Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 2

Read Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1 in this link Elena thought for a moment. “You know, during the interview, Adam mentioned something about ‘other things’ that may happen at the party. So if something were to happen, what do you think I should do?” […] Read More… from Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 2

Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1

Elena’s face turned flush. “Are you sure? There must be some sort of mistake.” “I’m sorry Elena,” the manager replied. “You’re a terrific person. You really are. But the job was seasonal. We made that clear from the start.” Elena was still wearing her waitressing outfit at the restaurant. The […] Read More… from Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1

Confession of Zoey was wonderful

This is a confession story of Zoey. Enjoy They sat comfortably in the large office. Both were sharply dressed, business types. There was an odd & awkward tension in the air. “What should I call you?” David asked. She thought for a moment. “Just call me Zoey. I’d like to […] Read More… from Confession of Zoey was wonderful

Naughty college girls made things thrilling in public

Excitement ran through the college girls as they arrived at the parking lot with a perfect view of Half Moon Bay. They were part of the Debate Team and were having lunch at a fancy hotel for a strategic planning session. Some went inside to explore the building. Others took […] Read More… from Naughty college girls made things thrilling in public

Detective grace made it with dignity and obedience.

This is a non consent story of Detective Grace. ENJOY. A masked man jumped out of the closet and tried to overpower her. Getting into a life-or-death fight in her own bedroom was the last thing she expected after a late night session in the gym. It was a nightmare […] Read More… from Detective grace made it with dignity and obedience.

After hours with strange erotic dining – part 2

Read part 1 of After hours with strange erotic dining here in this link. “Oh?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow. “What does it entail?” “It’s really hard to explain. But I’ve taste tested it with the guys. It’s exciting and delicious. Mr. Harris thinks it’ll be a mega hit. Didn’t […] Read More… from After hours with strange erotic dining – part 2

After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

It was after-hours at a posh restaurant in Florida  and a young woman lay naked across a dining table. Culinary students had helped this young Asian woman get into the right position, and judging by her incredibly erect nipples, there was excitement in the air. The restaurant staff had already […] Read More… from After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

Detective Hailey in high heels

This is a story about detective Hailey going naked and masked undercover. Enjoy. A case file was placed on the desk and Detective Hailey Paddy was eager to be given her first assignment in the homicide division. The Lieutenant was curt after opening the folder. “Look familiar?” “George Franko,” she […] Read More… from Detective Hailey in high heels

Christmas adventures made by my wife – 3

If you have not read part 1 and 2 of Christmas adventures made by my wife. please click here. We talked for a few minutes and agreed that we probably wouldn’t have a chance to talk tomorrow. I was in a meeting from eight until at least five and that […] Read More… from Christmas adventures made by my wife – 3

Christmas adventures made by my wife – 2

If you have not read Christmas adventures made by my wife – 1 click here. Let’s begin part 2… “So I will take that as I should get this one?” She smirked. “1 million percent yes,” I declared. “I see you have a collection for me to try on,” she […] Read More… from Christmas adventures made by my wife – 2