The first night of the bride

“You asked for me specifically? But how did you even know of me?” Katherine asked, confused.

“I saw you, just briefly, a year ago when I travelled through your village with my father. I have thought of you often since. You were chasing a toddler who had wandered away from the women. You caught the child up in your arms, both of you giggling with delight. I couldn’t help but hope to hear that laughter again.”

Katherine did not remember the time in particular, and was very surprised it had made an impression on the man before her. She smiled shyly and looked away.

“Please don’t turn away from me, Katherine. I don’t mean to make you self-conscious.” He reached out his free hand and touched her face, turning her chin to bring her eyes back to his. He held her there, then releasing her hand, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers very lightly.

The feeling was shocking. Katherine could smell wood fire and musk, and her lips tingled as her neck had earlier. She sucked in a breath, which seemed to embolden him. Davis leaned in, moving the hand on her chin around to the back of her head, lacing his fingers into her hair hanging free down her back. His lips made firm contact with hers, and he moved them against her in a way she could never have imagined. Her own lips answered his. She felt his tongue slide along her lower lip, and as she gasped again, his tongue to slid into her mouth.

She jerked back, but his hand held her tight to him. His tongue dipped into her mouth, touching her tongue, her palate, and running across her gums. The sensation was amazing. She tentatively touched her tongue to his, and he rubbed his along hers in a dance that set her nerves on fire. A small moan escaped her throat, and his groan answered it as he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her into his lap.

He released her lips after another minute, running kisses up her jaw line and stopping to nibble her ear lobe. He pulled back, running his hand through her hair.

“So beautiful!” he breathed.

She found herself panting for breath, and he smiled at her, this time with a hint of wolfish delight in his eyes. She gasped again as he lowered his head and licked up her neck, from collar bone to chin, then kissed her more deeply than before. She found her tongue answering his, stroke for stroke.

She felt Davis start to remove the sheer fabric she had around her torso and over her shoulder. She reached to stop him, but he gently removed her hand and proceeded to unwrap her only clothing. When he had her naked, he stroked her shoulder, down her arm, lifting her hand to his own shoulder, then stroked back up her arm and down her side.

She shuddered as his fingers drifted past her breast, causing him to smile again. When his hand reached her hip, it went behind her, and leaning in toward her, he guided her back onto the skins.

He kissed her again, settling his body along her left side, and his hand stroked up from her hip, across her stomach, and came to rest lightly cupping her breast.

She stiffened at so intimate a touch, but his response was to increase the battle of his tongue against hers, distracting her. When she relaxed, he stroked the breast in his hand, twirling his fingers around it in circles, closing in on her nipple which he brushed lightly with his thumb.

Her back arched of its own accord, and suddenly his mouth was on the nipple, licking it, sucking gently, kissing the tip, then licking again. Katherine found herself pressing into his mouth, her hand somehow tangled in his hair, holding him to her breast as a mother holds a newborn, little moans slipping from her throat.

She had no idea what these feelings were she was experiencing. Her mother and aunt didn’t tell her any of this, and she had no point of reference. Davis seemed to be enjoying suckling at her breast, and he smiled wickedly when she arched and moaned.

“My wife likes my touch,” he whispered, still licking her nipple, but running his hand down her side, down her leg, then back up the inside of her thigh.

Her hips flexed into his hand. The tingling he caused with every touch was concentrating between her legs. She had seen the mating of the family’s goats, understood the basic mechanics of her duty as wife, but never expected to feel such intense sensations at the hands of her husband.

Davis pulled away from her, standing, and she worried she had done something wrong, shaming herself. She reached for the fabric that had covered her, but Davis moved it out of reach as he untied his own robe in one quick motion and let it slip to the ground.

He was stunning! Katherine took in his broad shoulders and muscular chest, then his rippled abdomen, and standing proudly against that abdomen was a shaft that sent shivers of fear and expectation through her body.

Davis smiled that wicked grin again. “Do you like what you see, little wife? This is for you, and you alone, my sweet one.” He moved beside her again, that stiff rod pressed into her thigh.

He suckled at her other breast while his hand caressed her side, her leg, finally coming to rest on the mound of curls between her legs. She stiffened again. He pulled away from her breast to look into her face. She turned away, feeling shame for her body’s behavior.

“Look at me, wife.”

She turned and looked into his eyes filled with tenderness and determination.

“Do not look away. It is my greatest happiness that your body responds to my touch. Do not be ashamed. That I can pleasure you is my greatest reward.”

He kissed her gently as he pressed his hand into her center, parting her lower lips and stroking softly into her depths.

“You are nearly ready for me, but I want you to feel the pleasures that await you without the fear of pain that women bring to this night. Relax, my little one, and let me introduce you to sensations you have never had before.”

With that he began to stroke her womanhood in feather-light brushes, slowly increasing his pressure as her body reacted. Katherine couldn’t break her gaze into his eyes, and found her hips had begun to writhe and press into his hand.

The feelings he was causing pulled moans from deep in her chest, and her eyes rolled back as her body arched and waves of ecstasy crashed over her again and again. His movements gentled as he purred into her neck, licking and kissing her.

“That is what our joining can feel like, my love. I want that for you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I want that, Davis. Show me,” she answered, turning to press her body against his hardness.

With a grin, her husband moved down her body. “Not quite yet, my love.”

Suddenly scared again, Katherine pulled her legs together and tried to scoot away.

“Come, Katherine, don’t hide from me now. You have nothing to feel shame about. Your body is perfect, your reactions my joy. I want to bring you pleasure as no one else can,” Davis responded, again cupping her mound and exerting gentle pressure.

Katherine moaned softly as her body thrummed in time with his tender motions.

He licked her nipple, drawing it into his mouth to slip sensually in and out, stretching her nipple out to a hard peak and causing electric charges to run from breast to groin.

He moved to the other nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth and laving it between tongue and palate.

Katherine moaned and pressed her heated groin into his hand, “Davis! My body screams for you.”

With a wicked laugh he responded, “Let’s see if your mouth will scream for me as well.”

He kissed and licked his way down her abdomen, causing her skin to jump, the muscles beneath twitching with tension. He removed his hand from her mound and positioned himself between her legs.

Katherine looked down at him, his grin sly, and felt suddenly exposed as well as excited. This stranger, her husband, was looking into her most private parts, plotting the most pleasurable torture for her. Her entire body shuddered as he blew across her wet pussy, and goose bumps that had nothing to do with cold erupted all over her body.

Davis leaned in, kissing her most personal place.

Katherine couldn’t tear her eyes from him, watching his tongue flick out to a spot near the apex of her lower lips. Her world shattered as shockwaves coursed from the spot out her limbs. Her head flung back and her hips bucked, and she heard herself moan, “Yes!”

The first night of the bride will continue in the next page.

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