The outsiders

“Keep one eye out for us though dude!” I told him, though standing where we were, we had a total and clear view of the entire parking garage. And though it might seem strange should anyone see us, the car pretty well hid the things she was doing to me, and what Jacob was now doing to himself.

Jacob continued stroking his own cock, watching her as she sucked my dick. I noticed that as he did, he seemed to have a slightly bigger cock than I did, though that didn’t seem to be of any real interest to her. Aside from occasionally looking over, watching him, she was content to fully pleasure me.

“Remember, tell me when…both of you,” she reminded me.

I was nearly there, though by the look on Jacob’s face, so was he.

“Whenever you’re ready for it,” I told her. She grinned, and then stood, still half stooped over however, giving us both a very tempting target to aim at, down the front of her dress. “Seriously?” I asked.

“Go for it!” She told me, telling us both in fact, as I then pointed, and moments later began launching a series of well placed, and copious jettisons of sperm. Some of which didn’t quite make it down her dress, a lot of which actually splattered against the dark black material instead. I was surprised she was ok with that, but she seemed to be quite pleased with the rather decadent appearance of herself. “You ready now?” She asked turning towards Jacob, just as he too began squirting off, and if not more so, saturating her dress even more than I had, with very little of it actually shooting off down between her breasts.

She seemed rather pleased with the look however. Cum dripping everywhere, her black dress completely ruined by the looks of it. But all she did was stand there smiling at what we’d both done to her.

“So, anything I can do?” I asked.

She giggled. “Nope not this time…not really. I’ve already had two orgasms myself now, and will probably have one or two more on the way home tonight.” She then lifted her dress, showing us both when she did, that she had a vibrator fully impaled inside herself, whirring and buzzing away, held there by the briefest of thongs. “See? I’m good. Now…time to leave, but…I ask before doing that, don’t say anything to your other friends, just yet, promise?”

We both did, and then as before, Jacob and I stood watching her drive away.

“Holy fucking shit! Did that really just happen?” I just stood there grinning. I knew exactly how he felt.


I was surprised the following week that she wasn’t sitting inside the bar after we’d finished bowling. I kept things to myself however, even when Jacob drew me off to one side. “So…you’re meeting up with her again, yes?”

“I think so…I hope so,” I told him, not really sure at this point. I even sat looking towards the other door, wondering if she’d come in that way again. But she never did. I finished my second beer, and decided it was time to head down to the garage, see if she was there. For some reason, I felt like…she wouldn’t be.

Even Jacob seemed anxious for me, giving me a knowing look as I said goodnight to the guys and headed out. I breathed a sigh of relief however, spotting her car in the same exact spot, heading towards it. I gave an even bigger sigh when I realized she was sitting in the back seat waiting for me…naked.

“You had me worried there for a moment,” I told her, slipping inside, already starting to take my own clothes off as she watched me, waiting before actually speaking.

“Well, this will be our last time together,” she announced.

“What? Why?”

“Because my husband and I are now even…well, sort of.”

“Ok, you lost me on that one. Your husband? What’s…what’s going on?”

“I was planning on telling you everything tonight anyway,” she then said. “After I do…I guess it will be up to you if we do anything tonight or not. Either way…it will be the last time.”

I was honestly sorry to hear that. Wednesday nights at the bowling alley would never be the same again.

“Ok, spill it…tell me…everything.”

With a somewhat sad look on her face, even though she still looked sexy as hell laying there in the back seat of her car with nothing on, she began. I’m sure you’ve been wondering all this time…why you?”

“Well yeah, admittedly I have. So…why me?”

“Because it was your wife, my husband was having an affair with. Even though they aren’t doing so any longer, as you may or may not be aware of.”

I had no idea who the guy was that she had been having an affair with, but I did know, for whatever reason it had actually broken off, even before my now ex-wife came and told me all about it, and that it was over with. Except for the fact, so was our marriage.

“Wow…ok, so that explains a little anyway, but…why all this? And how come you wouldn’t let me fuck you? Especially if that’s what my ex, and your husband were doing. So why not?”

“Two reasons. One…I signed a prenuptial agreement when we first got married. There’s a couple of loopholes in it, which I’m using against my bastard of a husband for one. Unfortunately, the verbiage says verbatim, that I can’t fuck anyone else…ever. Yeah, no shit, it actually says that in the agreement. So…to make sure I don’t violate any of that, I don’t. But…I’m not fucking him either. The way I see it, if he can fuck around, then so can I. But until the time comes he’s willing to change the contract, he doesn’t get to fuck me either.

Oh sure…we’ll do most everything else, as strange as this may sound, I really do love my husband. He’s just a prick when it comes to this, and what he’s done, even though he says he’s sorry for doing it now. Tough shit. Until the day he changes our agreement, then no fuckee for him!”

