Susan and her brother had fascinating time in bus

As the trip went on, most of the older nudists began to doze off and sleep. There wasn’t anything better to do, plus everyone had woken up early that morning.

I eventually got used to feeling my sister’s body pressed tightly against mine. Our arms and legs were pressed together in a weird way. The brightside was, I got to take occasional upclose glances at her nipples, crotch, and sexy legs. Once again, she didn’t seem to mind.

My sister stood and reached over the boxes to get her phone, which was in her bag. By doing so, I got a terrific look at her shapely ass, and even a quick glimpse of her asshole. I wasn’t sure if she did it on purpose or not, but she sat back down and began typing on her phone. With nothing better to do, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It was a long morning, and I was already tired.

Before I could doze off, my sister tapped my shoulder and showed me the screen of her phone:

Is this vibrating bus making you horny?

When I looked at her face, her eyebrow was raised, and I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.

“This isn’t funny,” I whispered in her direction.

“I wasn’t trying to be funny. It’s a serious question.”

Even though my sister spoke in her normal tone, I was sure that no one could hear us talk because the bus engine was so loud.

In a miraculous state of bad luck (or good luck- depending on how you look at it), the box next to us started leaking.

Nothing serious. It looked like fruit syrup. The old lady had given us juice, pastries, and some other stuff that we didn’t need.

“Now I’m going to be sticky,” Susan sighed.

I looked at the side of the box, which was slowly leaking at a very minor pace. It hadn’t even dripped to the floor yet, that’s how slow it was. Yet my sister was already worried about it.

“I think the next stop is less than an hour away. You should be fine. We’ll clean it when the bus stops.”

“Easy for you to say,” she whispered with a sharp look on her face. “You’re not the one sitting next to it. I am.”

“I guess so, but…”

Before I could reply, Susan, my naked sister, sat up and lightly jumped on my lap. Her naked ass was pressed on me. Her bare back was pressed against my chest. She wiggled her body in an attempt to get comfortable in her new seat- which was me!

“That’s more like it,” she breathed in a sigh of relief as she faced forward. “This is a lot more relaxing than sitting on that seat.”

At first, I was at a total loss for words. Things were already weird enough being naked around her, then sitting so close to her, but Susan on my lap? Naked? It was all too much.

“What the hell?” I whispered.

She adjusted her body again. “Oh relax. Stop being a wimp. The next stop is less than an hour away, right? What’s the big deal?”

“You’re naked on my lap,” I whispered in her ear. “That’s the big deal. It’s a pretty big fucking deal if you ask me.”

“Well no one is asking you then. Now act like a grown-up and let me sit on your lap, okay?”

She stopped talking and focused on her phone. She was texting her friend or something.

Susan wiggled her bottom again in an attempt to get cozier. In the process, her soft naked ass rubbed against my cock. She leaned back and I felt her soft skin on my chest. It was so wrong, yet so arousing. The softness of her naked body was the most arousing thing I had felt in a very long time.

The feeling of her bare ass against my cock had finally reached its limit. I tried to think of college final exams to get rid of my imminent erection, but it was impossible. My sister’s sexy body overcame everything, and her soft bare skin had won.

She turned her body and neck to face me. We were mere inches apart, looking each other directly in the eyes. There was a grin on her face.

“What’s that?” she whispered.

“What’s what?” I replied, playing dumb.

She wiggled her hips. “That. What is it?”

“It’s nothing.”

She reached down and briefly touched the middle of my erection.

“Doesn’t feel like nothing,” she whispered. “Feels like something to me.”

“What the hell did you expect?” I whispered even more softly. “You’re fucking naked on my lap.”

She put her lips to my ear. “I never told you to get hard.”

“That’s not how it works, Susan.”

“I know,” she winked. “I was just teasing you. I think it’s hot that I’m able to give you an erection. Odd, but true.”

With that, she turned away. She sat facing forward again, still naked on my lap. She continued typing some stuff on her phone, while my erection remained, pressed against her ass.

Suddenly, she turned around again and showed me her phone. She had typed a message for me:

I have been horny since this trip began. naked bodies everywhere. then the vibrating bus! Now this! 🙂

Things were getting bizarre. I grabbed the phone from her hand, and I typed a message in return, right behind her back. Then I showed her the message I had typed:

stop being a tease. no one likes a tease

The message made her laugh. She grabbed the phone back and quickly typed. Her fingers were proficient with phones and she showed me another message:

NO ONE is being a tease. if you get me off. I’ll return the favor. deal?

When she showed me the message, there was a sly look on her face. Her eyebrow was arched, and her lips showed signs of a faint smile. She meant business, but I wasn’t exactly sure which kind.

“What are you talking about?” I whispered.

She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her crotch. I was apprehensive. I tried to pull back (honestly, I did) but she was too persistent. I relented, and my hand was on her bare cleanly shaven crotch, touching her pussy.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she whispered. “No one can hear us. No one can see us either. No one has bothered to look back here. Everyone is asleep. Come on, I know you want to.”

She had a point, and my erection wasn’t going away. It throbbed even more with each passing second. It craved attention. At that point, I was unbelievably horny, just like my sister.

“You’re going to get me in so much trouble,” I whispered.

My finger rubbed her labia. It was soft. My hand touched her crotch. I could tell she had shaved that morning. The tip of my finger touched her clit, which made her twitch a little.

“If anyone gets in trouble for this, it’ll be us. Together. Now get to it.”

She faced forward and expected me to make her orgasm. With my hand already on her bare pussy, it didn’t seem like such a big deal anymore. Especially since we were both really horny.

My fingers continued touching her. With every touch, her body reacted. I felt her hips moving and grinding on my lap. My eyes remained forward to ensure that no one was watching us. It was nerve wracking having a sexual experience in a bus full of people. But I guess that’s what made it so fun.

Without a doubt, my sister loved the whole secret touching. In all our years together, she had never mentioned anything to me regarding sex. Never. I never thought she would, and I never expected her to. Even more incredulous, she wanted me to pleasure her. It defied all logic.

Yet there I was, rubbing her pussy in circular motions. Something about the nudist trip had made her so aroused. Or maybe it was the vibrating bus, as she had told me earlier. Or maybe she liked teasing her brother. Maybe it was all of the above?

Whatever the case, I was incredibly aroused touching her pussy, and rubbing her clitoris. She gave the occasional moan. Soft moans. It was clear that she was trying her best to suppress the noises from her mouth. She didn’t want to get caught any more than I did.

Two of my fingers went inside of her pussy, and that did it for her. Her body twitched and she sank down, pressing her back harder against my chest.

“Almost there,” she whispered in my direction.

“How close?”

Susan reached down and touched her pussy. Then she lifted her fingers to show me how wet her fingers were. It was laced with her clear vaginal fluids. She turned her head to look at the expression on my face. Susan had a mischievous look, as if she enjoyed taunting me.

“Does that answer your question?” she said.

She put her finger in her mouth and sucked her pussy juice. That sent me over the edge. I became rock hard after seeing her taste herself. And she knew it. She felt my cock throb against her ass, and she saw the look on my face. She winked at me, and she faced forward again.

My fingers worked harder and faster on her pussy. I felt her heat and wetness. She was getting wetter by the moment. I knew she was close. I felt it.

Susan and her brother had fascinating time in bus will continue in the next page.

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