Stella made her desires true-2.0

This Story is part of Stella made her desires true Series

“You’re giving a truck,” Lisa said slowly with a mischievous grin, “to a pair of women, with free rein?”

Stella’s grin matched her mother’s. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is, Jack?”

“Probably as dangerous as letting me loose in Greg’s salvage yard,” he laughed.

Glancing at each other, Stella and Lisa nodded simultaneously. “That would be perfect,” Lisa said. “Thank you.”

Lisa instructed Jack to check the roast periodically. Donning coats and boots, the women left Jack searching through his toolkit outside.

“My goodness,” Lisa exclaimed, climbing into the half-ton’s passenger side. “It’s a chore to get in here.”

Stella laughed. “Be grateful Jack put step bars on. You ought to see Greg’s truck. He has it raised so high, you need a ladder to get in and out.”

Waving good-bye to Jack as they backed onto the street, they decided to hit the mall to window-shop, as seeing Christmas was nearing. Despite it still being morning, the mall was packed more than most Saturdays with holiday shoppers and screaming kids. At times giggling like school girls, they spent the next few hours checking every store in the mall, making mental notes about presents they’d buy.

Before leaving, Lisa led her daughter into the Shoppers Drug Mart, heading straight for the contraceptive aisle. From experience, she explained each of the items to Stella, advising what might be best for her.

Picking up two different brands of foam and a box of ribbed condoms, they laughed at the teenage male cashier’s embarrassed expression after leaving the store. Getting in the truck, Stella transferred the items to her purse.

Getting home, they found Jack in the kitchen preparing salad. Apparently it didn’t take as long as he’d thought, swapping starters and giving Jimmy a thorough check. After washing off the rust and grime in the shower, he thought he’d help with dinner, cooking being one of his talents. They had the salad before carving the beef. Throughout dinner they talked and laughed, enjoying each other’s company.

The sun had set by the time they finished their after-dinner coffee, using decaf as not to keep them up for the night. Noticing Jack fighting to conceal a yawn, remembering what her daughter said about getting up early, Lisa suggested they head home, planning to retire early herself. When he got up to get their coats, Lisa gestured with her eyes at Jack’s back and winked. Stella smiled and nodded.

Hugging each of them, Lisa sent them on their way with the rest of the roast in a resealable tub, reminding them of the Christmas party she was throwing next weekend and thanking Jack again for fixing her truck.

Upon arriving home, Stella put the leftovers in the fridge while Jack put his tools away. Returning and shedding his jacket and boots, he sat on the couch and closed his eyes. Stella sat beside him, curling up her denim-clad legs and leaned into him with her head on his shoulder. His arm automatically went around her and for a while they were content to savor the closeness without words.

Stifling another yawn, Jack kissed her on top of the head. “I better hit the sack before the sack hits me. It’s strange though. I don’t really feel that tired.”

“It’s been a long day,” she replied. “I think I’m heading to bed too.” Getting off the couch and stretching as gracefully as a cat, she lent him a hand up.

Turning off the lights, Jack followed her upstairs, giving her a kiss and wishing her a good night before heading to the bathroom.

Entering her room, Stella suddenly realized it felt so . . . lonely. Thinking of the morning spent massaging him, and later being massaged, her arousal returned with a vengeance. This time there were no lingering doubts after talking with her mom. More so, she wanted Jack even more than this morning. No, she realized, not only wanted, but needed him.

Stripping out of her clothes, her thick nipples were already hard. Hearing him return to his room, she found her diaphragm and purse before padding with them into the bathroom. Inserting the contraceptives, she recalled what her mom advised driving back from the mall. Let it come naturally. Don’t force it. Jack might not be ready, so have patience and realize it may even take a night or more until he is.

At Jack’s door, she saw the small reading light was on. Peeking in revealed him laying nude atop his bed, a comforter at the foot of the bed for when the heat dropped enough to need it. Standing upright, his college textbook hid his upper chest and head, but she could see his cock draped on his thigh like a resting snake.


“Eh?” Lowering the textbook, he glanced up at her. “Stella? Hey. Is something wrong?” Propping himself up on an elbow, his momentary surprise quickly became concerning.

“No, not really.” Almost shyly, she padded across the carpeting to stand beside the bed. “This is going to sound weird, but my room felt so, well, lonely. I had such a good time with you today that . . . .” She steeled herself in case it didn’t work out as she hoped. “I was kinda wondering if you would mind if I slept with you in your bed tonight?” Her heart thumped heavily in her chest.

“Ah, sure, if you want.” Taking up only the far side of the bed, he gestured at empty space between them.

Climbing onto the huge bed, she immediately curled up against him, swinging his arm to rest on her back. Easing her lower arm beneath his pillow, she put her head on his chest, hearing his heart beating close to her face. Her other hand rested lightly on his stomach, only inches from his cock, while she molded the rest of her body to his.

To Jack it would seem innocent enough, knowing how she loved to snuggle, but there was more for her laying as such. Her nipples rubbing against his chest with every little movement, she’d made sure her hairless pussy was pressing firmly against the skin of his hip.

“Are you warm enough,” he asked. “I can pull up the comforter if you want.”

“No, it’s okay. You’re better than an electric blanket. So, doing homework?”

“No, just reading. Sometimes it helps me get to sleep faster.” Closing the textbook, he laid it atop the nightstand. “Besides,” he joked, “I already know how it’ll end.”

“Yeah. The butler did it,” they laughed together.

Gently tracing her fingers over his flat belly, she pressed hard enough not to tickle him, watching his cock twitch each time her hand came close. Soon it shifted from thigh to aiming its big head right at her, thickening slightly. Jack’s hand mimicked hers on her back.

“That feels wonderful,” she sighed, nestling harder against him and nuzzling his smooth chest.

