Trapped in the Snow – 9

“Trapped in the snow” Part-9 Continues…..

With everyone feeling pretty good and somewhat revived, I along with my two sisters were actually quite anxious to continue playing mom’s naughty little game. Even my cock had risen to some extent, though not fully taking on a “flag pole” appearance. But I knew that the moment things got going again, it wouldn’t take much.

“Ok, someone else wants to draw one out?” she soon asked.

“Before we do,” dad began, “I’d like to defer mine until tomorrow if that’s ok with everyone. So…if mine is drawn out, I’d like to wait until then.”

It was a curious request, but under the circumstances the way things were going, it was highly unlikely we’d all have the strength left to do all of us in one day anyway.

“Sophia? You want to draw next?” Mom asked.

Excitedly she stood waiting for mom to hold up the bowl with our folded fantasies and desires waiting inside, each of us wondering whose would be drawn out next. I sat watching as Sophia’s beautiful bare breasts bounced and wobbled as she stood, jiggling erotically for a moment before settling back into place.

Her nipples, like my cock now, were hard. Pointed, thick and obviously aroused, though so were mom and Collette’s as I glanced about the table, my eyes feasting on all the delectable tit candy available. I was already looking forward to seeing, doing, whatever it was someone had requested or chosen for us to do. Even dad did a drum roll with his fingers on the table making us laugh, easing the sudden tension that had sprung as Sophia reached into mom’s bowl mixing the remaining folded papers around inside with her fingers.

“Alright! Alright! Enough already! Pick one!” Collette scolded her sister somewhat teasingly, but she too was just as anxious as the rest of us to see what lay ahead.

Finally she removed her hand, already smiling before she’d even opened it. “It’s mine!” she grinned excitedly. “I put a little mark on the outside,” she then added, solving the mystery.

“So? Read it!” Collette stated once again urging her to quit wasting time. I noticed as she sat there that her hand was already down between her legs gingerly fingering herself in anticipation. We were all “horny” as mom so aptly put it, but I don’t think I’d ever seen my sister this horny before, it was obvious by her impatience that she was already on the edge, anxious to get going again as Sophia tossed her one of her own patented looks, but then began to read her note.

“I want to see mom and Collette fuck one another with mom’s dildo,” she began. As good as it felt when we did, I actually wished I could see what it looked like from a different angle. While they are, I’d also like to have Max fuck me doggy-style from behind while we watch, and then have dad take turns with mom and Collette while they suck him, still fucking one another with the toy.” She finished looking up.

Collette was grinning as was mom. Even dad had a smile on his face as he thought about having his cock sucked, something he obviously quite enjoyed feeling. As for myself, I too was looking forward to actually fucking my sister. I couldn’t help but wonder what her sweet pink pussy would feel like wrapped around my nice hard dick.

“Back to the bed again?” Mom wondered, though then suggesting as Sophia shook her head yes. “Ok…but maybe we should put a few big fluffy towels down on it this time, in case Collette has one of her deliciously wet orgasms again.” Collette blushed upon hearing that, but readily agreed. Evidently, she was pretty sure she might while impaled on mom’s thick nasty toy, fucking herself and mom as they soon after positioned themselves on the bed. As they did that, dad stood off to one side, stroking his cock until it stood thick, fat and hard, waving around in front of him like a batter stepping up to the plate.

“Where do you want to be?” I now asked her as we stood there taking all of this in. It was already erotic as hell seeing mom and Collette once again ass to ass, the shared toy now connecting them both to one another as they adjusted it, already giving it a few preliminary test fucks against one another.

Obviously Sophia had something in mind as she walked over to dad’s chair standing behind it, leaning over the headrest slightly as her beautiful bare ass beckoned to me.

“Can you fuck me standing up like this?” she asked, “Without tiring out too quickly?” She was worried.

“Sis, right about now, I could fuck you while standing on my head if you wanted,” I responded back. I noticed she even thought about that for a moment, smiling.

“Really?” She grinned. “We might have to try that later,” she added though she again leaned over the back of dad’s chair waiting for me. As for dad, he had now crawled onto the bed, kneeling in front of Collette as she opened her mouth in anticipation of taking dad’s cock. He fed it to her, and then looked over towards us.

“What you had in mind, kitten?” He asked pleasurably as Collette’s tongue snaked out, running around and about the mushroom like head of my father’s prick.

It was at that very moment that I slid my cock inside my sister’s cunt, filling her completely. Her answer came in the form of a surprised grunt, her eyes wide as she felt the fullness of my shaft penetrate her for the very first time. I held still for a moment, and then used muscle control to wobble it inside her, unmoving letting her sense that as I did so.

“Fuck Max! That’s hot! How the hell can you do that?” she asked.

I gave her pussy another couple of dick throbs, and then pulled out completely, resting the tip just at the opening of her now very wet juicy split before sliding inside her again.

“Practice,” I teased. “Years and years of practice masturbating,” I then added hearing her giggle, though so did mom and Collette having overheard me.

