the audience. I hit every note perfectly. But before I could make the important economic arguments, people started shouting at me. It was horrible.”

“Oh my god,” the boss sighed. “I was so sure that you’d succeed.”

“Well you were wrong. This is the worst day of my life.”

There was another pause on the line. Both of them were speechless. There wasn’t much to say.

“Is there a backup plan?” the boss asked.

Unparalleled nude ambitions of Allison- part 1 will continue in the next page.

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