The outsiders

“One yes…why?” I asked.

“Bring him down stairs with you next time,” she said. “Don’t worry…it’s not really what you think, but I think you’ll enjoy it, even more than you realize at the moment. And I’m pretty sure…he will too, as long as he keeps his mouth shut. And also…don’t tell him too much about me either, don’t point me out to him even in the bar. He’ll see me soon enough.”

“Ok,” I hesitated, and then thought about it, smiling. It would sort of be nice, finally getting to share this with someone, had I just told the guys what had been going on, none of them would have ever believed me. Now at least…I’d have a witness if and when the whole story finally did come out.

“Next week then.”

“Yeah, see you then.”

I stood, watching her drive off, once again naked behind the wheel, only then realizing my twice spent dick was still hanging out. I stuffed it back inside my pants lest someone see me standing there, and have me arrested for indecent exposure.


I had called Jacob, my best friend the day before we were to meet at the bowling alley, and filled him in. At first, he, like the others, thought I was pulling his leg.

“Trust me Jacob, I’m serious. Wait until you meet her…see her, see what she’s into,” I told him, though I had also told him everything else we had done together since the day I’d first met her.

“You’re serious!”

“Very! But like I said…don’t go getting your hopes up about anything either, and besides dude…you are married. And happily too, yes?”

“Yes, I am. But I don’t think watching her and you is going to jeopardize my marriage, or any vows. So hell yes. I’ll be there. When do we meet up with her anyway?” He asked.

“Shortly after we finish bowling, after we’ve had a drink in the bar. I’ll let you know then.”

It was almost funny. Jacob had the worst game since he’d been bowling. And though I had a fairly decent game against myself, though not nearly as spectacular as the previous week, even with that, we won three out of four and remained on top of the standings. After we finished, we headed into the bar. She…was sitting at her stool, enjoying her drink as usual as we took our seats in our now almost reserved booth. I didn’t even bother looking around, or indicating that I knew anyone. Jacob however was about as nervous as they came, fidgeting in his seat, anxious to meet this mystery woman I had told him about.

This time she was wearing a very short, black cocktail dress that had a deep plunging neckline, revealing a good portion of her more than ample breasts. She glanced my way only briefly, and then stood, making her way past the table without looking over this time, or looking back for that matter. Even one of the other guys commented on her though as she walked by, noticing her for the very first time really.

“Wow, there’s a looker. And look at those long-assed legs. Wouldn’t mind having those babies wrapped around my waist!” Everyone laughed at that of course, including me…and Jacob, though he still had no clue as to who my mystery woman was yet either.

“Finish you beer…time to go,” I said quietly. He drained it, standing.

“Sorry guys…but Steve’s giving me a ride home. My cars in the shop, so I asked him to give me a lift over here after work, and then home tonight. And sorry that I didn’t do so well tonight either,” he added.

After some assurances, and reminders about how shitty I’d done a couple of weeks back, and then how I’d come roaring back with a vengeance, we all said our goodnights as Jacob and I then left the bar heading down the stairs into the parking garage.

“Where is she?” He asked after we reached the bottom of the stairs. I looked over, her car parked in its usual place, only once again she was standing outside of it, looking towards us. “That…that her?” He asked only then realizing that had been the woman we’d all watched leaving the bar.

“That’s her! Come on!”

We walked over the short distance towards her, reaching her moments later. “This is your friend?”

“Yeah, this is…” but she shut me off.

“No names remember?”

“Oh yeah…right, I almost forgot.”

“Shit man, you mean to tell me, you don’t know her name?” He said, eying her up and down.

“Nope. That’s how she wants it, and that’s how it is,” I said simply.

“Wow,” he mused, and then grinned. “That’s’ fucking hot!”

“Yes it is…isn’t it?” I agreed.

“Take your cocks out, both of you. You…” she said, turning to Jacob. “You’re welcome to jack off while you watch this, enjoy yourself, but no coming until I tell you, you can. And then I’ll show you where you can…IF you want to. Understood?”

I’d already filled him in about all that, so he wasn’t too surprised about her attitude, or demands, though only now, I think the truth of what I had told him, was finally actually sinking in. “Yeah, ok…sure, whatever you want,” he said simply.

I was surprised by my own boldness though, not really thinking about it until now. Taking out my hard cock, in front of my friend, and not even being shy about it when I did. Though after watching us for a bit, watching this lovely beautiful stranger getting down on her knees, right there by the side of the car, and sucking me off, Jacob eventually took his out too, and began playing with it.

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