“Ok, so that’s a little strange, but stranger still, does he know about the rest of it?”

“Not really, no. Not who of course, only that it’s pretty obvious I am doing other things, short of “fucking” as the contract says. And that sort of pisses him off, a little anyway. Especially the other night when I came home with cum all over the new black dress he’d just purchased for me. But I also told him that we were even now…again, sort of. I’d had an equal number of flings to him, according to what he’d confessed to me anyway. So…that’s why this is our last night together. After this, we really are even.”

At least now I knew why she had picked me of all people, though I was at least also glad to hear, she wasn’t running around doing this with a bunch of other guys either.

“So in a way I guess, doing it this way, we both get a little revenge for what happened. But oddly enough…he’s well…he’s been acting a lot differently around me lately too.”

“Such as?”

“I know you already think I’m pretty strange enough as it is, but now…coming home, especially since I don’t wash the cum off me, make him see it, or even smell it, and won’t have sex with him any other way. So he’s been forced to do things…with me, while I’m still sticky, or crusty, however you want to put it, with your cum. Even though like I said, he doesn’t know it’s the ex-husband of the woman he was having his affair with. Not sure he’d enjoy knowing that too much. But…he has been,

and is suddenly now sort of getting turned on by it. Last week, he was like a madman, seeing me in that dress, cum splattered all over it. Needless to say…he soon after, added his own to it. I threw it away of course, he can always buy me a new one.”

I laughed at that. If anything, this chick, this still nameless woman had balls.

“Well, I’m still sorry this will be the last time then. I was just getting used to it, looking forward to it in fact…to you.”

“Yeah, me too,” she said almost apologetically once again. “It was fun wasn’t it? If not a little crazy, a little dangerous, and wild. But it really was fun. I’ve never done anything like this before in my entire life, believe it or not,” she informed me.

“Well, that goes for both of us then. Just wish…”

“Yeah, I know. Me too. And I really am half tempted. But…I don’t dare, not as things are set up, I could lose everything, and I do mean…everything. So. Until such time as things change, or until I can get him to amend our agreement, it has to be this way. I do hope you understand.”

“Well, I do and I don’t. But, it doesn’t really matter much does it?”

“Unfortunately…no. So, since this will be our last time together, I thought I’d let you decide what you want to do, short of…short of that anyway.”

I thought for a moment. “How about this? Does fucking you include your ass?”

“I don’t know…it might. As tempting as that sounds, I’d best not chance it. Fucking might be fucking, in either one. So probably not.”

“Damn!” She laughed.

“Yeah…damn, I think I’d have enjoyed that with you. Even HE doesn’t get that from me either!”

“Well then, how about we finish the way we more or less started off then. How about you Jackme off, while I finger-fuck you, how’s that sound? More or less fitting under the circumstances then, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I’d like that. And besides, I like watching you cum. I like watching it a lot, and I really am going to miss that. But yeah, cum all over me this time, head to toe, let him see me when I come walking into the house, bare-assed naked, with all your spunk still clinging to me. Maybe when he sees me like that this time, he’ll want to do it too. Only…only my answer will be NO this time, not until he agrees to make some changes.”

“Works for me,” I said to her. And then began toying with that very wet, juicy pussy of hers.


We took it slow and easy, even kissing…something we hadn’t done in addition to fucking. Eventually I laid her back on the seat, going down on her once more, this time taking my time, driving her nuts…wanting to leave her something to remember me by. She came hard…deliciously hard, and then did the same to me. This time she sucked my cock like there was no tomorrow, which in a sense, there wasn’t for us.

I came hard too. Spraying her liberally, just like she’d asked me, from head to toe. I had drenched her even more so than I had in the past. She was sticky with cum, smiling at me as some of it clung to her hair, matting it, drooling down the side of her face, to her breasts, tummy and on and on. She left it like that, as I dressed, as she once again climbed naked into the front seat.

“See you again sometime?” I asked. “Maybe?”

“I don’t know…maybe, a lot depends. But you already know that. Maybe one day I’ll come walking into the bar again, you never know. If I do, you’ll know…things have changed, not sure how they’ll change, or what it’ll even mean if they do. But…if you see me again, you’ll know.

I watched her pull out, once again standing there watching her drive away. I didn’t know if I would ever see her again. Especially not knowing who she was, where she lived. Hell, I hadn’t even noted her fucking license plate.

I turned toward my own car. I didn’t tell her that our summer bowling league would be ending in three weeks. Perhaps it really didn’t matter anyway. The likelihood of ever seeing her again was remote. Rather than heading over towards my car, I began making my way back up the steps towards the bar. I knew the guys would most likely still be there.

I grinned, taking the stairs two at a time. I had a few stories to tell them about, plus…I had a witness when I did. But I also wondered, what would they think about joining a winter league?


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