Sometimes watching is enough to be turned on – 02

This Story is part of Watch me Series

When she actually slithered down the bed, I knew then we were going into uncharted waters here. And for the first time ever, feeling her hand as it wrapped itself around my cock was heavenly. And though I had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen next, I remember her looking up at me for just a second.

“We can’t fuck. I’m sorry. But we can’t.” And then with that, my cock was suddenly inside her mouth.

For a woman that hadn’t been with a man in years, she certainly knew how to suck a man’s prick. And though I didn’t exactly have a whole lot to compare that to at the time, I certainly did later. And I still feel, and think…it was amongst the best blow-jobs I’d ever been given. She didn’t just suck it, bob her head up and down on it like I’ve seen done in a few movies, she made love to it.

Tenderly at times, wickedly in others. But I know without any doubt whatsoever, she held me on the edge for so long that I didn’t think it would ever be possible to come down from that. Even when I did. I think I even warned her half a dozen times that I was going to cum, when I finally did. That didn’t seem to matter to her, as she kept sucking me until I was. Swallowing, draining me…in more ways than one. I know one thing for sure. I saw stars. A whole bunch of them, and I’m not kidding you either.

When she rolled over onto her back, I was half wondering if we were going to end this with me just watching her again. Not this time. “Come here Jason. Lick me. Like I said, you can’t fuck me…but I’d love it if you’d lick me at least.”

Boy howdy. Did I do that? That had been for me as well, one of my long…ongoing fantasies about her. And maybe I wasn’t an expert, (actually a novice if we’re being honest here) but she seemed to love whatever I did, no matter what I did. And coaxing me when needed, what to do, and how to do it next. Lets just say, I learned a lot from her that I’ve put to good practice since then.

It did hurt just a little when she yanked on my hair as she came. But it was well worth it. And after we’d both had a chance to recover somewhat, we went at it again. This time mostly mutual masturbation, doing one another. But I loved fingering her pussy the way I’d seen her do. And I certainly loved the feel of her hand as she jacked me off. And maybe it wasn’t a geyser of any sort when I came the second time, but it sure as hell felt damn fucking good.

I left soon after that without really saying anything. But like I said, I think she already knew. I didn’t see her again for almost a year. Home on leave, and soon about to ship out to my new duty station, I wanted to at least drop by, see how she was doing. Maybe it was an odd day to pick…a Saturday. I came walking up the drive, heard more than saw the lawn mower out back.

I walked around the side of the garage like I had done a hundred times before. I almost…(almost I said) wished she was naked as she’d been before sitting there, but more than pleased when she wasn’t. Fully dressed, reading the paper keeping an eye on the kid currently mowing her lawn. She looked over the edge of the paper, smiling at me. Finally putting it down and then standing, coming over to embrace me, kissing me chastely on the cheek before offering a seat to me.

We spent the next little while catching up. Even long after the kid had put things away again, just as I’d done for so many years. There was no attempt, no hint of doing anything as we sat there. And even if I’d entertained the thought, or that she had…neither one of us was going to act on it. Our time together had long passed.

When it was time to go, I reluctantly stood, once more embracing her. “I would like to know one thing before I go if you wouldn’t mind,” I asked.

She had a curious look in her eyes at the question, but told me to go ahead and ask her anything. So I did.

“How come you told me I could never fuck you?” I asked. I saw a sadness in her eyes as she momentarily turned away, and then looked me dead in the face again.

“Because I promised Jim the day we got married, that I would never, ever…fuck another man again. And I never have. And it’s the main reason I never really got involved with any other men either, because I knew that eventually in time, they would want to, and expect it.

But I come from the belief that a promise is a promise. Right or wrong. So that’s why being with you was so tender and so perfect, doing what we did. I guess technically, I got to bend the rules a little with you, all the while still keeping my word and my promise. So that’s why Jason. That’s why we never did, even though I wanted to,” She paused then looking at me. “Do you hate me for that?” She asked, with genuine concern in her eyes.

“Of course not,” I said. And though I didn’t perhaps understand the reasoning behind all this, I respected her for it. And told her so. We hugged, and even kissed once more, and then I walked away…never to see her again. I heard only that eventually she had moved to help care for a very ill sister. And then after that, lost any sort of contact with regards to her. I often wondered if any of the others who’d come after me had enjoyed what we’d shared together.

And then I remembered that day.

“Promise me that you’ll never tell anyone about any of this, and I promise you, that I won’t do this with anyone else either.”

I promised her I wouldn’t.

And then I realized, she’d made a promise to me as well. In a strange way, I really hoped that was a promise she’d never kept. But I had a feeling knowing her, that she did.

In time, after so many years in passing. I eventually did hear that Helen had passed away a few years back. I honestly hope she is truly happier now, and that she’s been joined again with the love of her life.

Though I will say, I’m not one to make promises to myself any more. They’re too damn hard to keep.


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