“Better to wash a bunch of hankies as opposed to changing your bed sheets every other day,” mom said, embarrassing me. “And don’t think I didn’t know Max,” she giggled. “I never saw you blowing your nose even once!”

“Mom!” I shot back, though spearing my sister’s pussy with my prick as I said that. For some reason, the thought of her having known all along now seemed deliciously wicked. What was surprisingly erotic, sensual, was the ongoing conversation we were now having as we all looked about at one another, watching each other. Mom and Collette almost casually grinding themselves against one another connected together with mom’s dildo, though she looked over towards us, watching me fucking Sophia while standing behind her. I’m sure the lust-filled look of pleasure on my face said it all, though I was still blushing a little.

“What I’d appreciate, is if you’d clean your own cum-curdles out of the shower drain in your bathroom. That…or go back to using hankies again,” she giggled wickedly.

“Mom!” I said once again feeling even more embarrassed as Sophia laughed, adding one of her patented “Eeeeuws!” upon hearing that.

Though the subject obviously had now intrigued Sophia’s thoughts. “You ever jerk off in the shower daddy?” she asked him as we both looked over, Collette now fully mouthing my dad’s cock as he knelt there fucking my sister’s face.

“Sometimes,” he moaned pleasurably, his face taking on a controlled grimace. It was obvious that whatever Collette was doing to him at the moment must have felt pretty intense. “Though usually even when I am, your mother’s waiting for me, she enjoys sucking my cum down rather than having me shoot it off in the shower,” he now shared with everyone, likewise now embarrassing mom.

“So you like drinking daddy’s dick juice?” she now turned looking at mom, her breath obviously becoming labored, heated as her arousal level continued to escalate, though my prick sliding in and out of her at a nice steady pace might have had something to do with that.

“Do I ever!” mom replied looking back over her shoulder towards Pop, the slap of her ass cheeks against Collette’s giving emphasis to her own heightened desires. “Sometimes, I just enjoy sitting there on the toilet seat watching your dad pull on his prick, working it. I love watching him do that, always excites me to see how he best likes to play with himself. Just the way he rubs the head of his dick, sometimes palming it, and then slapping it a little for me,” She sighed pausing pleasurably for a moment. “I very often finger myself while I watch him,

but then of course…when he’s ready to shoot, he usually just turns and points it towards me. It’s then that I wrap my lips around that big mushroom head of his and wait to feel that first hard-felt squirt as it enters my mouth. After that…I just try and take as much as I can, though even then most of it dribbles out of my mouth and down onto my tits. Makes great lotion for them afterwards though!” she added grinning, though her face and reddened even more considerably with her admission. “After all, you’ve seen how much he cums,” she reminded us all.

One thing I had already noticed was the more Sophia talked, discussing such perverse decadent activities, the more and more aroused and wet she became. Her pussy was soaked, bathing my cock with each steady plunge inside her, the sounds of which could now be easily heard as I thrust in and out of that slick wet passage.

She moaned outwardly, though continuing to speak. I wasn’t the only one that was now aware of this particular little fetish of hers either. “So mom…are you ever going to tell us the story of how you and Collette ended up eating one another out that first time?” she asked. Even that one got my attention and renewed curiosity as I groaned, grunted and gave Sophia’s cunt a bit of an extra grinding thrust.

“Yeah mom…tell us, I’d like to hear about that one myself!” I then added.

“Let your sister tell the story,” mom giggled. “She’ll do a much better job of it than I will.”

Unfortunately, with her mouth full of dad’s cock at the moment, that made things a bit difficult for her to do. “I will, but I’d like watching Sophia suck daddy’s dick while I tell it,” she responded in kind.

“Bring it here daddy!” Sophia said enthusiastically as dad climbed down off the bed, once again walking over towards us, his massive prick sticking straight out in front of him, swollen purple and quite obviously throbbing. Even I was impressed at its stature as he reached us, Sophia’s small hand reaching up to grasp it, wrapping around though hardly even covering half his engorged length as she did. “OK, so tell us the story,” she said, and then flicked her tongue out, running it around and over the head of dad’s cock as he steadied himself, holding onto her head.

“Well, it actually happened quite by accident,” she began. “Everyone was gone, out for the day except mom and myself. Mom had in fact been upstairs baking cookies and decided to drop some off at Aunt Jackie’s for she and Uncle Frank. She had called down to me just before leaving, making me aware that I’d pretty much have the place to myself. I’d been reading some erotic stories earlier, so I was already pretty aroused,

having just finished one where the woman in the story had just masturbated while using the water from the faucet in the bathtub. I’d actually done that myself a long time ago, but it had been years since I had. Now…having just finished the story I was horny as hell and with everyone gone, decided it was the perfect time to do so again.”

“Except that I forgot my wallet,” mom said interrupting her, “which I realized just as I reached the highway, so I turned the car around and headed back in order to get it.”

Though Sophia was still licking the head of dad’s dick, her attention, mine, along with dads was focused on Collette’s story as she continued, though the two of them continued to kneel there, grinding against one another without missing a beat.

Trapped in the Snow – 9 will continue on the next page

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