After another few minutes, Stella decided to take the plunge. “Jack?”

“Yes,” he replied, sounding completely relaxed.

“This morning, when we were talking about dating, you said you liked my body. Having had a day to think about it, do you still feel that way?”

Jack chuckled softly, the motion feeling good beneath her cheek. “A day, a week, heck, why not a lifetime. It wouldn’t make a difference. I would still tell you exactly the same thing; you have, to me, the perfect body. You’re a beautiful woman, and other women should take a lesson from you.”

Stella was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Your confidence,” he explained, running his fingers along her spine, making her both shiver and sigh at the same time. “Be it when we go skinny-dipping or around the house, whenever I see you naked, you seem completely at ease, not trying to hide your body or feel inadequate about it. It makes you even sexier.”

Stella felt her heart quicken. It wasn’t so much his words, but the honesty behind them.

“Maybe,” she said. “But that’s not entirely true. I’m only comfortable being naked with you. If it was some other guy, he wouldn’t even get to see if I’m wearing a bra.”

“Then I’m truly blessed,” he said, squeezing her closer against him. “It doesn’t matter how often I see you naked, it not only thrills me, but makes me feel I’m the luckiest guy in the world. And I am with you being my best friend. I hope you never get tired of me.”

“Get tired of you,” Stella said in shock. Sitting up and facing him, she put on a mock-angry face and lightly poked his breastbone with a finger. “You listen good, buster. Don’t you ever think I could ever get tired of you. Every day you find some way to surprise me, or give me another reason why I love you so much.”

Admitting her feelings so openly, Stella suddenly felt very vulnerable, but wanted everything out between them, to bare her heart rather than keeping feelings locked inside. Their relationship had always been one of openness and honesty between them.

Stella realized she never really told Jack the growing love she had for him. She knew Jack loved her in return, and now doubt he might not love her more than simply as a friend faded the more time she spent talking so intimately with him.

“I thought, maybe,” she admitted, “I was teasing you to be naked around you so much. I didn’t know if you were beginning to resent it or not.”

“Nonsense. I love it. Besides, if anything bothered me, you know I’d tell you.”

She gave him a smile, tracing her fingertips down his hairless chest. Her arousal was returning, having ignored it for a while but now fully aware of it. Unlike in the shower, she was clear-headed, not being driven solely by raging hormones. However, she was still nervous, unsure how to proceed. She needed him so badly, yet didn’t want to scare him away. Her mother’s advice came back. Let it come naturally.

Stella sighed as he ran a finger between her breasts.

“Feel better,” he asked, “getting that off your chest?”

“Very,” she replied, loving the feel of his finger slowly tracing the swell of her petite breasts.

“That’s good. I hate the thought of you unable to get something off your chest, especially since it’s such a beautiful chest, too,” he chuckled, his finger playfully swiping a hard nipple.

Pussy aching from his touch, she saw him staring longingly at her flushed breasts. Surreptitiously stealing a glance between them, she could easily see his cock was fully erect, standing hard and proud.

Oh how she wanted it, to call it hers and hers alone. The men’s cocks in the pornographic pictures she’d viewed over the internet paled in her opinion to Jack’s thick member, none of them ever coming close to arousing her as he did.

Feeling playful, her hands drifted to his thighs. “My grandma,” she joked, “what big eyes you have.”

“All the better to see you with, my dear,” he laughed.

“And my grandma, what big teeth you have,” she giggled, stroking his strong thighs.

Raising his eyes, the look of mischief matched his wide grin. “All the better to eat you with.”

With that, Jack buried his face in her cleavage and began making comical eating noises, his lips and warm breath tickling her. Grabbing Jack’s head and holding it against her chest, she fell back to the bed laughing uncontrollably, his cock poking her thigh as he fell onto her. Continuously making the funny sounds, working his mouth on her pale flesh to her delight, his antics were making her even hornier.

Turning the tables, Stella flipped herself around so it was now Jack laid on his back, her hands on his chest pinning him to the bed. Her bare pussy was sitting on his cock, its cleft parted slightly around it as the large head pressed against her emerged clit, making her shiver with pleasure.

Extremely wet now, she started rocking her hips back and forth a little, sliding the lips of her swollen sex along the hard length of his member, making both of them groan in shared passion. His hands rose, playing gently with her taut nipples, lightly pinching and rolling them in his fingers.

“T-that . . . feels so . . . good,” Jack half-whispered, thrusting his hips slightly to match her own hips. Despite her lust, she didn’t want to be penetrated yet, wanting to savor this pleasure before entering the entirely new realm of intercoarse. Alternating between cupping and squeezing her breasts and teasing swollen nipples, he was driving her wild, her resolve to wait crumbling quickly.

Shuddering from a small climax, Stella felt Jack’s movements becoming more urgent, his hazel eyes squeezed tight, obviously trying to keep from ejaculating so soon. The thought brought another climax.

“Yes, Jack,” she panted. “Don’t hold back. Come for me, baby. Come for me.”

Unleashed, Jack bucked his cock harder against her pussy, his grunts becoming animal-like. Slipping down onto his thighs, she gripped his throbbing cock and testicles, slick with her own juices, and stroked him in time with his driving hips.

“Yes, baby,” she urged, voice hoarse with lust, “that’s it. Come for me. Give me all you have.”

Grabbing the sheets, his buttocks lifted right off the bed with every thrust despite sitting on his legs. “Can’t . . . hold,” he growled through clenched teeth. The sight made her pussy pulsate harder.

Arching his back, he cried out as his thick cock throbbed in her hand, pumping long, milk-white streams of semen onto his belly, some shooting as far as his chest. As if in sympathy, her pussy spasmed with its own orgasm, her wetness flowing from her as her cry blended with his.

Stella made her desires true-2.0 will continue in the next page.

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